· Jul 9, 2018
Caché SQL Queries

I have finished my 4th book about Caché and MUMPS. This will probably be my last.

I am deeply grateful and humbled for all the help I have received from this group and the WW Response Center.

You all have something very special going here.

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I started with the Atelier Stand Alone.

Now I have moved on to Atelier as a plug-in to Eclipse.

With the Stand Alone I had access to two help topics, the Workbench and the InterSystems Atelier.

Now, as a plug-in I have access to a number of other help topics.

When I do a Help Contents, how do I eliminate those help topics I have no interest in?

Or only do a Help Contents on the topics that apply to me as a Atelier user?

I apologize if you have already covered this, but there is so much to read on Atelier already.

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I am in Atelier editing a Class.

I want to look at the window or pane that shows my Properties,

I get to the tab that show Properties and their Value as shown below.

Now, how do I get the properties from my Class into the image below?

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Hello, this is going to be a stupid question, yea I know, there are no stupid questions.

Say, I have an Object Property, Name or Count or Title, or whatever.

How can I get a list, or find out all the different ways it can be expressed?


-Property Name As %Name;

-Property Name As %String="me"

-Property Name As %String [ Required];

But what other parameters, keywords, restrictions, lists, etc. that I can apply to this Property?

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I am trying to find documentation on how Cache Studio locks a Routine/Class a developer is editing.

On the flip side, I am looking for documentation on how Atelier does the same.

Ultimately I am looking for the differences and what happens if both Studio and Atelier through different developers go after the same Routine/Class.

I am not asking for an answer (however that would be nice), I am looking for pointers to documentation.

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· Oct 23, 2017
Invalid Project Location

I am trying to create a routine in Atelier.

I go through and enter the necessary information but before I can save, it says I have an invalid project location.

I am not sure what this is referring to, a directory? a namespace? a website? something else? "Location" does not describe what is necessary here.

I had a screen shot but cannot seem to post it here.

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When starting a post, especially for the beginner there are a lot of buttons, check marks, icons etc. On some of them when you hover you get a very brief descriptions. In reading through some of the responses to the Developer Community Feedback there is a lot of good information.

Could one of the moderators, who know all the tricks put together a one or two page "cheat sheet?" or beginner guide?

This "Cheat Sheet" would be of great help!

I get the impression that there is a great push to encourage others to use the Developers Community.

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I am confused about the meaning of "rating".

Is it how good the post is?

I did a search on "Rating" and got a lot of hits, but none seems to answer my question, either that or I missed it.

It would be nice to have some basic documentation on questions like these.

I don't mean to be difficult and maybe I don't understand, but what is the reason for having a rating?

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When I go through the Atelier Cheat Sheet on the connection configuration, it talks about an Eclipse master password and asks for two hints to remember the master password. However, it does not specify the master password. I can only assume the master password is the same as the Cache instance password.

Can anyone shed some light on this master password, where or how it is used, and any other useful information?

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· Aug 10, 2017
LogicalToDisplay Method

Hi, I am trying to understand the transformational methods.

  • LogicalToDisplay()
  • LogicalToOdbc()
  • OdbcToLogical()
  • DisplayToDisplay()

I have created a small class with the only property of List as %List, see below.

Class LastName.Demo2 Extends %Persistent
Property List As %List;


Then I entered the following commands in the Terminal

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