Hello, I want to show a fellow DC member how to convert JSON file into HL7 message. I personally do not work with HL7. I set up a production with EnsLib.File.PassthroughService. It passes Ens.StreamContainer to BPL process. I call a DTL to transform StreamContainer to HL7 message. I run into an error:

ERROR <Ens>ErrBPTerminated: Terminating BP JSON2HL7 # due to error: ERROR #5035: General exception Name 'Parsing error' Code '3' Data ''
> ERROR #5035: General exception Name 'Parsing error' Code '3' Data ''

The code is in this GitHub repo:

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· Jun 2, 2017
Decoding Base64 PDF File

Hello, I am writing some cache code that will pick up a PDF file, Base64 encode the contents and then send on to a third party system within a Long String (via their API). I have been testing this and discovered that the PDFs do not open within the supplier system (I get an error saying that it hasn't been decoded correctly). I wanted to prove that the issue does not lie with the way that I have Base64 encoded it within Ensemble, and therefore as a test wanted to Encode the PDF stream, then decode the stream and write out to a new file.

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0 5.9K

Hello guys,

i try to call a Operation within 3 foreach loops.

When i try to do this, i always get the following error:

I dont get any Errpr when i log my request message at this time i want to call a operation.

Everything works and i get no error. But when i try to call the operation i get this error.

Then i tried to call a operation in the first Level (not in a ForeachLoop) it works.

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1 211

Hi community,

I am working on Converting Non HL7 message (Using record maps) into HL7 message.

1.Can anyone share few details how to save Non HL7 message into SQL table and the converted HL7 message into SQL table

2.In Message Viewer is there any SQL tables are linked to the session id or where the information regarding the message will be stored? Will the message trace details are stored in globals or in SQL table,If yes can anyone share the details in which tables or globals will it be stored?

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0 321

Was wondering if anyone had a simple way of calling ##class(Ens.Director).EnableConfigItem() within a Business Process or adding code to a Custom Service to start or stop the object?

The use case is that I have a Process that uploads a file into a external SQL table. When it is finished I want it to kick off another Service that does the processing of the data that it just uploaded. Once it is finished the response is sent back to the service and when the service receives the response from the process, I want to stop that service from running.


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· Nov 7, 2022

Hi Community,

I am working on sending Gmail with error details when any errors occurs in the ensemble production.

I am facing the below issues while doing it

1.I have Ens.Alert (Business process) using the class Ens.Alerting.AlertManager and Emailoperation (Business operation) using the class EnsLib.EMail.AlertOperation. here my business process is not sending the Alarm request to business operation eventhough i am using rule to connect the business operation

2.What are SMTP server details needs to given for Gmail?

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0 255

Hi ,

Still a newbie for ensemble, I am trying to convert XML message to HL7 Message. I am using Custom schema for XML structure which includes MSH and PID segments from HL7 Message.

These are the service, process, Operation classes i am using

Business service-EnsLib.EDI.XML.Service.FileService

Business Process-EnsLib.MsgRouter.RoutingEngine

Business operation -EnsLib.HL7.Operation.FileOperation

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I have a production that takes in an HL7 message thru a business service. The business service passes the incoming HL7 message to a business process that calls a transform to transform the HL7 message to a message class. After the transform is finished, the business process uses a code block to pass the object created by the transform to a method class that processes the data in the object. What would be the correct syntax for passing in the object to the class method?

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0 230

I am trying to use EnsLib.SQL.Operation.GenericOperation for retrieving (multiple) rows. But I am looking for a way to handing a StreamContainer returned by the operation, in my business process such as receiving it in the Context object and packing it to a request to call another business operation.

Does anyone have sample code to do this?


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0 212

I am using the EnsLib.File.PassthroughService class in the business service, this business service will accept a text file from a location and pass it through to the BPL as a stream. I have been trying to work with the BPL in the GUI and I have been reading the documentation and trying to get it to work but I can not I continue to get errors and I am not sure why.

I will attach the Photos of what I have been trying, I think there is a problem with my call action because when I try and trace the message the context of the file does not even make it to the business operation.

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0 261

I have a Business Service that reads a file from a folder and sends it as a string to a Business Process. In the business process, I need to add a string to the end of the file string that is coming into the Business Process. I am trying to do this in object script in studio and I am struggling to figure out how to add the string to the end of the other string. I am still new to studio and object script I have been reading up on the documentation and I am not sure what is the best way to accomplish this.

