· Mar 25 7m read
Introduction to Kubernetes

In this article, we will cover below topics:

  • What is Kubernetes?
  • Main Kubernetes (K8s) Components

What is Kubernetes?

Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration framework developed by Google. In essence, it controls container speed and helps you manage applications consisting of multiple containers. Additionally, it allows you to operate them in different environments, e.g., physical machines, virtual machines, Cloud environments, or even hybrid deployment environments.

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The InterSystems Kubernetes Operation (IKO) version 3.3 is now available via the WRC download page and the InterSystems Container Registry.

IKO simplifies working with InterSystems IRIS or InterSystems IRIS for Health in Kubernetes by providing an easy-to-use irisCluster resource definition. See the documentation for a full list of features, including easy sharding, mirroring, and configuration of ECP.

IKO 3.3 Highlights:

  • Support for 2021.2 and 2022.1 editions of InterSystems IRIS & IRIS for Health
  • Support for Kuberentes 1.21
  • Deploy common System Alerting and Monitoring (SAM) configurations as part of your irisCluster
  • InterSystems API Manager (IAM) can now also be deployed and managed as part of the irisCluster
  • Automatic tagging of mirror pair active side, so a service can always point to the active mirror member.
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Hi Community,

Play the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Introducing Smart Data Services @ Global Summit 2023
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Hi Community,

Please welcome the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Deploying InterSystems IRIS Solutions into Kubernetes Google Cloud
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· Oct 15, 2022
[Video] Kubernetes Overview

Hey Developers,

In this video you will learn what Kubernetes is and how it can be beneficial for deploying containerized application workloads:

Kubernetes Overview
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Some of you on the Developer Community have probably interacted with @Luca Ravazzolo if you are interested in cloud and container topics... If so, you'll enjoy Episode 2 of our new podcast — we chatted with Luca about Kubernetes and the InterSystems Kubernetes Operator. He does a great job of explaining the technology and its benefits here!
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· Jun 16, 2021
New Video: Kubernetes Overview

If you're looking for an introduction to Kubernetes as a technology, and a little teaser about the InterSystems Kubernetes Operator, check out the recently released Kubernetes Overview video. This video will introduce you to the functionality and use cases of Kubernetes, and explain a bit about how the InterSystems Kubernetes Operator makes it beneficial to use Kubernetes with InterSystems IRIS.
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Hi Community,

Watch this video to get a brief overview of the near- and long-term plans for HealthShare containerization and Kubernetes adoption, as well as a preview/demo of our current progress.

The Future of HealthShare in the Cloud: Containers/ Kubernetes @ Global Summit 2022
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Episode 20 of Data Points features a conversation with Bob Kuszewski about the Kubernetes and the InterSystems Kubernetes Operator (IKO). Take a listen to hear about some of the use cases and features of IKO, plus how it compares to InterSystems Cloud Manager (ICM) within the cloud space.
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