Hi All,

I use SQL function JSON_OBJECT to get data as a JSON object.

However, sometimes I get error with function JSON_OBJECT when values contain [, ], { or }.


[SQLCODE: <-400>:<Fatal error occurred>]

Unexpected error occurred in JSON_OBJECT() function execution of <JSON_OBJECT>.%FromJSON().Parsing error

For example,

Query: SELECT JSON_OBJECT('idSQL':id, 'content':content) FROM DocBook.block

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 20,426 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!
· Feb 14, 2017 1m read
Can you keep a secret?

If you are developing applications that use CSP or Zen, or potentially any of the other InterSystems web-related stuff that's built on top of CSP, then it's important to know how to keep one particular secret.

A central part of the CSP security architecture is a server-side session key. "Server-side" because its value should never be revealed to the client that is issuing the web requests. If it is revealed, a malicious client might be able to use it to bypass your security and make your server do things you don't want it to.

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InterSystems is pleased to announce the availability of the following maintenance releases:

  • Caché and Ensemble 2016.2.2
  • HealthShare Health Connect v15.021 on two core technology releases, 2016.2.2 and 2017.1.0

Caché and Ensemble 2016.2.2 are available on the same platforms as 2016.2.1

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I'm trying to insert a relationship from a parent object instance to a child object instnace programmatically. Ie, i want to do:

Do parentObject.childRefProperty.Insert(chilDobject)

where childRefProperty is defined by a string. I feel this should be achievable with $PROPERTY and/or $METHOD or maybe something in $SYSTEM.OBJ.*, but can't quite figure it out. Anyone know?

Cheers :)


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If you've worked with iKnow domain definitions, you know they allow you to easily define multiple data locations iKnow needs to fetch its data from when building a domain. If you've worked with DeepSee cube definitions, you'll know how they tie your cube to a source table and allow you to not just build your cube, but also synchronize it, only updating the facts that actually changed since the last time you built or synced the cube. As iKnow also supports loading from non-table data sources like files, globals and RSS feeds, the same tight synchronization link doesn't come out of the box. In this article, we'll explore two approaches for modelling DeepSee-like synchronization from table data locations using callbacks and other features of the iKnow domain definition infrastructure.

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I work with trigger and I need afeter update make INSERT into LogTable value of prorerty of saved class. This is what i have in this monent.

S className = ..%ClassName(1)
S cls=##class(%Dictionary.CompiledClass).%OpenId(className)
F i = 1:1:cls.Properties.Count() {
S prop = cls.Properties.GetAt(i)
S propName = prop.Name
S value={propName*N}

How Can I get value given "prop".

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On the back of my recent post on writing bug-less code I wanted to raise a few suggestions (to ISC) that would help prevent certain types of bugs at compile time. I've probably missed a few, but these are the main ones in my mind. Please contribute more suggestions.

Btw, these also serve as potential gotchas for new COS developers.

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· Apr 17, 2017
Overide trigger

Hello everyone.

I have some issue with trigger. I have class where I defined 3 triggers (UPDATE, INSERT, DELETE). These triggers are Foreach = row/object. In my currently task, I need overide this triggers in children class. is It possible to do it?

Thank you for your help.

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· Oct 27, 2016 2m read
New WRC Customer Interface

New WRC Customer Interface

Come check out the new WRC interface we have made available to supported customer.

Some of the new features available to you are:

Organization Dashboard – gives an overview of your organizations activity for this year

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· Apr 15, 2017
Member mentioning

Hi, Community!

With the recent release on Developer Community we have introduced member mentioning.

Now if you want to ping a member with email notification, just place in the post (or comment) following:


Once it is published, a member would get the email notification that he was mentioned in particular post/comment.

So, that's how I'm mentioning myself here: @Evgeny Shvarov.

Have a great weekend!

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Hi, Community!

You are very welcome to watch just uploaded InterSystems Atelier Welcome video on the InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel!

[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

Subscribe and stay tuned!

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We are using an F5 load balancer to route public traffic to our IS server. My goal is to block public access to the Management Portal, and only allow what we want to expose, such as REST/SOAP services. At the F5, they can block URL wildcards or specific ports, so those are our options.

Since the URLs for the web services are in the same path ([host]/csp/healthshare/[namespace]/*), I can't see any URL wildcards happening. That leads me to ports; is there a way to put services on a specific port for all services, and everything else stay on a standard web port?

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· Apr 12, 2017
Message Profiling

Hi all,

I was wondering if InterSystems offers any message profiling capabilities. What I mean by "message profiling" is essentially stats or metrics gathered from a collection of data submissions of a particular type. For instance, average number of segments <XYZ> in a specific HL7 V2 message type. Or the number of sections found in a HL7 V3 CDA documents.

Curious if there is anything like this provided "out-of-box".



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It's almost time to get your customers upgraded to new versions - are you worried about showing off your SQL Performance after upgrades? If you want to upgrade without worrying, then I have just the program for you!!! Check out this video from Global Summit 2016 featuring yours truly explaining how to upgrade a system without worrying about pesky SQL queries showing on your waistline!


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