· Aug 8, 2022
FHIR Package Loading Sadness

Im playing whack a mole importing an IG (which is a fairly typical exercise with fhir packages) through FHIR packages, and getting at some parts I cant seem to work around with some store errors...

Im getting MAXSTRING on `hl7.terminology.r4`:

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Upgraded IRIS/Connect to 2022.1 and /api/atelier no longer works through a Web/CSPGateway. Also upgraded the Web/CSPGateway to version WebGateway-2022. on Ubuntu and HTTPD Server version: Apache/2.4.29 (Ubuntu) with no luck as well.

It doesnt seem to matter if I add /api/atelier or /api/monitor to the enabled applications list, these routes do not make it back to the instance, however /csp, /csp/sys still does.

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We have an implementation with a bunch of users, and a bunch of namespaces, both of which are added and removed frequently, and the users have restrictive perms in the namespaces (lets just say, not %All)... and the users are utilizing the VSCODE extension for development.

Per the instructions and the user experience, we need to run:

GRANT EXECUTE ON %Library.RoutineMgr_StudioOpenDialog TO ${user}

For ... each Namespace, and additionally %SYS for Web Apps.

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If anybody could give me some insight on creating the %All Namespace programmatically I would appreciate it. There are quite a few posts I found that reference its creation using the UI, but I cant seem to get passed some validations with any form of the below:

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· Dec 12, 2019
ComplexMap Riddle

Im usually pretty good at ComplexMaps and implemented a couple, but I have one that is stumping me on how I can implement it. My problem is I have no real "leading data" to key off of and need something else...

It goes a little bit like this:



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I am pretty stuck here and would appreciate any help or advice on an approach to this...

I have a single claim file, ingested that has 7 claims inside of it, I am pulling each claim out based on a qualifier, then want to remove all of the others and do something with the one that is left over.

My problem is I cant seem to figure out how to Remove the Claims programatically...

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I am running a transformDTL through COS that transforms an EDI document to JSON and would like to validate the document and throw an error if it does not validate or build a map.

I am looking at available methods and haven't been able to find one that sort of does: Set tSC = ##class(*).Validate(tDoc,"HIPAA_5100").

Any help here would be appreciated, it seems like I am missing something simple.

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· Mar 12, 2018
Compilation Status after Import

Is there a way to enumerate the compilation status of a package?

currently after deployment we are doing something like this to validate a successful load and compile of classes:

successful_compilation_count=`grep -a "Compilation finished successfully" output.log | wc -l`
successful_load_count=`grep -a "Load finished successfully" output.log | wc -l`

is there a method to do this where it is a little bit more elegant/dynamic without having to maintain counts for comparison ?

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