anyone know of a simple way to search a blob of text from a list of keywords in one fell swoop, without having to iterate through each keyword and perform an individual search? Ex.

s keywords="This,blob,text"

s text = "This is a sample blob of text"

i text[keywords w "hit"

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0 230

We have a Unicode installation of Cache'. A client wants to send us documents that will be machine-read and loaded, automatically. They want to create the documents in ISO-8859-1 ("Latin-1"). We'd need to convert the text to UTF8 for our system. I saw the documentation on the $ZCONVERT function, but I didn't see this option. How should it be done?


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Background: We have our own SQL map that predates InterSystems'. A program writes an XML file for each table map class as $system.OBJ.Export would. $system.OBJ.LoadDir loads the XML files into .cls files.

The reason is a long story, but we need to update parameter EXTENTSIZE (only) in existing classes. This does not seem to happen. As a test I used $system.OBJ.Export to make an XML file and edited EXTENTSIZE in the two places it appears in the XML:

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0 503

Hey everyone.

I have a process where I create a new %Stream.FileCharacter object, specify the filename (including it's path), write data to the stream, and then save. However for some reason, if the user account does not have write access to the directory, the %Save method is still returning true even though it was unable to actually write the file to the folder.

The location is a UNC path, and I'm wondering if this is tripping me up?

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0 326

I had a challenge recently where I was asked to parse and iterate JSON to find a patient that has a forename = "Bill" and try to make the function that iterates through the code re-usable.

Being working in Healthcare there isn't much experience or demand for parsing JSON, as most of my work is HL7.

I took this on using the documentation and worked out a way to parse the JSON (see posts below for code and source data).

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0 377

In previous versions of cache I used to be able to write click on a class and get a delete class option but in this version I can not find the delete class option was wondering if there is another way to delete a class if you wanted to do some house keeping.

N.B. These are the classes I create not the ones that comes with cache.

0 1
0 521

I have a quick question regarding swizzled objects.

I have an original object, say Object a, I am working with.

I set a property a.something.somethingother.somethingelse.myNewProperty to some value x.

Then at some point I am saving a and continuing to work with it. I assume here by saving a, I saved myNewProperty as well. (as it should work)

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0 319

So now that I have figured out how to send a Page via HTTP.OutboundAdapter, I have another question. I want to use a Function that all I have to do is pass two variables and it is sent to the HTTP.OutboundAdapter I created to send the Page.

So.. If I have a class file that Extends Ens.Rule.FunctionSet, how do I force it to send a Request to my HTTP Business Operation, without having to go through a DTL, or Business Process?



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0 595

I am trying to figure out how to send a Page via a HTTP.OutboundAdapter to a URL from Ensemble.

We have a URL that I am able to pass PNo=xxxx%PMsg=xxxx as parameters to send the page to a pager.

When I send the above URL through a REST client I receive a Response of "SENT".

But when I try to send it through the HTTP.OutboundAdpater I do not get a response.

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0 241

I need another set of eyes to look at the following. Instead of a Data Lookup table, I wanted to try to lookup a value against a Cache table that I had build. So I thought I could write a function to run a simple SQL query against the Cache Table and return me a %Boolean value back to my routing rule. However today I found that it was not working properly.

Can someone take a look at the following method and verify that I am doing this correct?

index = column name

value = HL7 field that I am passing into the method

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0 369

I have a case where I need to look up the NPI provider against an External MS SQL database to retrieve our Provider Identifier to send to a downstream system. In the past I would use a Business Process (BPL) to connect to the outside MS SQL via JDBC and get that information for me. But I was thinking instead of creating a BPL process to do this, would it be better just to link to the outside MS SQL database table to retrieve the information in a SQL statement within a DTL?

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0 296

Languages like Java and C++ allows to develop a multi-threaded program with two or more parts that can run concurrently and each part can handle a different task at the same time making optimal use of the available resources specially when your computer has multiple CPUs. Is it possible In ObjectScript? If yes, Where I can get a good sample or application?

1 5
0 764

We are trying to convert some of our SQL Service Integration Service jobs from Visual Studio to Ensemble. If we execute a Stored Procedure within SQL Server Management Studio it is returning approx 12,000 rows. However when Ensemble executes the same Stored Procedure it is only returning 250 rows.

Is there a limitation to EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot?

This is how we are calling the Stored procedure

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0 865
· Dec 9, 2020
Code migration using VSCode

I am fairly new to using VSCode. I have used VSCode to create some files on our Test Server, now I need to move them to Production.

Looking through the VSCode extension documentation, maybe I missed it but how to I migrate code from one workspace to another. In Studio I was use to exporting the code into an XML and just being able to import it on the Production server version of Studio.



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· Dec 4, 2020
SQL Query returns x00

Hey Intersystems Community-Member,

Following Issue: When I update a SQL table like (update OnlineV3Admin.ParameterApp set popuptext = '' where ID = '1') and then read it for my Json WebService there is a /"x00" in my Json.

What is the best option to disable that? I need here a empty String and not /x00.

Any ideas?

Best regards,

Florian Hansmann

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0 259


I need to create a util function that loops thru every character in the data, execute a $ASCII() against it. If it falls outside the realm of extended ASCII we toss it.

the function should receive a string, execute a for...loop across it's length and use $ASCII to evaluate the character. Also the function should return an output argument that indicates if the string is UTF8 valid or not.

could anyone help me with this?

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0 280

I am getting the date 20201121090000 in the HL7 message, How do I convert it to 2020-11-21 09:00:00 in a easy way?

I am currently doing it by extracting the first 7 values and splitting as date and time and then adding a hyphen using substring.

Is there an easier way by using $ZDATE? or something like that?

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0 1.9K


I'm trying to access the categories configuration for the WorkMgr via COS, so I can be able to create new categories for our processes and this way try to overlock the limit of cores*2 workers. I've seen that last version of IRIS is supposed to have a menu on the portal (System Administration > Configuration > System Configuration > WQM Categories), but since we are in 2020.1 this doesn't exist.

Does anyone have experience with WQM.API to manage the categories, or the usage of ^%SYS("WQM") to set it directly?

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0 232

In Cache WIndows environment:

Trying to use the $SYSTEM.SQL.DDLImport to import XML File that has ClassMethods, no SQL Table, but it doesn't appear to be working. I can use this ClassMethod to create SQL Tables. The manual method I have been using is to go into Cache Management Portal, Classes, Import.

I create an XML file first, then run the following to import but get no errors. Any ideas?

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0 227


I need to read a UTF8 encoded text file and translate the content to 8-bit.

Using %File class and $ZCVT(TXT,"I","UTF8") works , but I see that if the content is larger than max string (32000) and we cut the content

To max string chunks, we can get a <translate> error if we cut it in the "wrong" point..

Is there a better way to do this task?

My code looks like this:

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