Recently I needed a classmethod that returns annotation value based on a name of a activity.

As doing it at runtime seemed inefficient, I wrote compile-time utility that iterates over all business process activities and generates relevant code.

This code could be used in a variety of situations when you need to iterate over business process activities, just add it as a secondary superclass to your BPL processes.

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Running predictive models natively in an InterSystems IRIS Business Process has of course always been the goal of our PMML support, but somehow never made it into the kit because there were a few dependencies and choices that needed addressing and answering. Anyhow, thanks to some pushing and code kindly provided by @Amir Samary (Thanks again Amir!), we finally got it wrapped in a GitHub repo for your enjoyment, review and suggestions.

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· Jan 19, 2019
Node.js Iris retrieve


I'm using node.js to access to Iris.

Considering this globals:

^Customer(1, "Address", 1)="London"

^Customer(1, "Address", 2)="UK"

^Customer(1, "Name")="Jane K. White"

^Customer(2, "Address", 1)="Reigate"

^Customer(2, "Address", 2)="UK"

^Customer(2, "Name")="Peter R. Black"

^Customer(3, "Address", 1)="London"

^Customer(3, "Address", 2)="UK"

^Customer(3, "Name")="Paul J. Green"

I retrieve all customers with:

mydata.retrieve( { global: "Customer" },


function(error, result) {

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2 309
· Jan 11, 2019 4m read
SQL Performance Resources

There are three things most important to any SQL performance conversation: Indices, TuneTable, and Show Plan. The attached PDFs includes historical presentations on these topics that cover the basics of these 3 things in one place. Our documentation provides more detail on these and other SQL Performance topics in the links below. The eLearning options reinforces several of these topics. In addition, there are several Developer Community articles which touch on SQL performance, and those relevant links are also listed.

There is a fair amount of repetition in the information listed below. The most important aspects of SQL performance to consider are:

  1. The types of indices available
  2. Using one index type over another
  3. The information TuneTable gathers for a table and what it means to the Optimizer
  4. How to read a Show Plan to better understand if a query is good or bad
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At the George James Software booth at Global Summit last year we took the wraps off the work we've been doing to make our popular editing and debugging tool Serenji available on the Visual Studio Code platform.

Rather than requiring you to pull code from your namespaces into local files, then push the changes back to the namespace to run it, you work directly in the namespace. In other words, the editing experience is like Studio rather than like Atelier.

As well as editing code you can also debug it directly from VSCode.

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Hi guys,

I have a customer trying to extract data from Hive. I've tried to use Data migration to migrate a table into IRIS with JDBC driver. But the migration task always fails as below

Then I tried to create a link table, the task fails too with the following error:

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