Hi all,

I am trying to delete an item from a production through a routine that installs and disables items.

To add any item, I have no problems, even to enable and disable some particular items.

The problem arises when I try to eliminate the production item, because when it does, the production become unstable and only works again when this item is added again in the collection (or the item is deleted manually in the production.cls)

This is my code attempt:

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0 779

Hi all,

I wonder how to sync my server code to my local code using Visual Studio Code.

Previously, using Atelier, you could open a view of server and can copy the code to the current project, also if I change a BP, I could sync the code because I had a signal that It's warning me that there was a change and it needs to be updated.

I thing i shouls opening the ObjectScript: Explorer and select the code directaly, and right click -> Import and compile current file (Ctrl + F7)

If I use this command, the ouptut window shows:

1 16
0 1.8K
· Feb 20, 2019
Extend XData UrlMap

Hi all,

I'm wondering if is possible to extend the UrlMap.

I want to create a base class and one method will be in all extended classes, so I've tried to create the map route in parent class, and the specific methods in extended class. But it doesn't work.

I've create the method in parent class and I've wrote the map in extended class. It works, but I want to put it in base class to prevent forget this call.

Note: The base class extend to %CSP.RES

Best regards,

Francisco Lopez

1 5
1 707
· Sep 13, 2018
Purge Task History manually


I've read into console.log that there is some problems writing the global Task History

09/13/18-09:33:00:109 (9052) 0 Error al escribir en global de historial de tareas - Error (ERROR #5002: Error de cache: <DATABASE>%SaveData+20^%SYS.Task.History.1 ^SYS("Task","HistoryD",66179),c:\intersystems\healthshare\mgr\)

1 2
0 439
· Sep 5, 2018
Remove comment/answer

Hi community,

This is an idea to improve the community. Add a button to remove a comment/answer in a post. There is not a way to remove a comment, only I can edit. For example, duplicated comment, an answer that it was for a post but I've written in other one. etc...

Best regards,

Francisco López

0 1
1 298

Hi all,

We have a big problem because we have the following message when I try to open the messages in a production.

ERROR <Ens>ErrException: <DATABASE>zfindStatement+29^%SQL.DynamicStatement.1 ^%sqlcq("MYNAMESPACE","Query",8,"Gns8AZO5dJclytqv13l9gUuLUyo=",""),c:\intersystems\healthshare\mgr\cache\ -- logged as '-' number - @''

SOURCE ELEMENT: %ZEN.Component.tablePane (resultsTable)

1 4
0 526

Hi community,

I've created a BS that uses FTP InboundAdapter. It works, read the file and process it.

The problem is when there not any file in the FTP folder, it raises the following error:

ERROR <Ens>ErrFTPListFailed: FTP: error en List para *.csv (mensaje='No-transfer-time exceeded. Closing control connection.',código=421)

I think it is something about the configuration, but I don't find what is the problem.

1 4
0 753

Sometimes, we need to copy part of the properties of an object into a different one.
The simplest thing would be to do the following:

Set obj1.FirstName = obj2.FirstName

Set obj1.SecondName = obj2.SecondName

What happens if the object contains a large number of properties? or we just want to extract an important group of data, and complement the information in another object?

Having the following classes:

4 6
0 1.6K

Hi all,

For special definition of the company, we need to define a PoolSize according to the environment that the "Ensemble" is working.

So the first try as been add the parameter into "System Default Setting"

However, this parameter is not available in "Setting default values" in Setting tab.

I've opened the code of my production and I've noted that this parameter is a attribute of the XML element of this item

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