· Jan 24, 2022 1m read


I have created a package that offers a utility to load a Global into JSON object and reverse     
to create a Global from this type of JSON object. Compact refers to the structure created.
Globals nodes are included with data for a fast data load.   
But also the related code is quite compact.

The export of this Global 

Generates a JSON object that covers all Global nodes 

USER>write $$Do^ZPretty(json)
    "^dc.MultiD(1)=$lb(\"Braam,Ted Q.\",51353)",
    "^dc.MultiD(2)=$lb(\"Klingman,Uma C.\",62459)",
    "^dc.MultiD(3)=$lb(\"Goldman,Kenny H.\",45831)",

And the related Loader creates exactly the same Global

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I have added a new version  for the GLOBALS contest
To take care of large Globals that may break your available memory.
The JSON Object is exported to a file. and there is also the related loader

New Version 0.1.2

USER>write ##class(dc.GblToJSON.CX).export("^dc.MultiD")
File gbl.json created

And the related loader creates the Global

USER>write ##class(dc.GblToJSON.CX).import()
Global ^dc.MultiD loaded

It is of course also available in the Online Demo facility.

And to see the generated file there is a show() method

USER>write ##class(dc.GblToJSON.CX).show()
"^dc.MultiD(1)=$lb(\"Braam,Ted Q.\",51353)",
"^dc.MultiD(2)=$lb(\"Klingman,Uma C.\",62459)",
"^dc.MultiD(3)=$lb(\"Goldman,Kenny H.\",45831)",
***** gbl.json *****