
Link: https://demo.cachequality.com

In this presentation, developer oriented, we will cover this tool, how it works, how you can use it/administer it, etc. Duration 30 minutes.

The topics will include:

  • a short presentation of Caché Quality and SonarQube (which this plugin uses),
  • a demonstration of the rules and how to tailor them to your need.

Questions will be more than welcome! Hope to see you there!

And a big thanks to Evgeny Shvarov who made this possible!

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· Apr 8, 2016 1m read
2016.2 Field Test Kit 2016.2.0.632.0

I am pleased to announce the next 2016.2 field test kit, 2016.2.0.632.0.

Since I haven’t sent an update to this thread in a while it should come as no surprise that there have been quite a few changes since I wrote about build 609. In fact, there have been over 175 changes in 50 different areas, with the majority of changes in:

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Presenter: Saurav Gupta
Task: Provide customized authentication support for biometrics, smart cards, etc.
Approach: Provide code samples and concept examples to illustrate various custom authentication mechanisms

Description: In this session we will discuss customized way to solve various authentication mechanism and show case some sample code.

Problem: Using custom Authentication mechanism to support devices like biometrics, smart cards, or create an authentication front end for existing applications.

Solution: Code samples and concept examples.

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here.

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Presenter: Anton Umnikov
Task: Run SQL queries quickly on huge amounts of data
Approach: Use a shared-nothing architecture to leverage a cluster of small, cost-effective servers

Explains how a shared nothing architecture allows you to leverage a cluster of small, costeffective servers to serve query results that would have taken much longer on a single, big and expensive box. This brings affordable horizontal scalability.

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here.

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Presenter: Ray Fucillo
Task: Provide high availability (HA) and disaster recovery (DR) in diverse architectures that demand high performance, including replication over long distances
Approach: Give examples of mirror architectures in disparate environments, including geographically separated systems. Discuss performance considerations and advances in InterSystems’ mirroring technology

In this session you will learn about deploying Mirroring to provide HA and DR in diverse architectures that demand high performance and throughput. Challenges and solutions to achieving high throughput will be covered along with mirror architectures that involve long distances and disparate environments.

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here.

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Presenter: Jeff Semmens
Task: Model and access data as objects in .NET without designing the database first
Approach: Use InterSystems Entity Framework

Description: Come and experience how you can design your database model in .NET and evolve it over time by leveraging the Entity Framework.

Problem: Current bindings require database-first design. I cannot design my model in .NET.

Solution: The Entity Framework is an object-relational mapping framework that allows data-oriented applications to model and access their data as objects in .NET. Database- first is still supported but will fade away in future releases.

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here.

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Presenter: Paul Dayan
Task: Upgrade with minimal downtime
Approach: Provide examples of planning minimal-downtime upgrades from a variety of starting scenarios

When upgrading Caché, Ensemble or your application on your business-critical system, you want zero or minimum downtime. This session explores the problems and options when upgrading, and how mirroring can reduce or eliminate business disruption, with practical steps and a demonstration.

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here.

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Presenter: Murray Oldfield
Task: Avoid bottlenecks caused by scaling up, before they become a problem
Approach: Discuss what operating system and InterSystems metrics you should look at and how to interpret them

Systems behave differently when database activity scales up. In the worst case, bottlenecks appear and users are impacted. This session shows you which operating system and InterSystems metrics you should be looking at and how to interpret them so you can head off bottlenecks before they impact users. This sessions also shows strategies for planning infrastructure taking into consideration InterSystems' data platforms requirements.

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here.

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Presenter: Murray Oldfield
Task: Deploy applications based on InterSystems’ technology using VMware.
Approach: Provide a checklist of factors to consider, particularly when deploying a production database application that requires high availability

Are you ready to deploy your applications on a virtualized architecture? This talk will highlight what you need to plan and do when deploying applications built on ISC data platforms using VMware. Special focus on what you need to know when planning for highly available (HA) production database applications.

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here.

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· Apr 4, 2016 1m read
2015.2.3 Maintenance Release

I am pleased to announce that Caché and Ensemble 2015.2.3 are now available as maintenance releases.
For a complete list of the corrections in 2015.2.3, please review the release notes.

Caché and Ensemble 2015.2.3 are available now for the same platforms as 2015.2.2

The complete set of supported platforms, including specific point releases and/or patches, is detailed in the Supported Platforms document.

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Hi all,

I've been looking for a way to extract the sorting from the ^CacheTemp.zenData global that contain the tablePane snapshot data in order to use it on a report following the current UI sorting criteria.

I could see that if the column is sorted by one column, new entries with this structure are created:


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I have been experimenting with the creation of a set of REST services for an app. The basic GET operation is set to create a %ZEN.proxyObject instance, and then set an instance of a Persistant class as a property, which gives me all of the values I want to return. However, it also gives me some values that I don't want to return over REST (because they are both private, and large registered objects which will bog down performance)

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For debugging purposes I sometimes need to display stack information to the current device or save it (to a global for example).

There is this snippet offered in documentation:

ClassMethod StackToDisplay()
    For loop = 0:1:$Stack(-1) {
        Write !, "Context level:", loop, ?25, "Context type: ", $Stack(loop)
        Write !, ?5, "Current place: ", $Stack(loop, "PLACE")
        Write !, ?5, "Current source: ", $Stack(loop, "MCODE")
        Write !

And to save stack to a global there's always an exception method:

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· Feb 19, 2016 2m read
Simple $system.Event examples

The attached file contains two $system.Event examples that processes work asynchronously using persistent queues:


This is a very basic example that creates some worker processes and then enqueue messages to them using $system.Event.

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1 1.1K
· Jan 25, 2016 1m read
2016.2 Field Test

I am pleased to announce the field test of Caché and Ensemble 2016.2 - an exciting new release with improvements on many different fronts.

The entire product team at InterSystems looks forward to your participation in the field test and feedback over the coming months.

Some of the more profound changes in 2016.2 include:

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We use iKnow's GetSimilar for decision making. Right now we have a domain with both good and bad documents and using GetSimilar we want to see if a document is more similar to the good ones or the bad ones. To do this we simply compare the weighted average of the score from the good ones and the bad ones that GetSimilar returns.

The problem is that GetSimilar doesn't always return the score to all other documents. Assuming we have 50 documents I would expect the following result:

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If you are waiting for the Kindle Edition of Caché and MUMPS – Part II, I must apologize. I believed what others told me that once I have a book manuscript, the Kindle manuscript will be easy. Being a programmer I should have remembered: "never assume anything." The conversion to Kindle is proving a much bigger task than I thought. But don't lose heart, I am working full time on it. I have as my goal before May 1st. But, then again, you know what they say about goals. ;) - - Paul Mike Kadow

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· Mar 22, 2016
How does Zlogin work

Hi Community: I have a legacy Caché based app that has Zlogin or %Zlogin routine. I understand that such routine will be invoked as soon as the user logs in. Can someone tell me where to find such routine? The namespace where the user connects to? Or in CACHESYS? Thanks, HT

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InterSystems Official
· Jan 27, 2016 1m read
OpenSSL 1.0.2

At the end of this year support for OpenSSL 1.0.1 will end. InterSystems has started the process to move to OpenSSL 1.0.2 and use the 1/28/2016 release (1.0.2f) for verification and product inclusion. I will update this post once InterSystems decided which versions will receive support for OpenSSL 1.0.2.

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