· Jan 15

Running Service production

Hi Guys,

how do I know that my service is running in a production, I've this receiving service and the as blow that says lost TCP then closing TCP connection, then last one says ConfigItem starting job, and in the Jobs tab it says Listing. 


The issue that I've set a debugging line at the very beginning to see if it does execute and so far it didn't so does it mean my service is not running or maybe that the send party haven't send anything yet 



Product version: Ensemble 2018.1
Discussion (1)2
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To me it looks that the remote system ( it's connecting and then disconnect before sending any data.
Maybe setting Archive IO can provide some hint, but I'm not sure what happen with Archive IO when no data is received, like seems in this case.

I would try to test/connect using something like Postman and see if it works as expected.

Please note that %GlobalCharacterStream class in deprecated in favor of %Stream.GlobalCharacter class.

I'm puzzled by the line:

That method convert an object to a stream, but in fact you are passing a stream and it seems you expect it returns an object.

Also note that this two lines:

don't do anything, you can safely remove them.