
I am trying to figure out if we can extend a business process in IRIS. My Use Case is that I am developing RESTful Interfaces and my each REST Interface needs to go through certain processes before getting to the actual action.

e.g. I have 2 REST Interfaces, GetPatient and GetEncounter. Both of these need to invoke "GetToken" Business Operation to go to the Authentication server to get an authentication token before they go ahead and hit the Business Operation to Get the data i.e. Patient or Encounter.

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Does anyone know how to disable the auto-refresh in Healthshare, especially for Message viewer , Business process designer, DTL editor pages?

These pages in management portal refresh every 15min( i.e. as per the session time out setting) . I tried to set the following two configs to disable the auto refresh but both had no impact.

set ^EnsPortal("DisableInactivityTimeout","Portal") = 1
set ^%SYS("Portal","EnableAutoRefresh") = 1

Thank you for your help.


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· Jan 20, 2021
Multiple Threads In Operations

I have a BPL that calls a business service (actually does lots of other things unrelated to my question). We receive an acknowledgement back containing data that is processed in the BPL and sent to the source system. The process of sending to our downstream system "A" and receiving the response takes about 20 seconds per transaction (very slow on system A's side). Due to this slowness, we end up with a backlog close to 1000 messages by the end of the workday.

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· Jan 13, 2021
Handling Errors

I have a case where our EMR is sending data, but not all the values needed for the Ancillary are valued properly and causes that message to error/halt processing on the Ancillary system, not ideal but its what they do. I would expect them to still process the message except that 1 field, but they don't.

I want to add validation to make sure certain fields are valued correctly for the Vendor.

So I add some statements to take those items that don't pass this validation out to a batch file with headers.

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I have a case where I need to look up the NPI provider against an External MS SQL database to retrieve our Provider Identifier to send to a downstream system. In the past I would use a Business Process (BPL) to connect to the outside MS SQL via JDBC and get that information for me. But I was thinking instead of creating a BPL process to do this, would it be better just to link to the outside MS SQL database table to retrieve the information in a SQL statement within a DTL?

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We are trying to convert some of our SQL Service Integration Service jobs from Visual Studio to Ensemble. If we execute a Stored Procedure within SQL Server Management Studio it is returning approx 12,000 rows. However when Ensemble executes the same Stored Procedure it is only returning 250 rows.

Is there a limitation to EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot?

This is how we are calling the Stored procedure

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Did anyone run into this error when stopping a Production from Ens.Director?

Ens.Director::StopProduction => ERROR <Ens>ErrProductionNotQuiescent: IRIS can not become quiescent

It happens sporadically when an automated unit test from a class that extends %UnitTest.TestProduction runs a test on a Business Process. I already increased the parameter MAXWAIT to 30 seconds, but the error still happens.

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We would need to know the Ens.Response SourceConfigName to identify which Operation has raised an exception.

We have tried:

$$$LOGINFO("..%Process.%PrimaryResponseHeader.SourceConfigName..: "_..%Process.%PrimaryResponseHeader.SourceConfigName) //It outputs an empty string
$$$LOGINFO("response.SourceConfigName: "_response.SourceConfigName) //It generates an exception

We would need to get from an Ens.Response which body is null, its SourceConfigName:

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I need to set and use some context variables in a transformation (written in DTL), but the code is manually written.

When writing the same as BPL I define context variables and they are visible in transformations called by that process.

In something like this my.DTLtransform sets HL7 message fields to values in context variables:

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We are developing a BP where we would need to call at the same time to get appointments in two external systems. So then, we would need two threads, one for primary care appointments, and other for specialist appointments . We need to paralelize both calls because of both of them require some time and we would need to shorten it as much as possible.

We are currently using a flow:

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· Feb 28, 2020
SQLCODE Error -400

I have a code block in a BPL. I have the below SQL and code. All variables have been declared and set. When I run the SQL, if there are no values returned, I get 100 for the value of SQLCODE when I perform the FETCH, which is correct. If values are returned, I get a -400 error when I perform the first FETCH. I've investigated, but cannot find the reason for a -400 error. Hoping someone out here understands this and knows what's wrong.

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0 1.7K
· Feb 6, 2020
Opening Files Within A BPL

I have two files that I ultimately need to combine. The first file contains data from a PO. The second file contains tracking information. What I thought about doing was create a BS that grabs the first file, loads it into a record map and transfers it to a BPL. Then, the BPL would open the second file where I would write code to load the file into a second record map and then insert the tracking information to the correct places in the first file based on PO line items.

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I am working on a BPL to take data from a MS SQL database and create an HL7 Materials Message for our EMR. I have done this plenty of times in the past however I am running into an error.

"Remote Gateway Error: JDBC Gateway SP execute(0) error 0: Access to the remote server is denied because no login-mapping exists."

What is confusing is that this BPL doesn't differ from any of my other BPLs in connecting to MS SQL Server. I know I am missing something..

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I am sending a request message to Business Process which has one property as Dynamic Object type. So i get the JSON in my REST service and convert that as a dynamic object and set that in the request message and calling the business process from the business service. But the request is not getting sent to the Business Process. Is it possible to send dynamic object input to the business process.

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I am trying to test an hl7 message inside studio and when I click on the test button I get this error:

"<FUNCTION>GetProp+2^%CDCalBk" at 9:51 am. $I=/dev/null:50333010 ($X=0 $Y=54) $J=50333010 $ZA=0 $ZB="" $ZS=65536 ($S=66023400)

I have never seen this before! Any suggestions?

Here a simple test message:

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0 306

Hi all, My first post. I hope I have created it correctly.

Our team is looking to increase the number of characters in our Ensemble 'Categories' for Services, Processes and operations.

We are doing this to better identify things like Vendor, Message type and integrated application names...

One of our team members thought his might increase processing overhead and a discussion ensued that was not resolved.

my thoughts...

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We have a BPL that returns in Response several %Strings, Dates. When we try to add Array of Objects property to the Response we verified just before the BPL terminates the response object has correct values in all properties including the array. We checked the Count(). It appears that even array of String works correctly but we prefer to pass objects rather than strings.

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