Hi Community!

New video is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

API Design for REST

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0 444
· Dec 28, 2018 2m read
Docker-compose default network conflicts

I recently had to diagnose a networking problem I was having when attached to our corporate network. I was seeing an unknown bridge network being defined that shared the same IP address space as the company network thus blocking access to company resources. This bridge network was separate from the Docker0 bridge network which the docker engine sets up. Docker was configured with a bip (bridge ip) address to prevent docker form using an address space that create a conflict.

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1 5.1K
· Dec 27, 2018 2m read
Use %XML.Node to walk a DOM

The following code walks a DOM using %XML.Node. It also prevents %XML.Writer to change whitespace. Run the code using the class method "test":

Class objectscript.walkDOM Extends %Persistent
    ClassMethod dfs(node As %XML.Node)
        s entrynode=node.NodeId
        do {
        //element nodes with one whitespacetyped child are the ones we want to change
        if (node.NodeType=$$$xmlELEMENTNODE){
            s snode=node.NodeId     
            if (node.MoveToFirstChild())            
                    i ('node.MoveToNextSibling()){
                        i (node.NodeType=$$$xmlWHITESPACENODE){
                            s node.NodeType=$$$xmlTEXTNODE
                            s node.NodeId=snode
            s node.NodeId=snode     
        if (node.HasChildNodes()){
            d node.MoveToFirstChild()
            d ..dfs(node)
        } while (node.NodeType'="" && node.MoveToNextSibling())
        s node.NodeId=entrynode
    ClassMethod test()
      set xml = "abcdefg"
      s reader=##class(%XML.Reader).%New()
      do reader.OpenString(xml)  
      set writer = ##class(%XML.Writer).%New()
      //do some magic
      d ..dfs(reader.Document)
      w !,"with indent=1:",!
      set writer.Indent = 1
      do writer.OutputToString()
      do writer.Document(reader.Document)
      w writer.GetXMLString()
      set writer.Indent = 0
      w !,"with indent=0:",!
      do writer.OutputToString()
      do writer.Document(reader.Document)
      w writer.GetXMLString()

Here's a link to the code on GitHub: https://github.com/intersystems-community/code-snippets/blob/master/src/...

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0 317

Hi Community!

Thank you for being with InterSystems Developer Community yet another year! We appreciate it very much!

We want to know how helpful DC for you today and how could we make it better.

Could you please go through this short 5 min survey which will let us know what do you think about DC and what could be improved.

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Your InterSystems Developer Community Team

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0 196

I am trying to use Entity Framework with Visual Studio 2017. After following the Intersystems documentation ("Using the Caché Entity Framework Provider") I still cannot see the data source in Server Explorer. Any ideas why?

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1 1K

Hi Community!

Please welcome a new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

Alexa: Connect Me with the World of IoT

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1 591

I want to test automatically that HL7 business operation works correctly in error conditions. One is to test CE acknowledgement. I have planned to implement test production which includes business services for different situations (AA, AE, CA, CE, timeout, late response etc).

How should I implement HL7 business service that always returns CE (commit error)? I have tried but it keeps returning "AA".

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0 328
· Jun 21, 2016
Atelier - newbie troubles

I have just imported our Ensemble project (not a really big one, like two man-years) into my MacBook Air Ensemble 2016.3 instance to test many things (document model, etc.), Atelier among the others.

The "Production view" is not here, and I miss it.

The opening of Diagram Editor for BP is pretty hidden. I would even like having a switch, which would default to the Diagram Editor.

Anytime I click on the Open Diagram Editor, it waits for a while, ten produces an error and only then I can see the diagram.

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0 499
· Dec 4, 2018
%Unit Test Case

This is the class which I want to test.

Class GSK.MyTestUnit Extends %RegisteredObject

ClassMethod Add(num1 As %Integer, num2 As %Integer)
s res=num1+num2
q res

This is my testing class.

Class GSK.TestingClass Extends %UnitTest.TestCase

Method test()
Do $$$AssertEquals(##class(GSK.MyTestUnit).Add(3,8),41, "Test Add(2,2)=4 passed ")
do $$$AssertNotEquals(##class(GSK.MyTestUnit).Add(3,8),11,"pass/fail")


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1 262
· Dec 3, 2018
DC October-November 2018 release

Hi Community!

As you know or maybe guess we keep working on making Developer Community a better place for you, developers on InterSystems Data Platforms.

And here is the release on what we did in October-November.

Key visible enhancements:

better monthly digests,

InterSystems Best Practices,

Speed up mailings.

And a lot of small, but nice things - check the details inside.

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0 155


I need to route a message synchronously to multiple targets using a routing rule.

In IRIS I built a general routing rule set, made up of a couple of rules. For one Rule in particular, and based on a common condition, I want to send the incoming message to 2 different targets. (no transformation is used)

I can select, in the single SEND action, multiple target names, or, I can create consecutive SEND actions, one after the other, each sending to their specific target.

1 1
0 390

Hi Developers!

New video from Global Summit 2018 is available now on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Modernize Traditional Applications

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0 238
· Nov 19, 2018 1m read
Pagination with filters

Working on a proyect with :

Cache Object Script, Jquery and Bootstrap :

I have a big problem to do pagination with parameter, to query filter and registry limitation, but i find a solution using session and global:

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0 426
· Nov 16, 2018
Detecting Source Code Change?

Is there a responsive way to detect a source code change without using a source control hook?


I have my own custom unit test tool which has lots of extra functions that I find useful such as Asserting HL7 Transformers and REST targets.

I have a studio hook that will send an event signal to my test runner that will automatically re-run a specific test class or test suite, for which I have a test runner viewing page that updates with the results.

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0 476

Hi Developers!

New video from Global Summit 2018 is available now on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

Unit Test Coverage in InterSystems ObjectScript

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0 473


I was understanding the cluster configuration supported by the Cache. Have couple of queries around that:

1. In Cache version 2018.2, there is a shrading concept which splits the data of a Master Data server into multiple small data server which store shraded data.

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0 333

(Originally posted on Intersystems CODE by @Eduard Lebedyuk, 10/12/15) The following code snippet outputs all filenames in the file path "dir" in the Cache/IRIS terminal. The class method "test" runs the code:

Class eduardlebedyuk.filenamesInDir Extends %RegisteredObject
	classmethod test() {
		// replace dir with file path you want
		set dir = "D:\directory" 
		set dir = ##class(%File).NormalizeDirectory(dir)
		set file=$ZSEARCH(dir_"*")
		while file'="" {
			write !,file
			set file=$ZSEARCH("")

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2 1.7K
· Feb 19, 2016 1m read
Simple WorkMgr example

Attached code contains a very basic $system.WorkMgr example.

It uses several jobs (workers) to update different chunks of rows of a table.


  • Creates a table with 100 records.
  • Split table in chunks
  • Initialize WorkMgr and queue chunks to workers.
    • Every worker simply sets its process number in the Job field of the processed row.

In this case, I have tested the example in a 8-core laptop:

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