This topic unites posts which describe approaches, tools, and solutions to import and export data into InterSystems IRIS and other InterSystems Data platform products: CSV, JSON, SQL, flat files, binary files, globals, streams, etc.
Hi! I am trying to export Cache data to my SQL database and am trying to export the schema as well.
The Data Export wizard on the Management Portal only allows me to export the data but not the schema. Is there anyway to get the schema exported as well?
As the title suggests, I would like to programmatically export each HL7 schema category as XML, either as a stream object or to a file. How would I go about doing this?
As the title suggests, I would like to programmatically export each individual data lookup table as XML, either as a stream object or to a file. How would I go about doing this?
We have successfully configured the Patient Index and are now looking to bring it to upper environments. Our plan is to export the Linkage Definition and import it into higher environments to avoid any manual work. However, I am having trouble finding an export option in the Linkage Definition Designer and locating the globals that hold this setup.
I would greatly appreciate any tips or guidance on how to export/import the Patient Index configuration between environments.
I am exporting data from Cache using the SQL export wizard. This is on a docker image of Cache hosted on a Linux server.
I select my database, schema, and table, make sure that all columns are being exported, check other settings, and then finish the export.
All server settings look correct and permissions are rwe on the directory. I have tried various directories, including a system level directory. I tried creating the file before I do the export in case there was an issue with creating the files, and I also made sure the created files had rwe permisisons.
Is it planned that LOAD DATA takes into account several DATE/DATETIME formats with, for example, a parameter indicating the format used in the source data?
example :
LOAD DATA .../...
"from": {
"file": {
"dateformat": "DD/MM/YYYY"
I'm trying exported a project from version '2012.5' to '2018.1.4' but is returning ERROR #7602. Please, could you help me. How can I do it? Below is steps that I did:
We are retiring a hosted application for an electronic health care records (EHR) system which stored the data on Cache for UNIX (Red Hat Enterprise Linux for x86-64) 2017.2.2 (Build 867_4_20245) Thu Oct 8 2020 16:58:40 EDT. The hosting company is providing me with a single CBK file. I need to install a database system to restore the database and provide occasional SQL access for reports when necessary. I'll need to maintain access to the data for an approximately 10 year retention period. Not sure how to approach restoring this old of a database and eventually upgrading it to a newer re
I want to move a development IRIS for Health database to another server. I will do this manually for specific reasons. If I simply copy the /mgr folder along with all the files (.DAT, .GBK, etc.) and configure it in the new server, will it work?
I am trying to load all the data tables from one iris server to a client server but some of the tables data failing to load all the time. But I can load around 100 tables successfully but 8 to 10 tables are failing all the time. I made an IRIS odbc connection using odbc driver to load the data from tables.
Also I can see read server loop error message on the iris server side as the same time the table loading fails.
Please find the screen shot attached which shows the error on client server.
It can sometimes be useful to list or export all of the subclasses that are derived, directly or indirectly, from a given class. In Studio, the Class -> Derived Classes menu option will show such a list, but I'm not aware of a built-in API for programmatically exporting their source code.
Exported contents of a namespace on one server (classes, include files and lookup tables). Importing that code into a newly created namespace on another server. Both servers Ensemble 2018.1, same build. Export was via InterSystems Studio. Export is around 18Mb in total (XML file sizes).
When importing and compiling on the new server, getting errors as below - with #6301: SAX XML Parser error prominent - on a number of the imported files, all containing data transformations or business processes.
Is there a command that will loop through the flat files of a given Linux/Unix folder? I can write the code to open and read each file. But the file names are unknown. I am looking for a way to access each file given a named Linux folder. The files have differing structures so a record map will not work.
Thank you for reading and thank you even more for answering!
Is there a way to read JSON and transform it (in DTL) by using a VDOC of this JSON (without transform it to internal message) like I can do with HL7 or XML?
If it possible, I guess that I should have a schema of the JSON so the second question is how to build a schema for JSON and load it to the IRIS?
In terms of general through-put design and long term support, I'm considering what would be a "best approach" for needing to create multiple batch files in a few different layouts from the same data-sets.
I'm writing an import Routine to read files into a global. The code is working fine except for the 'Delete' command. The files are being imported, copied but not deleted. Maybe someone has an Idea what ist happening.
I get the low level return value of -32 but i couldn't find anywhere to show me what that actually means. And my Caché version doesn't support the $ZU command.