· Jul 31, 2024
Task Expired problem

Hi Guys,

Migrated our system from Ensemble 2014 to 2018 and but for some reason my tasks keep getting the attached error not sure why?


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· Dec 17, 2024
UDP Adapter not working


I am trying to work with UDP Connection/Adapter and I get this error.

ERREUR #5002: Erreur Cache: <WRITE>zSend+5^EnsLib.UDP.Common.1

Here is the method

Class TEMPLATE.BO.UDPSend Extends Ens.BusinessOperation

Parameter ADAPTER = "EnsLib.UDP.OutboundAdapter";

Property Adapter As EnsLib.UDP.OutboundAdapter;

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0 92

I have an SQL table as below (columns - ID and Value)

I will get an ID number (first column) as an input from FTP inbound , and after that I have to query table taking ID as an input to get all the values for the ID

as -

if ID = 11 ; QRY output = aaa,bbb

if ID = 22 ; QRY output = xxx,yyy,zzz

can someone help me with query

ID Value
11 aaa
22 xxx
22 yyy
11 bbb
22 zzz

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0 89

I am creating a new HL7 DTL item. I put the from as HL7 and the to as XML, hence, those Ens classes were loaded into the new DTL. However, on the map screen, both the left and the right column only show 'source' and 'target', and no other fields. I pictured that when I included these classes, both columns would pull the corresponding 'schema' to show all the to/from fields, but, they did not. Is that right?

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0 86
· Sep 21, 2024
fileName in an FTP out

Hi All ,

I would like to add session ID to the fileName in an FTP out pass thru business operation.
How can I do that ?

<Setting Target="Host" Name="Filename">SessionID_%f_%Q.txt</Setting>

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0 84

Hi guys,

Does anyone know what this error message mean, we are trying to save records to My.Package.List
class and sometimes we get this error message at first but when I try to save the same record again from the Terminal it does save fine?

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0 80
· Jan 2
Nested queries

Hi Guys,

This Nested query is not working for some reason, but they work fine when executing separately ?

select id from FDRD_Com.List where vehicle in (select Car from FDRD_Com.Prod where ProductLineName='Toyota' and Car is not null)


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· Sep 18, 2024
Changing JSON component

Hi Guys,

I'm using the following to display JSON content in an areatextbox, but I would like to change a value in my JSON before displaying it in my areabox?

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0 75

I have a business process that adds data to a global variable on receipt of an HL7 message, and a scheduled task that executes a class method defined within the same business process that removes data from the same global variable. With this in mind it makes sense to consider concurrency and therefore make use of the LOCK command.

My first question is whether this is actually necessary?

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0 74

We are doing healthcare interface development.

Developers have Ensemble installed locally on their laptops - code will be developed locally then deployed to integration, test/UAT and ultimately production servers in due course.

One of the other applications we are developing around happens to utilise an Iris desktop client to a remote Iris server. We want to have the application available on the developers laptops alongside the local Ensemble instance.

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0 69

Please, we would need your help 🙂:

In a development environment, we have added quite a few presentation contexts to the DICOM configurations (the associations). We would need to find a way to export them from this environment to make it easier for us to import them in PRO (and avoid doing it by hand one by one).

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0 53

Hi Guys,

Given that Analyst property is defined as class object I'm getting the Analyst ID in the below dataBinding, but I'm looking to display the Analyst name, I tried using dataBinding="Analyst->Name" but no luck, I got the same issue when binding to dataCombo or comboBox ?

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0 51

Is it possible to generate INFO level logging events from within a routing rule?

TRACE level events and debugging are easy enough, but we have a case where we have a rule where we want to log messages that are not routed for further processing in the event log as INFO events - in production tracing will be turned off, so TRACE level events won't be visible.

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