· Jul 31, 2019
CodeGolf: FizzBuzz

Let's have a round of CodeGolf!

As usual the goal is to write the shortest solution for a specified problem.

Today we have one of the classics: FizzBuzz.

Write a program that prints the numbers from 1 to 100.

But for multiples of three print “Fizz” instead of the number and for the multiples of five print “Buzz”.

For numbers which are multiples of both three and five print “FizzBuzz”

4 22
1 618
· Nov 9, 2018
Simplifying the editor

Do you think our editor has too many unused features?

I propose removing some, so it would look nice & clean!

Here's some buttons that I think we really can let go.

What do you think?

0 3
0 292

Application licensing enables InterSystems application partners to take advantage of Caché’s licensing capabilities for their own licensing purposes.

Caché manages customer application licenses just as it does Caché/Ensemble and InterSystems application licenses, maintaining usage counts and acquiring and returning user licenses as needed.

Application licenses consumed by a process or a CSP session are automatically released along with the Caché license consumed by the process or session when a process exits, halts or is deleted from the process table, or when a CSP session times out or is deleted.

More in docs.

Do you use this feature? If so, how?

I'm especially interested in license validation and general workflows?

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