· Feb 7, 2022 1m read

I have created a package to export a Global into JSON object file and to re-create it by reloading from this file
embeddedPython refers to the new available technologies. It should be understood as a learning exercise of
how to handle the language interfaces. Only Global nodes containing data are presented in the generated JSON file.

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· Jan 24, 2022 1m read

I have created a package that offers a utility to load a Global into JSON object and reverse
to create a Global from this type of JSON object. Compact refers to the structure created.
Globals nodes are included with data for a fast data load.
But also the related code is quite compact.

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0 341
· Jan 24, 2022 2m read

I have created a package that offers a utility to load a Global into JSON object and reverse
to create a Global from this type of JSON object. Efficient refers to the structure created.
Only Globals nodes containing data are presented in the generated JSON object.

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0 356
· Jan 24, 2022 1m read

I have created a package that offers a utility to load a Global into JSON object and reverse
to create a Global from this type of JSON object. Academic refers to the structure created.
Each logical node of the Global is presented separately with all its descendants.
Even if they don't contain any stored data.

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0 289

II try to explore the new SQL LOAD DATA feature in SQL comparing it to SQL INSERT

I'm stuck at this point: INSERT INTO <table> (columns...) VALUES (.....)
allows having not just simple column references but also ALL Standard SQL FUNCTIONS (at least)

INSERT INTO Test (ShortName,DOB) VALUES (SUBSTRING(Name,1,4),TO_DATE(displayDate,'MM-DD_YYY'))

This works perfectly.
BUT the same VALUE clause applied to LOAD DATA fails in various ways:

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0 218
· Jan 2, 2022 3m read
DB Migration using SQLgateway

Thanks to @Yuri Marx we have seen a very nice example for DB migration from Postgres to IRIS.
My personal problem is the use of DBeaver as a migration tool.
Especially as one of the strengths of IRIS ( and also Caché) before is the availability of the
SQLgateways that allow access to any external Db as long as for them an access usinig
JDBC or ODBC is available. So I extended the package to demonstrate this.

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· Dec 25, 2021 2m read

After >40 years of writing in-countable lines of code in M*/COS/ISOS (and a bunch of archaic languages)
I decided for myself to set a strong signal for the future. We have Embedded Python available
(still pre-release)! I just felt it as a sacrilege to ignore this excellent NEW opportunity and
stay with the old sermon that I had used for decades.

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· Nov 26, 2021 13m read
Traditional Debugging in ObjectScript

Finding errors in your code or examining unexpected behavior is the main purpose of Debugging
I will try to refresh the traditional tools away from the helpers you have in Studio, VScode, Serenji, ....
to the basics which have been there before your preferred EDI used it in the background.

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3 1.2K
· Oct 12, 2021 2m read
Generating OFX [V1]

Just in case you never heard about OFX before
V1 was an attempt to create a dedicated SGML for banking and ignoring XML. Details.
It evolved to XML but not for M$ MONEY. Today we would use JSON for similar tasks.

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· Sep 29, 2021 4m read
6 Months Reviews on Open Exchange

I'm running reviews on Open Exchange since April 2021.
I have seen excellent packages, good ones, and some that made me feel just lost.
And I started to recognize contributors also by their style and organization of the submitted packages.

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· Sep 11, 2021 2m read
Successful Troubleshooting

During the last weeks, I was working on various issues and problems related to SW development.
I found that quite often problem analysis was mostly chasing issues just on the surface
but not really attacking the deeper reasons of the problem and follow the consequences.
It's like the doc that stops your leg bleeding but doesn't see that it is broken.

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I'd like to share with you some storage features that also exist in Caché but are almost
unknown and mostly not used. They are of course available in IRIS and gain importance
with large and distributed storage architectures.

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