%Library.RoutineMgr_StudioOpenDialog is a useful query!

Originally I started writing something similar, but went into %Dictionary package instead, which of course created issues for me about System and Mapped classes, so I decided to go a different way (ended with what's presented in this article).

With your approach I'll advice first building a list of classes to delete and then passing it to $SYSTEM.OBJ.Delete - it will be faster than deleting classes one by one. That said usually deletions are small in number (or at least in frequency) so speed does not really matter here.

Here's how to do it (sample code to transfer files over iris connection):

/// Get IRIS connection object
/// set iris = ##class().GetIRIS()
ClassMethod GetIRIS() As %Net.DB.Iris
    Set host = "host"
    Set port = 1972
    Set ns = "%SYS"
    Set user = "_SYSTEM"
    Set pass = "***"
    Set connection = ##class(%Net.DB.DataSource).CreateConnection(host, port, ns, user, pass)
    Set iris = connection.CreateIris()
    Quit iris

/// Transfer one file from sourceFile to targetFile on iris connection.
ClassMethod Transfer(iris As %Net.DB.Iris, sourceFile As %String, targetFile As %String) As %Status
    Set sc = $$$OK
    Try {
        Set stream = ##class(%Stream.FileBinary).%New()
        Do stream.LinkToFile(sourceFile)
        Set var = "%stream"
        Do iris.ClassMethodVoid($classname(), "InitStream", var, targetFile)
        While 'stream.AtEnd {
            Set chunk = stream.Read($$$MaxStringLength-1000)
            Do iris.ClassMethodVoid($classname(), "WriteStream", var, chunk)
        Do iris.ClassMethodVoid($classname(), "SaveStream", var, ##class(%File).Attributes(sourceFile))
    Catch ex{
        Do ##class(%SYS.System).WriteToConsoleLog("SuperServer Copy failure in Transfer:" _ ex.DisplayString())
        Throw ex


    Quit sc

/// Initialize stream for subsequent write requests and place it in var.
/// var must be a global variable (start form %) 
/// file is created or truncated if already exists
ClassMethod InitStream(var As %String, file As %String)
    Try {
        Do ##class(%File).Truncate(file)
        Set stream = ##class(%Stream.FileBinary).%New()
        Do stream.LinkToFile(file)
        Set @var = stream
    } Catch ex{
        Do ##class(%SYS.System).WriteToConsoleLog("SuperServer Copy failure in InitStream: " _ ex.DisplayString())
        Throw ex

/// Wrile string into a stream initialized by InitStream 
ClassMethod WriteStream(var As %String, string As %String)
    Try {
        Do $method(@var, "Write", string)
    } Catch ex{
        Do ##class(%SYS.System).WriteToConsoleLog("SuperServer Copy failure in WriteStream: " _ ex.DisplayString())
        Throw ex

/// Save stream initialized by InitStream. 
/// Optionally sets file attributes.
ClassMethod SaveStream(var As %String, attributes As %String = "")
    Try {
        Set sc = $method(@var, "%Save")
        Set file = $property(@var, "Id")
        Kill @var
        Do:attributes'="" ##class(%File).SetAttributes(file, attributes)
    } catch ex {
        Do ##class(%SYS.System).WriteToConsoleLog("SuperServer Copy failure in Savetream: " _ ex.DisplayString())
        Throw ex

Use ClassMethodValue to get a scalar value back. Use json for complex type transfer as objects are not supported. There are other methods corresponding to APIs in other languages.

Also please note that this class (technically only the callee *Stream methods but save yourself a headache and just copy the entire class) needs to be present on both nodes.

Finally, remember that callee methods must produce no stdout/stderr writes, since the io is bound to the iris connection itself and it cannot disambiguate stdout.

I think projecting as an attribute is enough. Here's an example:

Class Utils.Message Extends (%RegisteredObject, %XML.Adaptor)

Parameter XMLNAME = "ID";

Property scope As %String(XMLPROJECTION = "ATTRIBUTE");



Class Utils.DTL Extends Ens.DataTransformDTL

XData DTL [ XMLNamespace = "http://www.intersystems.com/dtl" ]
<transform sourceClass='Ens.Request' targetClass='Utils.Message' create='new' language='objectscript' >
<assign value='"Message"' property='target.scope' action='set' />

/// do ##class(Utils.DTL).Test()
ClassMethod Test()
	set source = ##class(Ens.Request).%New()
	#dim target As Utils.Message
	set sc = ..Transform(source, .target)
	do target.XMLExportToString(.xml)
	w xml, !


Results in:

>do ##class(Utils.DTL).Test()

<ID scope="Message"></ID>

My recommended approach is to call routines in a silent mode if at all possible, or to do minimal modifications to add silent mode. But here's how you can work with read using input redirection:

ClassMethod Test() [ ProcedureBlock = 0 ]
    set tOldIORedirected = ##class(%Device).ReDirectIO()
    set tOldMnemonic = ##class(%Device).GetMnemonicRoutine()
    set tOldIO = $io
    try {
        set str=""
        //Redirect IO to the current routine - makes use of the labels defined below
        use $io::("^"_$ZNAME)

        //Enable redirection
        do ##class(%Device).ReDirectIO(1)

        set x = ..MyLegacyRoutine()
    } catch ex {
        do ex.Log()

    //Return to original redirection/mnemonic routine settings
    if (tOldMnemonic '= "") {
        use tOldIO::("^"_tOldMnemonic)
    } else {
        use tOldIO
    do ##class(%Device).ReDirectIO(tOldIORedirected)
    w !,"x is: ",x,!
    w "Routine wrote to device: ", str

    //Labels that allow for IO redirection
    //Read Character
rchr(time)  quit "a"
    //Read a string
rstr(len,time) quit "xyz"
    //Write a character - call the output label
wchr(s)      do output($char(s))  quit
    //Write a form feed - call the output label
wff()        do output($char(12))  quit
    //Write a newline - call the output label
wnl()        do output($char(13,10))  quit
    //Write a string - call the output label
wstr(s)      do output(s)  quit
    //Write a tab - call the output label
wtab(s)      do output($char(9))  quit
    //Output label - this is where you would handle routine device output.
    //in our case, we want to write to str
output(s)    set str=str_s   quit

ClassMethod MyLegacyRoutine()
    read "Input x: ",x
    write "Hello!"
    return x


 It outputs:

x is: xyz
Routine wrote to device: Input x: Hello!