Hi Community,

In this article I will demonstrate below steps to add Interactive map and visualize geographic data to web application:

  • Step1 : Install Application
  • Step2 : Create CSP Page
  • Step3 : Extend dc.IrisGeoMap.Folium class
  • Step4 : Invoke DrawGeoDetails() Method

So Let us start.

Step1 : Install Application

First of all we need to install iris-geo-map application by using ZPM

zpm "install iris-geo-map"

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· Jan 19, 2023
CSP Page error

First of all thank you for your time in reading this question and writing a response,

We would need some help, I have created a csp page, but the first time I access it, it gives me this error:

5918 You are logged out, and can no longer perform that action

When I refresh the page, it works ... Why?

Thank you in advance!

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I have a CSP page that throw a "414 error - Request-URI Too Long" when I put lot of text (eg : 10000 characters) into a field of a submitted form. The form is submitted using POST method.

Based on some experiments I made, it seems the max size of a URL is around 8200 characters.

What is the official limit, and is there a way to increase it ? I searched in the documentation but couldn't find anything.

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Is there a way for web application to set its session timeout value according to the user role or other criteria?

In this case, I have a custom production monitor page, and I want to set 5 minutes for most users but allow managers a longer time or those displaying pages on a monitor a longer time.

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Hi -

I'm looking for some help in getting an OS level application on my server to startup from a csp page and I'm just missing something.

I have a routine (and I've tried the same code from an instance method, with the same results) that will launch an application at the OS level using the $zf(-100,keywords,program,parms) from a terminal session, but it won't/doesn't seem to work when I call the code from a #server() call from my webpage. I don't know if there is some combination of keywords or perhaps a different version of the $zf() call that should/would work.

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Over time I have created an house-automation solution based on IRIS:
90% of my code is pure ObjectScript, with the most recent 10% being the use of Python libraries for specific tasks.
All of the above being terminal based up to now.

I would like to expose some configuration options / parameters via a very simple web page, to be serviced with the IRIS private web service (so I don't want to use an external Webserver just for this..)

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What are other's thoughts, opinions and experiences going from CSP to RESTful services, specifically when it comes to reusing code in CSP files?

One could define a method in CSP as follows:

<script language="cache" method="SubmitSomethingAwesome" arguments="aswesomeId:%Numeric">

And it's generated in csp.mycsppage.cls ascsp.mycsppage.SubmitSomethingAwesome(awesomeId as %Numeric).

Have people had success defining there rest call by calling the generated CSP classmethod?

Things that work well I've found:

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· Jul 10, 2022
login failure

I am still working on iris-for-money app: https://github.com/oliverwilms/iris-for-money

Account.csp posts a rest call with _SYSTEM username and the password.

xhttp.open("POST", "/restapi/sql/" + query, true,"_SYSTEM","SYS");

/restapi web application has Password Authentication Method enabled.

SYS is the correct password for _SYSTEM user.

I do not understand why I see login failure in Audit database.

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· Dec 12, 2016 3m read
Generate and Validate Captcha Code

Suppose you have developed your own web app with InterSystems technologies stack and now want to perform a captcha validation on the client side in order to determine whether or not the user is human and make it safer. There are some modern frameworks to address the captcha issue, however most part of them needs internet access to generate codes and sometimes are complex to implement. Take this as basic example considering that image recognition has gotten too good. That's why you nowadays you tend to see more pattern recognition captchas than mere reading ones. (I.e.

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Hi all!

I'm currently trying to find out how to have one Web Gateway route to multiple servers Management Portal. The only thing that I have come up with so far is to potentially make different routes per server?

I have a development, test, and production server and I want to use the same Gateway server using IIS to do SSL/TLS encryption for the CSP pages.

Any ideas or recommendations to pull this off?

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Hi there,

I'm passing a JSON object to the server as such:


From the client:

- Build object


-pass to server side method as %String

On the server:

s object={}.FromJSON(object)

Instead of getting something like

object=<OBJECT REFERENCE>[2@%Library.DynamicObject]

I get


I can't access that object using %Get as if says invalid OREF.

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Hi Community,

This post is a introduction of my open exchange iris-fhir-client application.

iris-fhir-client can connect to any open FHIR Server by using embedded python with the help of fhirpy Library.
Get Resource information by terminal and by using CSP web application.

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· Nov 1, 2021
Cloudflare and CSP


Has anyone experienced any issues when using Cloudflare in front of a csp application?

I keep getting 502 errors when Cloudflare is active?

Strangely, the SMP works but only if I remove the trailing question mark from the url but it doesn't resolve the issue when I try any other csp application URL's.

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ZPM is a great tool.
You can compose a large WebApplication following the existing examples.
But differently, to Classes, Routines, Macros, or Globals I found no direct way
to deploy a few additional CSP pages directly into an existing Namespace
without touching the existing content.

A side issue was to find a solution that is independent of WIN or Linux directories.

My solution acts in 2 steps

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