If you are a customer of the new InterSystems IRIS® Cloud SQL and InterSystems IRIS® Cloud IntegratedML® cloud offerings and want access to the metrics of your deployments and send them to your own Observability platform, here is a quick and dirty way to get it done by sending the metrics to Google Cloud Platform Monitoring (formerly StackDriver).

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· Nov 28, 2023 2m read
k9s - Manage Your IrisClusters In Style

K9s is a terminal-based UI (aka kubectl clown suit), to manage Kubernetes clusters that drastically simplifies navigating, observing, and managing your applications in K8s, including Custom Resources like the InterSystems Kubernetes Operator (IKO) and ArgoCD Applications. If you are about to take your CKD, CKA, or CKS, leave k9s well enough alone for awhile as the abstraction to kubectl will become the standard for navigating the cluster and you will undoubtedly become estranged to the extended flags of kubectl and bomb the exam.

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This article will cover turning over control of provisioning the InterSystems Kubernetes Operator, and starting your journey managing your own "Cloud" of InterSystems Solutions through Git Ops practices. This deployment pattern is also the fulfillment path for the PID^TOO||| FHIR Breathing Identity Resolution Engine.

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A simple production that enables FHIR transaction bundles to be loaded into InterSystems® FHIR® Server via Box and Dropbox. Using the included MFT Connection Components and a 14 liner Custom Business Process, this production will process your transaction bundles to FHIR Resources for immediate consumption with Harry Potter like wizardry. Great for Hackathons, Research and FHIR® Cocktail parties.

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· Aug 8, 2022
FHIR Package Loading Sadness

Im playing whack a mole importing an IG (which is a fairly typical exercise with fhir packages) through FHIR packages, and getting at some parts I cant seem to work around with some store errors...

Im getting MAXSTRING on `hl7.terminology.r4`:

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Upgraded IRIS/Connect to 2022.1 and /api/atelier no longer works through a Web/CSPGateway. Also upgraded the Web/CSPGateway to version WebGateway-2022. on Ubuntu and HTTPD Server version: Apache/2.4.29 (Ubuntu) with no luck as well.

It doesnt seem to matter if I add /api/atelier or /api/monitor to the enabled applications list, these routes do not make it back to the instance, however /csp, /csp/sys still does.

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We have an implementation with a bunch of users, and a bunch of namespaces, both of which are added and removed frequently, and the users have restrictive perms in the namespaces (lets just say, not %All)... and the users are utilizing the VSCODE extension for development.

Per the instructions and the user experience, we need to run:

GRANT EXECUTE ON %Library.RoutineMgr_StudioOpenDialog TO ${user}

For ... each Namespace, and additionally %SYS for Web Apps.

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