How could we get the SourceConfigName from a Ens.Response sent by an Operation to the BPL?
We would need to know the Ens.Response SourceConfigName to identify which Operation has raised an exception.
We have tried:
$$$LOGINFO("..%Process.%PrimaryResponseHeader.SourceConfigName..: "_..%Process.%PrimaryResponseHeader.SourceConfigName) //It outputs an empty string
$$$LOGINFO("response.SourceConfigName: "_response.SourceConfigName) //It generates an exception
We would need to get from an Ens.Response which body is null, its SourceConfigName:
How could we know it? 📛
This information is only in the Message Header, to relate the header with the message body use the properties MessageBodyId and MessageBodyClassName.
Inspired by Cristiano Silva's answer, we have found the following way to get the desired property: