InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 19,980 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

Hi Community!

We are excited to announce the first French technical article writing contest!

✍️ Technical Article Contest ✍️

This is the perfect opportunity for all InterSystems technology enthusiasts to share their knowledge and showcase their writing skills. No matter your experience level, everyone is welcome to participate. Articles can cover a wide range of technical topics related to InterSystems products or services. So, let your creativity and expertise run wild!

📅 Contest period: September 2-29, 2024

🎁 Gifts for all: a special gift is prepared for each participant!

🏅 Prizes for the authors of the best articles

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I am looking for an installation kit: CachePCkit_x64.exe for 64 bits Windows newer than 2015.1
I have had a computercrash and needed to install Caché all over again.
Unfortunately I only had the kit from 2013 and that had just one feature missing.
I always could do anything I had to do with Caché 2015,2 and I don't need anything else.
Could somebody help me?

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Good morning

We are looking for a Senior Database Manager for a contract position with a health agency. It's a two and a half year contract, fully remote.

Please review the opportunity by clicking the link below and if you qualify, please let me know if you are interested in speaking about the opportunity.

More info here:

Need to be based in the US and have work authorization.

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· Aug 19 4m read
Accessing Azure Blob Storage

Accessing an Azure cloud storage to upload/download blobs is quite easy using the designated %Net.Cloud.Storage.Client class API methods, or using the EnsLib.CloudStorage.* inbound/outbound adaptors.

Note that you'll need to have the %JavaServer External Language Server up and running to use the cloud storage API or adaptors, since they both use the PEX framework using the Java Server.

Here is a quick summary:

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Hello everyone,

I'm currently working on getting familiar with OAuth2, following this article. Since Part 2 involves using PKI, I decided to implement it as outlined in the article. However, I've run into an issue that I can't seem to resolve, and my searches on Google haven't yielded any useful results.

Here's a brief overview of what I've done so far:

Configuring the PKI Server:

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Dear All,

I am currently part of a team that is developing an application using Microsoft PowerApps as the front end and IRIS as the backend. Effectively that frontend screens, which are house and an Azure serve, call a series of REST interfaces exposed by IRIS from a physical Microsoft server. During the development stage we have not had any security in place but now we need to secure the application using a single sign on. PowerApps relies on Microsoft Entra for its security both LDAP and OAuth. Has anyone in the community connected IRIS to Microsoft Entra?

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Hello, I am total newbie when it comes to ObjectScript (just started going through the tutorial). We have a task where we have to update the port number for 75-100 items (say for half of the items in our production). Going through the documentation and other community posts it looks like we could utilize class method 'ApplySettings' in Ens.Production. But we are running into an issue. Below is what we currently have. When we hard code the item, it works. But, if we store the item in a variable and try it pass it through. Then it doesn't work. We are also not seeing an error. Is our

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Hi Community,

Play the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Introducing Managed Solution for Asset Management @ Global Summit 2023
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InterSystems Official
· Aug 16
InterSystems Platforms Update Q3-2024

Welcome to the Q3’2024 quarterly platforms update. We have some news on the AIX front to encourage better security, along with our usual round of OS version updates.

If you’re new to these updates, welcome! This update aims to share recent changes as well as our best current knowledge on upcoming changes, but predicting the future is tricky business and this shouldn’t be considered a committed roadmap.

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There are a lot of great community articles regarding "vector search on IRIS", and samples in OpenExchange. Everytime I see these, I'm so excited to know that so many developers already try vectors on IRIS!

But if you've not tried "Vector Search on IRIS" yet, please give me one minute 😄 I create one IRIS class - and with only one IRIS class you can see how you put vector data in your IRIS database and how you compare these in your application.

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iris | [ERROR] Command "iris start IRIS quietly" exited with status 256
iris |
iris |
iris |
iris | *** Recovery started at Thu Aug 15 05:47:48 2024
iris | Current default directory: /usr/irissys/mgr
iris | Log file directory: /usr/irissys/mgr/
iris | WIJ file spec: /usr/irissys/mgr/IRIS.WIJ
iris | Recovering local (/usr/irissys/mgr/IRIS.WIJ) image journal file...
iris | Starting WIJ recovery for '/usr/irissys/mgr/IRIS.WIJ'.
iris | 0 blocks pending in this WIJ.
iris | Exiting with status 3 (Success)

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

Temporary globals stored in the IRISTEMP/CACHETEMP databases are used when a process does not need to store data indefinitely, but requires the powerful performance of globals. The IRISTEMP/CACHETEMP databases are not journaled, so using temporary globals does not create journal files.

The system uses the IRISTEMP/CACHETEMP databases for temporary storage and are available to users for the same.

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Hi, Community!

Are you building generative AI applications? See how a retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) architecture can help:

Exploring the Benefits of RAG
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Hello every one, here in our company we are trying to develop a tool to help us in our "Code Review" that today is completely done for another developer.

So I need to develope a tool that reads a class/routine (Already done) and identify if in the current line there is some abbreviated command, that is against our policy of codification, for example:

s variable = "test"
d ..SomeMethod()

So in this cases I want to warn the original developer that the code has parts that need to change the "s" to "Set" and de "d" to "Do".

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If anyone has experience debugging Embedded Python or has insight into why an ObjectScript method when called from a Python method would not work but would work when called directly via ObjectScript or in a Python shell, your help would be appreciated!

We have an ObjectScript ClassMethod called GetTemplateString() which takes in a templateName of String type and uses the template name to get the template object, access the Code, and read the code into a templateString. The string version of the Code is returned.

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Hi Community,

Play the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

CommonWell Connection @ Global Summit 2023
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I've more than 100 classes that are packed like CRD.Health.MyClass so I've defined the global mapping as CRD*, but now I would like to map some of the classes (CRD.Health.SomeClass) to different database so how can I exclude it from my current mapping to be in the new one because if I map it in the new database it will still conflict with the old mapping?


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We've just started using Health Connect and I've found that a lot of the messages we get from our patient admin system (System C's CareFlow EPR) don't match the standard 2.3.1 schema (eg 2.3.1 ADT A02 message spec doesn't include NK1 segments, but the ones we receive do)

Does anyone have a custom schema they use for messages from CareFlow EPR that they'd be willing to share?

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Artificial intelligence (AI) has transformative potential for driving value and insights from data. As we progress toward a world where nearly every application will be AI-driven, developers building those applications will need the right tools to create experiences from these applications. Tools like vector search are essential for enabling efficient and accurate retrieval of relevant information from massive datasets when working with large language models.

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Hi Community,

Play the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

How Netsmart Moved to InterSystems IRIS in the Cloud @ Global Summit 2023
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