· Aug 9, 2017

The data type %Char or %Library.Char

The description says it is a fixed length character field.

How do I set the fixed length?

Or by just setting %Char to something, does that automatically define its length?

Are the parameters MINLEN, MAXLEN involved? Or are these the way I set the fixed length?

Any help with this?

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I am working with Caché Relationships.

I know how to iterate through the One side of the relationship and for each One iterate through all the various Manys.

What I have been trying to figure out, is the code (I can put into a Class) that will start at the top of the Manys, iterate down and for each of the Manys, pull the associated One.

I can do this with SQL or Globals, but I want to use only Class type code.

Is that clear? Any help?

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· Jul 3, 2017
Way, way out of my price range

I know this may sound like sour grapes, but really it is not.

I hear all the exciting things about the up coming InterSystems Conference, and I am sure it is.

But it is way, way out of my price range, and I am sure out of the price range of most of the Cache/MUMPS developers, without company backing.

Just wondering what others think.

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· Jun 26, 2017 1m read
Listing type of output

Here is an idea that would make the Developer Community immensely more valuable (to me anyway)

Have the capability of getting Listing output from searches or tags or groups.

In addition, have people put titles on their answers and comments,

And having a detailed list with all the answers and comments if needed

Then being able to sort the list by date or other criteria.

Something like:

Sub1 . . . .

-answer . . .

-comment . .

-answer . . .

Subject2 . . .

-answer . . .

Subject 3 . . .

-comments . . .

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I just tried to read all the Answers and Comments for a post of mine.

Some were 5, 8, 3, etc. days ago and others were just hours ago.

They all seem jumbled up.

If I wanted to read the Answers and Comments in some sort of chronological order, I would be lost.

I don't understand the reasoning on whether somethings is an Answer and others are comments.

But would it be possible to have the option when reading all the follow-ons to re-sort them in some sort of order?

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I am experimenting with Relationships, both Parent to Child and One to Many.

I have done some SQL look-ups and have searched through the documentation, however not in a lot detail, but wonder if there are more and better ways to access both sides of Relationships through SQL?

Thank you in advance for any help provided.

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I would like to start a discussion regarding Caché Objects and Caché SQL.

It is my understanding that the creators of Caché Objects see Caché SQL as the reporting arm of Objects and as such SQL is essential to Caché Objects.

I once met a Caché Objects programmer who was writing code to $Order through the Globals because that person thought that Caché SQL was too slow and inefficient. I attempted to convince the person otherwise.

So, what say you? Is SQL essential to Caché Objects?


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Back in my COBOL days, there was a utility that would analyze running COBOL code and expose bottle necks and those modules that were inefficient or were executed multiple times. This was to help the programmer know where to concentrate streamlining efforts.

Is there any such utility for Caché Routines?

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I create the NewBie posts.

And as directed I use the Beginner tags.

However, a lot of people are using the Beginner tags for other posts.

Is there a way for separating the NewBie posts from the other Beginners?

Failing that, can I in someway make the Newbie Index more visible?

I am doing a lot of work on the NewBie Index to make it more useful.

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NewBie's Corner Session 21 Parameters Part II

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.


In the previous session we saw how to call RtnB from RtnA with Parameters.

We also defined Parameters as another name for Variables when used in passing data from one Routine to another, or, from one Label to another.

Calling a routine from a Label, or to a Label, from within a routine is very similar to calling a routine itself.

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NewBie's Corner Session 22 Parameters Part III

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.


In Sessions’ 20 and 21 on Parameters we saw how to call one routine from another with parameters as well as calling one Label from another with parameters. In these examples, the data was passed through the parameters from the calling routine or label to the called routine or label.

Now suppose you wanted the called routine or label to pass data back?

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NewBie's Corner Session 29 Documentation on the Caché/MUMPS Global Structure

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.

This post contains several links to very good documentation of the Caché Globals Structure.

Like I said, "Perhaps the most difficult concept in Caché/MUMPS is its Global Structure."

universalNoSQL.pdf -

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NewBie's Corner Session 28 Various Methods to Traverse a Global

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.

Judging from the number of responses to Session 27 Traversing A Global, developers are passionate about their methods. I am not here to judge the merit of the various methods.

Over the next few pages I will demonstrate a number of methods to Traverse a Global. If you don't already have a favorite they may help you pick one.

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NewBie's Corner Session 27 Traversing A Global with $Order Part 1

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.

Traversing A Global

Perhaps the most difficult concept in Caché/MUMPS is its Global Structure. This session and several that follow it deals with the Global Structure. However, just presenting the material will not guarantee your understanding of it. You must experiment with the data and concepts that are presented.

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NewBie's Corner Session 26 Globals and Arrays Part 2

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.

Globals, Arrays, and Variables Part 2

A thorough understanding of Globals, Arrays, and Variables is foundational for every Caché developer.

Uniqueness of the Caché Global Structure or database

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NewBie's Corner Session 25 Globals, Variables, and Arrays Part 1

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.

Globals, Arrays, and Variables

A thorough understanding of Globals, Arrays, and Variables is foundational for every Caché developer.

A Global may be:

Scalar (a single element), as in a Global Variable

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