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0 263

Once a week we are attempting to load an XML file from Workday into a MS SQL table using JDBC and Store Procedures. There is approx 102999 records in this XML file. We are struggling with processing the entire file within a reason amount of time. We feed the XML through a BPL to then populate values in a stored procedure then call the stored procedure through a Business Operation. I have tried splitting out the Business Operations to make two calls, but we still continue to see an issue loading the XML into MS SQL.

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0 319

New to Health Connect so please forgive me if this is a stupid question! Is there a specific error code returned when a user initiates an abort from the jobs tab of the business host? I want to be able to treat the Abort as Completed due to our complex business process. Currently, hitting abort just retries the message to the same business operation. Want I want to do is provide the error code used by the Abort (if there is one) and treat it as OK

Thanks in advance.

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0 373

I have a handful of EnsLib.HL7.MessageRouter sending an HL7 message to a single Business Process (Ens.BusinessProcess).

In the OnRequest method, I am declaring pRequest as EnsLib.HL7.Message

What I need to do is determine which HL7 Router sent any given request to my BusinessProcess.

To do this, I know that I need to fetch the SourceConfigName property from the Ens.MessageHeader of the Request, but I am not sure how (or if) I can fetch this data from within the OnRequest Method.

Does anyone have any pointers?

Bill Casey

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While starting newly created production I am getting below error:

17:14:05.498:Ens.Director: ERROR <Ens>ErrProductionSuspendedMismatch: Production 'Training.NewProduction' was suspended, a new production of a different name can not be started.

Please note that I can start and stop 'Training.NewProduction' successfully but still the status of the Training.NewProduction' is suspended.


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0 315

I have a BPL Business process which always processes messages - mainly it waits for responses since downstream systems are seriously async.

I need to update this process.

Wwould the existing instances of this Business Process complete correctly after the update?

My BPL changes would result in:

  1. New S method in the Thread class
  2. New OnResponse method in the context class

Both changes are in the middle of the process, so there are S/OnResponse methods before and after my change.

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0 132

Hi! I am working on a project where I use record map to transform a flat file and split it into two output text file and in the future will need to split four output files.

I only want to use one target business operations instead of multiple. Is there a way to set the output file and the target folder path in my business process class?

Any advice on how I can achieve this or is this possible? Thanks!

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0 435


After cloning "http://github.com/intersystems/Samples-Integration-RedLights" sample code I imported sample production from /home/project/Samples-Integration-RedLights/data/EndStateProduction.xml file to my local system.

Now I am getting the error "ERROR #5021: Directory '\home\project\shared\Samples-Integration-RedLights\data\SampleFiles\' does not exist." in my service.

While modifying the Directory path I am getting below error :

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0 372

Hello All,

I am exploring Ens.Alert to generate alerts for Server exceptions.

I noticed that in the business operation, if you have your code inside try/catch and if your catch doesn't explicitly invoke $$$systemerror then Ens.Alert is not invoked.

Similarly, in the Business process if you have <catchall> then Ens.Alert is not invoked on error. How can I invoke Ens.Alert from <catchall> ?

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0 228

I am calling a business rule from one of my business processes and I noticed that when the business rule reports an error that the business process calling that rule just stops without any errors. Resultingly it fails to trigger the scope - catch-all construction that is surrounding the business rule. I know that it is possible to view the errors in business rules in the business rules log, but I really like to push an error message to Ens.Alert or something similar when my business rules report an error. How do I achieve that?

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0 318

Hi, I think it's a simple question this at the end of something fairly complex

I've a DTL to go to a target class in context

I get the error CLASS DOES NOT callrequest=##class(context.ConnectDocumentRequest).%New()'

I attempted to add code to initate the context with

set context.ConnectDocumentRequest =##class(Penn.EDT.Messages.ConnectDocumentRequest).%New()

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0 258

I'm looking for a way to get the message header ID for the current message in a Request to a Business Process.

I've located some code that gives me what I need, but it runs the risk of violating the "abstraction layer" ISC has in place around such things. And while I very much appreciate their efforts at keeping things simple for me ... well, sometimes you just have to dig through the guts to get what you want.

Is there a documented, deprecation-resistant method for getting at %Ensemble("%Process").%PrimaryRequestHeader.%Id() from within a BP?

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