Hi, guys,

One of my clients was required by the hospital to name their webservice operation as Action_Subject, ie. Get_PatientInfo

When I define the web method as "Get_PatientInfo" as below,

/// MyApp.MyService
Class MyApp.MyService Extends %SOAP.WebService [ ProcedureBlock ]

/// Name of the WebService.
Parameter SERVICENAME = "MyService";

/// TODO: change this to actual SOAP namespace.
/// SOAP Namespace for the WebService
Parameter NAMESPACE = "http://tempuri.org";

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· Feb 13, 2020
Class Queries

Class Queries in InterSystems IRIS (and Cache, Ensemble, HealthShare) is a useful tool that separates SQL queries from Object Script code. Basically, it works like this: suppose that you want to use the same SQL query with different arguments in several different places.In this case you can avoid code duplication by declaring the query body as a class query and then calling this query by name.

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We have one user that is having issues in Ensemble via browser. The two issues she reported are:

- If she opens a DTL, she has to Save or Compile the DTL before she is able to edit anything in the Actions tab. Typically, you can simply open the DTL, click on a line, and edit the Actions.

- If she opens the Tools tab and clicks the Test button, she does not get a response and it eventually times out on her. Typically, clicking the Test button will open a new window where you can paste a message to test your DTL with.

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This message contains three recent HealthShare Advisories, which are available below.

These advisories are also on the InterSystems Product Alerts and Advisories page

  • Advisory: Patient data is missing in the HSAA.PatientNumber table
  • Advisory: The UpdatePlan for all cubes and cube groups is set to be Manual instead of BuildSynch
  • Advisory: Slow DELETE query during Health Insight data ingestion

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InterSystems has corrected two defects that, in rare circumstances, can result in data integrity corruption after running global compaction, database compaction, or database defragmentation. InterSystems recommends avoiding these utilities until after applying the corrections listed below.

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I have a SQL query that I want to run against MS SQL from cache ensemble using the SQL outbound adapter. If I run this query direct from MS SQL Studio it take about 7 seconds MAX and returns about half a million rows. The row only contains one column it is a number all same size and if I run this query in the production in ensemble it takes for ever the production finishes without getting the response back. The same query run in cache outside the ensemble environment writing results to a file it returns results taking about 3minutes to complete.

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I have a cache client trying to call a web service using SOAP version 1.2. We receive a SOAP error with the following text:

COD>w ##class(DBMS.Tools).DecomposeError(%objlasterror)

ERROR #6248: SOAP response is a SOAP fault: <Fault><Code><Value>s:Sender</Value>

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0 2.1K
· Jul 1, 2021
ifexpression syntax

What is the correct syntax when passing values on a zen method after ifexpression?

<pagebreak ifexpression="%report.PageBefore('Graph',1)=1"></pagebreak> ????


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somehow my installation on win10 canceled during finish. "Installation of Caché finished" showed up for 20 minutes and canceled with an error I didn't saved.

Every file and service was installed but never registered as successfull installation. Now I try to reinstall it but the installer shows me everytime "Another installation is already in progress. Please finish the second installation first".

The unfinished installation is broken. I can't startup Caché from launcher. So I deleted everything in c:/intersystems

Things I already tried:

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InterSystems has corrected a defect that can lead to missing resource data in FHIR search results.

This problem exists for:

  • HealthShare Unified Care Record 2020.1.0 b7015

This defect occurs due to an incorrect resource being deleted from the search index. Subsequent FHIR Resource requests against the FHIR Repository may return incomplete results due to that missing index. Any type of FHIR resource data can be lost, and depending on when the defect occurs, the same FHIR request could return different result sets.

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