We are using a DTL transformation to take HL7 and transform into custom XML (XML is a virtual document, held in an EnsLib.EDI.XML.Document object). The schema specifying the format of the XML says one element should occur no more than 24 times (maxOccurs="24" in the XSD schema). However, the transformation to produce one such element always produces 24 elements, all but the last one blank, when tested stand-alone.

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Hi, I am coming unstuck with a current mapping from HL7 to XML using the DTL editor with an XML schema (imported by XSD).

My output keeps prefixing the elements with "xsd_2" despite this not being defined in the targetnamespace within my XSD file.

Would anyone have any idea as to where this is creeping in? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

My XSD namespace etc are setup as follows:

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I'm glad to announce the new version of IoP, which by the way is not just a command line. I'm saying because the new AI search engine still thinks that IoP is just a command line. But it's not. It's a whole framework for building applications on top of the interoperability framework of IRIS with a python first approach.

The new version of IoP: 3.2.0 has a lot of new features, but the most important one is the support of DTL . 🥳

For both IoP messages and jsonschema. 🎉


DTL Support

Starting with version 3.2.0, IoP supports DTL transformations.

DTL the Data Transformation Layer in IRIS Interoperability.

DTL transformations are used to transform data from one format to another with a graphical editor.
It supports also jsonschema structures.

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is it possible to kill/suppress hl7 message in the DTL (data transformation).

in cloverleaf, it is common practice to check the value in message, for example pv1:7.9. if the value is certain word(assigning authority) then send the message over to destination, if it is not, kill the message

how would this be done in InterSystems ? does that need to be done in the rule instead? or can it be done in the data transformation? if it can be done in data transformation, how can it be done?


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Like many others probably find themselves, we were stuck doing live data mapping in our Interface Engine that we really didn't want to do, but had no good alternative choice. We want to only keep mappings for as long as possibly needed and then purge expired rows based upon a TTL value. We actually had 4 use cases for it ourselves before we built this. Use cases:

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Has anybody encountered this before?

I did a very usual hl7 adt transformation DTL, but it is with a customized schema, like ADT_ALL, it is a structure that tries to cover all the ADT schema scenario so we can use 1 type for all ADT messages.

the DTL tests fine in DTL test, with all the segment transformed correctly, but once I put it to test, to send message through source and the message after transformation can only go to MSH, EVN, but won't transform other segment like PID etc.

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Hi Team,

I am converting xml message into HL7 message but the input XML message contains pdf which is converting into base 64 and getting mapped to OBX:5.5 in HL7 message and sending it to downstream

In Downstream service i am using normal HL7 TCP class EnsLib.HL7.Service.TCPService but the message looks like below i am not sure why stream is taking as another segment in HL7 message,

Any thoughts on this?



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We have a scenario where we use the best practice article of a BP and DTL to split up HL7 messages mainly ORUS


It is really useful but we have this code in many places that we are trying to consolidate it in one place.

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· Oct 17, 2024 2m read
ORU to MDM with large HL7 v2 messages.

I was working on a DTL but kept getting ERROR #5002... MAXSTRING errors. The problem was that most of the DTL GUI action steps only support the string data type when working with the segments. A %String has a limit of 3,641,144 characters and my OBX5.1 was 5,242,952 characters long as the example provided. Of course PACS admin stated ultra high quality up to and including 4K resolution files were needed, so we could not get the vendor to compress or reformat these files to compressed jpg or something similar.

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Hey Community,

Watch this video to learn about AI Co-Pilot, which simplifies DTL coding and offers personalized assistance which makes it accessible to users with varying levels of technical expertise:

Accelerate DTL Coding with AI Cloud Service @ Global Summit 2024

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I thought I knew how to return a Response from a Business Process back to the Source Config Name, but I guess not.

I am working on a Proof of Concept, that the Request Message Class would determine a "Route" within a Business Process to make a FHIR call (search, read) to our External FHIR repository, and return back the HS.FHIR.DTL.vR4.Model.Resource.xxxxxxx as a Response to the Source Config Name.

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I was looking for an easier way to build the FHIR Query String, given the Record Map request that is passed into the DTL.

I built this Function, but when I run a message through it, my Query String that is passed back into the DTL is a Reference Pointer and not the String I am looking for.

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I'm running into an intermittent issue with some of our Custom Operations/Processes as a result of some large FHIR R4 Binaries. Essentially we get a response from an AthenaHealth FHIR endpoint that appears to be too large to be processed using the IRIS Built In Functions for FHIR:

I've replicated it on the command line here using a file (binary.json) that has the response from the FHIR Endpoint. Not sharing full contents due to PHI concerns.

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Using the FHIR DEMO, I have pieced together how to make a FHIR Request using OAuth against an External FHIR Repository. When I execute the Patient search (HS.FHIRServer.Interop.Request), I get a HS.FHIRServer.Interop.Response that has a Quick Stream ID, which I then use to convert the Quick Stream to a JSON Dynamic Object. if I do a trace on the Raw JSON Object, I am able to pull out single elements, however I want to pull the raw JSON into a defined Class Structure.

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Hello Community,

I'm a beginner and currently working on a project to convert CCDA files to FHIR using InterSystems IRIS. I have developed a web form to upload CCDA files, and I'm attempting to convert the uploaded CCDA files to FHIR. However, I am encountering an issue where the conversion process results in an empty entry.
Here's the Output it displays on HTML page:

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IRIS for UNIX (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 for x86-64) 2024.1 (Build 267_2U) Tue Apr 30 2024 16:06:39 EDT [HealthConnect:7.2.0-1.r1]

I have a use case where Epic is sending an A60 Allergy transaction is set at the Patient level, but we have a system called VIBE which needs the ADT at an Encounter level instead. Currently we store ADT information in a MS SQL database for years, and we are querying it to get the latest Account Number to insert into the ADT^A60 for VIBE.

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In this article we are going to see how we can use the WhatsApp instant messaging service from InterSystems IRIS to send messages to different recipients. To do this we must create and configure an account in Meta and configure a Business Operation to send the messages we want.

Let's look at each of these steps in more detail.

Setting up an account on Meta

This is possibly the most complicated point of the entire configuration, since we will have to configure a series of accounts until we can have the messaging functionality.

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· May 2, 2024
help with HL7 Transformation


I'm new to IS and the HL7 transformations using the DTL. I need some clarification on the foreach action.

I want to iterate over IN1 segments, and output only segments that contain certain allergy types in IN1-2 with foreach. Inside the foreach block, I check for allergy type "FA" in IN1-2 and, if found, send the segment with only the required fields (fields #1, #2, #3, and #5 to be exact). Please see the foreach block below:

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We are using the IRIS cloud. and I am working on a DTL .

so the source side timestamp is local time for example 20240110134740, I know it is a local time. so the requirement is I need to append the UTC at the end, like -0400 or -0500 depending on if it is daylight saving time.

so is there function to return if current day is at daylight saving time, so I can decide if I need to append the -400 or -500? or a function to return the current UTC by location?

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