Recently I needed a classmethod that returns annotation value based on a name of a activity.

As doing it at runtime seemed inefficient, I wrote compile-time utility that iterates over all business process activities and generates relevant code.

This code could be used in a variety of situations when you need to iterate over business process activities, just add it as a secondary superclass to your BPL processes.

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Hi, community!

Consider you need to exclude substring(s) from a string.

I did it with the following snippet:

/// excludes all the substrings from the string
ClassMethod ExcludeSubstring(substr,str as %String) As %String


 while ($L(str,substr)>1) {

 set str=$Piece(str,substr)_$Piece(str,substr,2,*)


 quit str


So, for example:

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First of all, thanks for your help, and time, reading this questions, and answering to this doubt.

We have the following use case: to convert a HL7 ER7 ORU_R01 v2.5 message, to a Ens.Request Message which represent it with a custom data structure (each segment is a group of Properties).

To be more precise, the target Ens.Request Message's structure looks like:

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This is a series of programming challenges for beginners and experienced Caché programmers.

For an introduction : goto to article

The challenge of day 5 is to calculate a password of 8 characters by finding the MD5 hash of the input and an increasing integer index.
The password is constructed by taking the 6th character of the first 8 hashes that start with 5 zeroes (in hex representation).

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0 407

First of all thanks for your help and time

We would need to find inside PID:3 which one meets the following condition:

PID 3.4.1 = "CAC" and PID 3.5 = "JHN"

We have been investigating how could we do it

We have achieved to get single fields in a call request as follows:



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First of all thanks for your time to read and reply,

We would need some help,

We have an ORM_O01 which has a NTE.3 with a Line Feed

Our Process converts the XML to ER7 using the ITB as follows:

set context.mensajeHL7 = ##class(ITB.HL7.Util.Convert).XMLToER7(hl7,.tSC,"2.5")

When we show the ER7 we observe:

INTE|1||Psa libre\X0A\ Indice psa

We have thought about the following solution, where mensajeXML is the XML representation of the ER7 shown:

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0 393

First of all thanks for your help.

We have developed a REST Operation. We wonder how could we face that String do have a character limit.

We just need to convert httpRequest.HttpResponse , which is a stream , because $isobject(response.Data) returns 1; which has a JSON inside it, and we need to convert it to a Ens.Response.

This response is structured as same as the JSON's properties:

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I've seen a few password change posts, but I wasn't 100% sure it was the same process, so I am asking here. We periodically have to change the passwords for a few Cache user accounts across several servers. Is there a process/script to change these passwords without having to go into the web portal on each server? Thanks so much, and I apologize if this was covered in some of the other articles that I've run across. Just looking for the best method.

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0 384

This is a series of programming challenges for beginners and experienced Caché programmers.

For an introduction : go to article

The challenge today is about some basic cryptography : you will have to generate data for a one-time pad (OTP) (see for more info).

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FIrst of all thank you for your time in reading this question and writing a response,

We would need some help,

-> Our objective is to control which method is being used in the service: GET POST PUT

We have tried to understand the example REST Service: Demo.REST.DirectoryService

After that we have tried to create our own custom rest service,

please take a few minutes to examine the following code:

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0 367

This is a series of programming challenges for beginners and experienced Caché programmers.

For an introduction : go to article

Today's challenge is a variation on the White Elephant gift exchange (, in this case, by a bunch of Elves where only one can have all gifts.

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0 379

This is a series of programming challenges for beginners and experienced Caché programmers.

For an introduction : go to article

In today's challenge, you have to execute instructions that control how bots are handling microchips.

The input contain instructions that can be something like this :

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0 353

This is a series of programming challenges for beginners and experienced Caché programmers.

For an introduction : go to article

The challenge of day 21 is about scrambling passwords.

There are a few functions you need to implement that will do operations on a string :

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0 365

Hi Team,

I have a requirement to delete the Ensemble interfaces , as per User request. I would like to write a routine for that and once I execute, it should remove the interface components through code.
Could you please provide code samples for the following actions ?

  • Deleting an individual rule from a rule class
  • Deleting a class from Ensemble
  • Deleting a Host (Service/Operation/Process) from the Production.

Appreciate the help.



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We have a yummy dataset with recipes written by multiple Reddit users, however most of the information is free text as the title or description of a post. Let's find out how we can very easily load the dataset, extract some features and analyze it using features from OpenAI large language model within Embedded Python and the Langchain framework.

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· Mar 2, 2023
Code Golf: Isogram

It's time for a Code Golf round!


A word or phrase that has no repeating letters, consecutive or non-consecutive.

Implement a method that checks if the received string is an isogram or not.
Assume the empty string is an isogram.
Ignore the letter case.

Allowed inputs: A-Z, a-z.

As usual, the shortest solution wins!

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