Hi Developers,

Join us at the upcoming Developer Roundtable on March 26th at 11 am ET | 4 pm CET. 📍
We will have 2 topics covered by the invited experts and open discussion as always!


Demo on Documenting and Testing REST Call's by generating documentation and making scenario's for integration tests - presented by @Danny Wijnschenk , Application Developer, Winfo.

Danny is an independent developer based in Belgium, specialized in InterSystems Caché and IRIS. He has customers in both the healthcare and non-healthcare sectors.

Cypress for web application testing - presented by @Pravin Barton , Senior Applications Developer, InterSystems

Update: watch the recording of the roundtable below.

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Hi Developers,

Our first Online Developer Roundtable of 2024 will take place on March 5th at 9 am ET | 3 pm CET.

Tech talks:

  1. ObjectScript Unit Testing Tools, Techniques and Best Practices - by @Timothy Leavitt , Development Manager, Application Services, InterSystems
  2. Monitoring and Alerting Capabilities of InterSystems IRIS - by @Mark Bolinsky , Principal Technology Architect, InterSystems Mark's presentation is rescheduled for the roundtable in April.

Update: watch the recording of the roundtable below:

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Attention all developers!

Get ready to revolutionize your testing process with iris-tripleSlash, the ultimate unit test solution.

Say goodbye to boring and repetitive unit testing and hello to effortless and efficient testing.

With iris-tripleSlash, you can easily generate unit test cases using the power of automatic documentation.

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We're looking to grow our team by adding an experienced healthcare interoperability resource to focus on Participant onboarding and troubleshooting, and testing and evaluation of in-house and third-party software solutions to ensure compliance with organizational standards and requirements.

Details of position are available on our Careers page.

#healthcare #remotework

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Hello all!

As we ObjectScript developers have been experiencing, preparing an environment to run CI related tasks can be quite the chore.
This is why I have been thinking about how we could improve this workflow and the result of that effort is IRIS-CI.

See how it works here.


1.Download the image from the Docker Hub registry:

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· May 21, 2018
How is your code health

As a developer, usually I'm concerned about how my code health is, and how the other coders code can affect to my own work. And I'm quite sure most of us feel very similar.

In our company we use a Static Code Analysis tool to analyze code for different languages to ensure we are writing high quality and easily maintainable code by following a few best practices in terms of code structure and content. And the question was: why should be different for Caché ObjectScript language?

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Hi, Community!

Please welcome a new session recording from Global Summit 2017:

A Mocking Framework: Laugh at Unit Tests

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