Trying my first REST call operation to our internal EMR (Epic) server, and I am receiving "ERROR #6097: Error '<READ>Read+28^%Net.HttpRequest.1' while using TCP/IP device '9999'" when I attempt to test my operation. When I look up the General Error Messages for 6097 I am seeing...Error '%1' while using TCP/IP device $zu(189,1)='%2'. What does this mean?

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0 648

I have a question about using OnInit() within a Ens.BusinessOperation.

When you include OnInit(), does OnInit() only execute when you start a Business Operation? Or does it execute OnInit () every time you send a REST request to the operation. I am trying to pinpoint when the best time is to execute the POST command to get the Token

I am needing to get a Bearer Token from a REST POST call and return the Authorization key prior to making the rest of the REST calls to pull down data.

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0 148
· Apr 14, 2016
HL7 to Quadramed


IHAC who is trying to connect Ensemble to Quadramed for HL7 messaging, however, it seems that in order to do this, the following is required:

"we open a passive connection to Quadramed and then listen for a connection request from Quadramed, once this is established we then send messages"

Has anyone done this before? Is this possible with the standard HL7 components?



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0 396

Hi I'm hoping the community will once more help me out with a question!

Right I have a production that takes an attachment from an email and processes it, sending out a hl7 message at the end. This works ok.

Now I just need to take the email and send it back out to a 'backup' email address, basically giving
a) A backup incase there is a problem with the email or something else further down the line.
b) A log of the emails receieved.

So I thought the best thing to do is have an operation with an email adapter and to send that my message.

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0 775

In my production I receive an XLFO stream and I would like to pass that to the FOP pdf rendering engine to produce pdf files .So far in my research that can be achieved through ZEN .I would like to create an operation that will take advantage of that and be able to pass my XLFO stream to the operation and create pdf files I found something similar here but for some reasons I get errors like below if any one understands what they mean please advice or someone who had to do something sim

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0 594

I'm trying to tie IRIS (2019.1) into our Concord Fax cloud-based email-to-fax workflow. We have some sites that require a fax be sent to multiple locations based upon certain data (ie Radiology and Emergency departments). Unfortunately, CC-ing does not work with Concord Fax so I need a way to send the email, change the recipient, and then send it again if certain criteria are met. Is this possible? Do I need to duplicate and rename the method, calling the second one in the MessageMap?

Here's what my code currently looks like:

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0 238

What I can do:
Get a subset of HL7 messages.
Send the messages to a RecordMap (with key fields from the HL7 message).
Save each message to a file.

How can I send all messages until a set time (e.g. 9am each day) to single file?

In the period 09:00 1 Jan 2022 to 09:00 2 Jan 2022 there are say 50 messages to save to file: File001.txt
In the period 09:00 2 Jan 2022 to 09:00 3 Jan 2022 there are say 40 messages to save to file: File002.txt

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0 445


I have a EnsLib.HL7.Operation.FTPOperation that uses SFTP protocol and public/private key to connect to an external vendor moveitcloud.

Issue: The vendor is planning to enable Multi Factor Authentication for this file transfer account.

Question: Have you configured a SFTP operation to use Multi factor Authentication? If not, is there another way?

Thank you,

0 1
0 322

Hi Community,

Is there a way to call HL7 Data transformation directly from Business service without using Rule functionality in the production

In this scenario i need to call a data transformation in directly in business service and give the transformed message to Business operation

Please share if you have any ideas to implement this.


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0 157


I am wondering if there any mechanism available in the Healhtshare where send a request from the service to the operation without storing the Data on CACHE.DAT?

My company going to receive ADT's and CCDA's from an external source (Hospital), The incoming data will have two kinds of patients, our patients, and not our patients. We do not want to keep the data on our servers of those patients that do not belongs to our company due to HIPPA complaint

Looking forward to hearing great ideas from this community.

Thank you


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0 340

I have a process that I am trying to duplicate from SQL Integration Services (SSIS) into Ensemble so that the rest of my team can help support any issues that may happen.

This particular job creates multiple dictionary files, but for each one of the dictionary files it creates, it also creates a control file that tells the vendor what to process.

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0 459

Routing Rule Usage -

Can we use Functions and Methods with multiple parameters and refer objects by reference as parameters inside Routing rule ?

How do we handle DB related workflows in Business Rules ?
How can we perform Response object based handling in Business Rules ?
Can we try by extending methods with Ens.Util.FunctionSet and pass in the Context object from the rule as a parameter for certain functions ?
Can we split the Business Operations into methods that can be used from the routing rules and create the message route request flow ?

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0 480
· Oct 10, 2018
Reply Code Actions


We would like to retry message so that it's restored to end of operation's queue. This is in situation where order of messages is not needed to be handled by Ensemble, there is version number in message data and receiving application can ignore incoming message if necessary.

We would try to send message until it's accepted (or manually suspended), but this should not block operation's queue.

We have already this in actions:

D - Disable the Operation, log an error and restore the message to the front of the Operation's queue.

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0 824

I have several business operations that are all pointed to the same http server. Is there a way to set the http server within some sort of properties file or within the objectscript code? I want to be able to set the http server setting once rather than for every business operation. Any advice on how to go about doing this would be appreciated.

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0 249


I am working on Ensemble 2017.2.1 .
I need to export my security settings into an extern database, in order to make a report.

I've created a Business Operation with an SQL Adapter into a Namespace, but I don't know how to get every security data from "%SYS" Namespace ( SQLPrivileges , Resources , Roles , Services , Users ... ).

I dont't want to use the terminal and the ^SECURITY routine, because i don't want to store a XML file on the server.

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0 299

Hello everyone smiley

We are facing what seems to be a network problem while transferring HL7 messages from Ensemble/Healthshare to a distant target through TCP/IP.

Here is the version of the system in any case it could be useful: Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2017.2.1 (Build 801U) Wed Dec 6 2017 09:07:51 EST [HealthShare Modules:Core:14.02.2415 + Linkage Engine:15.03.9901]

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0 796

I am trying to figure out how to send a Page via a HTTP.OutboundAdapter to a URL from Ensemble.

We have a URL that I am able to pass PNo=xxxx%PMsg=xxxx as parameters to send the page to a pager.

When I send the above URL through a REST client I receive a Response of "SENT".

But when I try to send it through the HTTP.OutboundAdpater I do not get a response.

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0 241

I am trying to figure out how to loop through the EnsLib.LDAP.Message.Results to get all the attributes. From router I am passing EnsLib.LDAP.Messge.Search as the request param. Response is EnsLib.LDAP.Message.Results. I am invoking the EnsLib.LDAP.Messge.Search BO.

At the BP level, trying to figure out how to extract all the attributes for a EnsLib.LDAP.Message.results

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0 206

As I begin our adventure into using an External FHIR Repository, I wanted to see what opinions people have about a design Idea I was working on.

I want to create a way that my Team has the ability to send a Message Type, and the system knows from that Message Type which FHIR queries to execute and return the Response back to the user, sort of like a FHIR Query Hub. Does this sound reasonable?

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