· Jan 29, 2022
Calling Python Class Methods


What is the Python syntax I can use from a ClassMethod (developed in an IRIS using embedded Python), in order to invoke another class method,

- in the same class; and

- in another class.

I see 'self' is synonymous to use $this (..) in ObjectScript, but these are ClassMethods I am invoking, and self did not seem to work.

thanks - Steve

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Hi all,
I am trying to execute a query like the below code.
set statement = ##class(%ResultSet).%New("some_class:query_method"). // here query method is empty and with rowspec some columname


I want to fetch data type of column value returned from above. eg - Name - VARCHAR, amount - INTEGER etc.
How can I get it. Or if not possible directly. Is there any other way to validate or get datatype of values returned. Line we have type() in python3

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Hi All,

We're doing our first babysteps with embedded Python and IRIS with an interoperability solution. We want to convert a CSV file to an Excel xlt file.

As service we've got a EnsLib.File.PassthroughService which picks up a csv file

As operation we've got a EnsLib.File.PassthroughOperation which writes the Excel file.

In the middle:

We've created an Business Process with an %Stream.GlobalCharacter in the Request and a %Stream.GlobalCharacter in the Response.

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Hi developers!

Those who code IRIS solutions in VSCode using Docker often use the convenient ObjectScript menu, which contains links to Management Portal, Class Reference, Unittest portal, Productions, etc.

While drilling down to a Dev Container to code Embedded Python there is no such option, at least within my settings:

So I don't know how to connect to it.


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Hi folks!

How can I refer to a classmethod of the same class while coding another classmethod with Embedded python?

I know that I can call it with iris.cls(classname).MethodName(), but it's more cumbersome even comparing with ObjectScript, where I can call ..MethodName().

Compare ObjectScript:

do ..SetupGame()

and the same call in EmbeddedPython:



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For my Embedded Python ONLY demo package I need some user input.
Similar to ObjectScript

read "say somthing",reply

I use the Python equivalent

reply = input("say something")

And this works excellent without problems from Terminal or Doker console

with WebTermnial ObjectSscript works fine, but embedded Python fails badly.

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· Jul 28, 2023
IRISPIP Cryptodome C++ Error


I need AES ECB with PKSC7 padding for an interface.
Unfortunately, the %SYSTEM.Encryption.AESEncode cannot do this.

Therefore I wanted to include the following python lib.
PyCrptydome ->

We need to install the package offline on the system. So I downloaded it and put it in the MGR/Python/ directory.

However, when I try to install it, I get the following error message:

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Has anyone come across a good using Embedded Python to convert a Python List object to an IRIS %List object?

My use case is I want to open an SQL entry with an Objectscript class method, then pass some information from that row into a separate Python class method which will then create a Python List object, then have the Python class method return that list back to the Objectscript class method in such a way that the Python List can be converted to an IRIS %List object for me to then use in the Objectscript code.

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I'm currently facing an issue with a Python script in my IRISHealth environment and would appreciate your insights.

I've written a class method, `getTokenCount`, in Python, which uses the `tiktoken` module. However, when I run the script in the terminal using `do ##class(python.openaiUtils).getTokenCount("")`, I encounter the following error:

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I copied a 5 MB messages.log file to AWS where I have iris-log-viewer app deployed. I ran the test to see how it takes in IRIS code to import the lines into a persistent table:

IRISAPP>set m5mb="/home/irisowner/irisdev/messages.old_20221231.log"


IRISAPP>do ##class(otw.log.irislogreader).Test1(m5mb)
Test1 begins at 02/05/2023 12:49:30
Test1 ends at 02/05/2023 12:49:34
Test1 execution time: 3.500789

select count(*) from otw_log.Log


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