· Aug 1, 2017
PDFs and Reading them

I know there are numerous Java libraries available to scan a PDF meta data, but is there a way to scan a PDF using native cache object script? We are looking to take a PDF from an external vendor, scan for meta data, create the HL7 message, and embed the PDF within the HL7 message.


Scott Roth

The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center

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Intersystems is a fascinating yet niche marketed.
We are using it, but we struggle to find good developers to join us to work on Caché or Ensemble products.

Who is interested into joining us? the job will be in Geneva, Switzerland!

For more information, please drop me an email to: or call me directly +41 58 2015408.


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Good day, every process in my software is about to update 3 specific globals in row when the process is called to do some job. I need to guarantee that during updating of those globals with multiple processes there is only one process that is actually working with those globals. Moreover I need my globals unreadable if other process is in critical area.


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I am currently working on a issue with WRC on one of my Inbound SQL Adapters not returning all the records it should be. If I looked at the count of the records in Ensemble and compare it to that of a Microsoft SQL View, Ensemble seems to be off by a few records here and there. I am using a full dynamic select statement in my settings of the adapter.

SELECT Text, PhysicianLastName, PhysicianFirstName, PhysicianAddress1, PhysicianAddress2, PhysicianCity,

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Good day,

I need to find out if it is possible somehow to receive actual linux TIMESTAMP for example with $NOW() or other functions.
I was trying to recalculate it with $NOW() function, but without success. I would like to simulate Redis TIME command in COS.

My tryings:

USER > set time = $NOW()

USER > w (($PIECE(time,",",1)*86399) + $PIECE(time,",",2))

But in Redis it is:

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0 666
· Aug 8, 2017 1m read
Outperforming PostgreSQL and MySQL

In a previous exercise, I was able to show the power of Caché.
A medium-designed set of interdependent tables with some GB of data.
URLs cross reference over some million pages resulting in ~3 billion records

Competition was between

  • Caché
  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL

Criteria were Speed + Storage consumption
I composed a customized loader fed over a "raw" TCP connection
Mapping the "objects" into the final table by directly writing to Global Storage.,

17 3
0 765

Hi community,

I have some constants hardcoded in my class as parameter values, and those constants are referenced in many places in my module. Now the need has arisen to provide different value for those parameters depending on some context. Is it possible to create some sort of accessor method for the parameter (like it is possible for properties), or do I need to perform a thorough refactoring?



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· Jul 27, 2017
Get STACK of another process


How can I read the stack of another process?

I know about ^JOBEXAM, but I only know how to use through terminal, and I need to get a string, or at least do a method that returns me a string

For example:

I have process A and B

B monitors process A at each second.

B logs information about process A in a table

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0 521

Good day,

I would like to know how to detect in Caché ObjectScript if data saved in string is number and furthermore, if it's type is integer.

I maybe found a solution:

set value = "44.2d3"

set status = $INUMBER(value,"")
if ('$FIND(+value,".")){
w "your variable: '"_value_"' is number and integer"
w "variable is number but no integer"
w "variable is not number"

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I have a situation where I write a character stream to a file. The file content gets signed and the signature is sent to a service provider together with the file content.

The signing is done using openssl.

This works perfectly on a dev PC, which is runnning Windows and has a little-endian architecture.

The problem is as soon as I do this on the server, which has a big-endian architecture, the signed value is incorrect according to the service provider.

The content is signed using RSA SHA256 with PSS padding.

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0 3.1K

Hi everyone

Is there any way to change a class definition (especifically a query definition during the compilation time)?
The idea is:
I have an abstract class with a parameter where I will define the ROWSPEC of a query and some methods to populate e temporary table
The implementation class will override the parameter, specifying the ROWSPEC of this implementation, and the methods will populate the rows in the same format as the ROWSPEC.

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0 625

I am working with Caché Relationships.

I know how to iterate through the One side of the relationship and for each One iterate through all the various Manys.

What I have been trying to figure out, is the code (I can put into a Class) that will start at the top of the Manys, iterate down and for each of the Manys, pull the associated One.

I can do this with SQL or Globals, but I want to use only Class type code.

Is that clear? Any help?

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· Jul 7, 2017 19m read
Indexing of non-atomic attributes

Quotes (1NF/2NF/3NF)ru:

Every row-and-column intersection contains exactly one value from the applicable domain (and nothing else).
The same value can be atomic or non-atomic depending on the purpose of this value. For example, “4286” can be
  • atomic, if its denotes “a credit card’s PIN code” (if it’s broken down or reshuffled, it is of no use any longer)
  • non-atomic, if it’s just a “sequence of numbers” (the value still makes sense if broken down into several parts or reshuffled)

This article explores the standard methods of increasing the performance of SQL queries involving the following types of fields: string, date, simple list (in the $LB format), "list of <...>" and "array of <...>".

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I needed to pass through a file with Ensemble but the operation wasn't writing some filenames as given because the EnsLib.File.PassthroughOperation 'sanitizes' filenames removing characters that are not valid on some operating
09000655_AEDC_C3344059_A&#47;E_Martin Browne_09000655_201706221018.pdf

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Good day, I would like to find out the size of Caché ObjectScript variable in order to guarantee that my program will not leak, equally in terminal and Caché globals. For example how huge number I can store in that variable ? And what happen in Caché when variable will leak ? How is this behavior treated? (how much memory is reserved for common variable?)

Thanks in advance for your answers.

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This is a translation of the following article. Thanks [@Evgeny Shvarov] for the help in translation.

This post is also available on Habrahabrru.

The post was inspired by this Habrahabr article: Interval-associative arrayru→en.

Since the original implementation relies on Python slices, the Caché public may find the following article useful: Everything you wanted to know about slicesru→en.

Note: Please note that the exact functional equivalent of Python slices has never been implemented in Caché, since this functionality has never been required.

And, of course, some theory: Interval treeru→en.

All right, let’s cut to the chase and take a look at some examples.

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