· Aug 19 4m read
Accessing Azure Blob Storage

Accessing an Azure cloud storage to upload/download blobs is quite easy using the designated %Net.Cloud.Storage.Client class API methods, or using the EnsLib.CloudStorage.* inbound/outbound adaptors.

Note that you'll need to have the %JavaServer External Language Server up and running to use the cloud storage API or adaptors, since they both use the PEX framework using the Java Server.

Here is a quick summary:

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Suppose you have an application that allows users to write posts and comment on them. (Wait... that sounds familiar...)

For a given user, you want to be able to list all of the published posts with which that user has interacted - that is, either authored or commented on. How do you make this as fast as possible?

Here's what our %Persistent class definitions might look like as a starting point (storage definitions are important, but omitted for brevity):

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Hi Community,

Play the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Introducing Managed Solution for Asset Management @ Global Summit 2023
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InterSystems Official
· Aug 16
InterSystems Platforms Update Q3-2024

Welcome to the Q3’2024 quarterly platforms update. We have some news on the AIX front to encourage better security, along with our usual round of OS version updates.

If you’re new to these updates, welcome! This update aims to share recent changes as well as our best current knowledge on upcoming changes, but predicting the future is tricky business and this shouldn’t be considered a committed roadmap.

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iris | [ERROR] Command "iris start IRIS quietly" exited with status 256
iris |
iris |
iris |
iris | *** Recovery started at Thu Aug 15 05:47:48 2024
iris | Current default directory: /usr/irissys/mgr
iris | Log file directory: /usr/irissys/mgr/
iris | WIJ file spec: /usr/irissys/mgr/IRIS.WIJ
iris | Recovering local (/usr/irissys/mgr/IRIS.WIJ) image journal file...
iris | Starting WIJ recovery for '/usr/irissys/mgr/IRIS.WIJ'.
iris | 0 blocks pending in this WIJ.
iris | Exiting with status 3 (Success)

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There are a lot of great community articles regarding "vector search on IRIS", and samples in OpenExchange. Everytime I see these, I'm so excited to know that so many developers already try vectors on IRIS!

But if you've not tried "Vector Search on IRIS" yet, please give me one minute 😄 I create one IRIS class - and with only one IRIS class you can see how you put vector data in your IRIS database and how you compare these in your application.

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

Temporary globals stored in the IRISTEMP/CACHETEMP databases are used when a process does not need to store data indefinitely, but requires the powerful performance of globals. The IRISTEMP/CACHETEMP databases are not journaled, so using temporary globals does not create journal files.

The system uses the IRISTEMP/CACHETEMP databases for temporary storage and are available to users for the same.

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Hi, Community!

Are you building generative AI applications? See how a retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) architecture can help:

Exploring the Benefits of RAG
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If anyone has experience debugging Embedded Python or has insight into why an ObjectScript method when called from a Python method would not work but would work when called directly via ObjectScript or in a Python shell, your help would be appreciated!

We have an ObjectScript ClassMethod called GetTemplateString() which takes in a templateName of String type and uses the template name to get the template object, access the Code, and read the code into a templateString. The string version of the Code is returned.

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I've more than 100 classes that are packed like CRD.Health.MyClass so I've defined the global mapping as CRD*, but now I would like to map some of the classes (CRD.Health.SomeClass) to different database so how can I exclude it from my current mapping to be in the new one because if I map it in the new database it will still conflict with the old mapping?


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Today we have an unusual code golf: build a program (using only printable ASCII characters, tabs and newlines) that prints out exactly the characters in the printable ASCII space (characters 32 to 126) that don't appear in your program's source code (in any order, however many times you want).

As usual, the goal is to produce the shortest code to do this.

My (admittedly not very good, but does the job!) entry:

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Hi Community,

Play the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

CommonWell Connection @ Global Summit 2023
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I'm trying to use the EnsLib.SQL.Operation.GenericOperation component in a production to read a column from a Redshift table that is set up as VARCHAR(65535) and am getting the following error.

An error was received : ERROR #5023: Remote Gateway Error: JDBC Gateway getClob(0,1) errorRemote JDBC error: Cannot convert the column of type VARCHAR to requested type long..

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· May 24 15m read

If you're running IRIS in a mirrored configuration for HA in GCP, the question of providing a Mirror VIP (Virtual IP) becomes relevant. Virtual IP offers a way for downstream systems to interact with IRIS using one IP address. Even when a failover happens, downstream systems can reconnect to the same IP address and continue working.

The main issue, when deploying to GCP, is that an IRIS VIP has a requirement of IRIS being essentially a network admin, per the docs.

To get HA, IRIS mirror members must be deployed to different availability zones in one subnet (which is possible in GCP as subnets always span the entire region). One of the solutions might be load balancers, but they, of course, cost extra, and you need to administrate them.

In this article, I would like to provide a way to configure a Mirror VIP without using Load Balancers suggested in most other GCP reference architectures.

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Ok, I am attempting to clarify the required use of the RESIZE command, when you have a UNIVERSE or a UNIDATA DB attached to Cache. Traditional UNIVERSE / UNIDATA databases 'require' that hashed files be re-sized according to historic use, to prevent file overflow (aka. performance issues). It is not clear if that requirement is fully eliminated by attaching one of these databases to Cache. It is clear that, if you do not allocate 'enough' space on Cache for the database 'as a whole', that is a problem.

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