I'm trying to execute SQL on a EC2 via SSM:

import boto3

instanceid = "i-123456789"
sql = """SELECT path FROM Security.Applications WHERE ID = '/csp/sys'"""
template = """su - irisusr -c 'cat << EOF | iris sql iris -U %SYS
                """ + sql + """
template = [line.strip() for line in template.splitlines()] 
template = """\n""".join(template) 
ssm_client = boto3.client('ssm') 
response = ssm_client.send_command(
            Parameters={'commands': template})

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0 187

How to import Custom Schemas from VSCode? They look like this:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Category name="ITK" description="xmlns:hl7='urn:hl7-org:v2xml' xmlns:xsi='http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance'" std="1">
<MessageType name='ACK' structure='ACK' returntype='ACK' description='xsi:schemaLocation="urn:hl7-org:v2xml ACK.xsd"'/>

Instead of wrapped XML export produced by $system.OBJ:

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0 269

Recently I needed to restore a version of a production class, which was overwritten by compilation and running UpdateProduction. As the correct version was unavailable in the source control, I used journals to restore the data. Journals store a plethora of information about what's happening in the system and are quite a powerful tool. This article explains how to work with journals to extract the data you require.

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· May 23, 2023 1m read
Production settings

When developing interoperability productions, it might be useful to have settings outside of a Business Host. The primary reason is when you need a setting to affect several different Business Hosts and want to guarantee that the value is the same. While System Default Settings can be used to propagate settings for Business Hosts, they can be changed by overriding the value on a BH level (although the advantage of Business Host settings set via SDS is that they don't need custom code which our current approach requires).
Another reason is when you need to affect non-setting parts of the Business Host configuration (PoolSize, Enabled, etc.)

We will be adding an env setting to a production.

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0 303
· May 18, 2023 2m read
Code Golf: String Rotations

Let's have a round of Code Golf!

String rotation is when you take a word and move some of its letters to the end of the word, so the first letter becomes the second letter, the second letter becomes the third, and so on. Last letter becomes first. Rotation can happen only in one direction →.
Your task is to write a method that will receive two strings. It then must return an integer value of how many times needed to rotate the strings to be equal.
As usual shortest solution wins.

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0 379

Git stores complete history - meaning you would never lose your files, even if they are deleted, they are still available. That, however, presents an issue if large or sensitive files have been committed. Deleting them DOES NOT remove them from history. Recently one of the repos I work on became unexpectedly large, so here's how you can resolve that:

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0 204
· Mar 2, 2023
Code Golf: Isogram

It's time for a Code Golf round!


A word or phrase that has no repeating letters, consecutive or non-consecutive.

Implement a method that checks if the received string is an isogram or not.
Assume the empty string is an isogram.
Ignore the letter case.

Allowed inputs: A-Z, a-z.

As usual, the shortest solution wins!

4 11
0 349

In this article, we will establish an encrypted JDBC connection between Tableau Desktop and InterSystems IRIS database using a JDBC driver.
While documentation on configuring TLS with Java clients covers all possible topics on establishing an encrypted JDBC connection, configuring it with Tableau might be a little bit tricky, so I decided to write it down.

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2 631

I have a production with one Business Host - a Business Service which I need to scale automatically to consume ~80% of CPU time.
Business Service pulls data from a (non-FIFO) queue so that I can adjust pool size without any issues.

So far, I'm planning a different BS running every X seconds and sampling CPU with $system.Process.GetCPUTime() and scaling the pool size of the main BS up/down based on that metric.

Has anyone tried something similar? Any advice/code samples would be appreciated.

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0 270
· Nov 9, 2022
Code Golf: Word Order

We're back with a code golf!

You will receive a string. Each word in the string will contain a number.
This number is the position that word should have in the sentence.
If the input string is empty, return an empty string.
The output can only be in words, without the given numbers.


"i2s T1his Te4st a3"


This is a Test

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0 608
· Nov 4, 2022 9m read

If you're running IRIS in a mirrored configuration for HA in AWS, the question of providing a Mirror VIP (Virtual IP) becomes relevant. Virtual IP offers a way for downstream systems to interact with IRIS using one IP address. Even when a failover happens, downstream systems can reconnect to the same IP address and continue working.

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4 2.8K

Welcome to the next chapter of my CI/CD series, where we discuss possible approaches toward software development with InterSystems technologies and GitLab.

Today, let's talk about interoperability.


When you have an active interoperability production, you have two separate process flows: a working production that processes messages and a CI/CD process flow that updates code, production configuration and system default settings.

Clearly, CI/CD process affects interoperability. But questions are:

  • What exactly happens during an update?
  • What do we need to do to minimize or eliminate production downtime during an update?
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· Sep 16, 2022
Several models, such as DALL-E, Midjourney, and StableDiffusion, became available recently. All these models generate digital images from natural language descriptions. The most interesting one, in my opinion, is StableDiffusion which is open source - released barely a few weeks ago. There's now an entire community trying to leverage it for various use cases.
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