I use a swagger file and ##class(%REST.API).CreateApplication to create the rest api.

There is an interesting post: https://community.intersystems.com/post/download-file-rest-api-operation, but it is code, not a swagger configuration. disp.cls returns always a header content : application/json that of course fails as I am not always returning a json

I can not figure out what to put in swagger. Some examples I tried:

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I encountered this quirk when investigating an unrelated issue affecting how Studio projects are handled in VS Code.

When you add the top level of the webapp to a %Studio.Project this inserts a %Studio.ProjectItem with a .DIR suffix. For example, if Studio or VS Code is connected to the USER namespace and you add the /csp/user webapp to a project the new ProjectItem name is "csp/user.DIR".

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It's been a long time since I didn't write an update post on IoP.


So what's new since IoP command line interface was released?

Two new big features were added to IoP:
- Rebranding: the grongier.pex module was renamed to iop to reflect the new name of the project.
- Async support: IoP now supports async functions and coroutines.

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Could any one tell me, how the index works in cache db, Consider for example, I have a table called "Employee" and the fields as "EMPID, EMPNAME, EMPAGE" and I am having index for EMPID as IDX_EMPID and trying to get the record using the following query as


and the table data be like


001 ABC 20

002 AAA 21

003 ABB 23

004 BBB 20

005 BDF 24

006 EEE 22

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InterSystems Reports version 24.1 is now available from the InterSystems Software Distribution site in the Components section. The software is labeled InterSystems Reports Designer and InterSystems Reports Server and is available for Mac OSX, Windows and Linux operating systems.

This new release brings along some great enhancements from our partner, insightsoftware. InterSystems Reports 24.1 is powered by Logi Report Version 24.1SP2 and includes:

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Upon upgrading to 2023.1.4 we noticed that code exposed some issues with our HL7 DTLs during runtime (not compile). That codebase contains code which references invalid PropertyPaths. With our current version 2021, those invalid references appear to evaluate out to "" and no errors are produced. Of course the code is not generating output as expected but the router does not error.

Our dilemma is that we need to identify any DTLs whereby we are referencing non-existent property paths so we can address before upgrading live environment.

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· Jul 23


I'm trying to use JWT authentication on a REST application in IRIS. The login API are correctly "injected" into the application. Login works fine with Postman and other REST clients, and subsequent calls to my REST API using the bearer token work fine (correctly authenticated). So far, so good.

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Hi all,

I have some .vm (Velocity Templating Language) files that I'd like to be able to load into IRIS with the $System.OBJ.Load(filename) command, but it seems that only accepts XML files.

I've tried adding import/export logic in my custom studio document that will wrap the velocity content inside an XML document and vice versa, I've changed the existing Velocity files to have the extension .xml and be wrapped in XML, and I've included a .dtd file for them to reference. However, this doesn't seem to work.

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Hello Community,

I'm a beginner and currently working on a project to convert CCDA files to FHIR using InterSystems IRIS. I have developed a web form to upload CCDA files, and I'm attempting to convert the uploaded CCDA files to FHIR. However, I am encountering an issue where the conversion process results in an empty entry.
Here's the Output it displays on HTML page:

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I get the following error when I am trying to create a linked server connection via MS OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers in MS SQL Server Management Studio. The message I get is:

The OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "IRIS" reported an error. The provider did not give any information about the error.
Cannot initialize the data source object of OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "IRIS". (Framework Microsoft SqlClient Data Provider)

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I am a first time Python Contest participant and am interested in potentially implementing the community idea found in https://ideas.intersystems.com/ideas/DPI-I-542 if it is something relevant to Python.

Would anyone be able to shed a bit of light on what the desired outcome of that idea being implemented is? There were a lot of upvotes on that idea but there wasn't very much information in it. Thanks!

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I implemented a Python Flask application for the 2024 Python Contest with a page that provides common form fields for an outgoing email such as the To and CC fields. And it lets you input a message as well as uploading text based attachments.

Then using LlamaIndex in Python, the app analyzes the content you put in and returns to you in a result box if there is anything that should stop you from sending that email.

Take a look at the Github repo here.

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When registering the components: I used this command:
"Utils.migrate("/external/src/CoreModel/Python/settings.py)" ;
The error appears: "An error has occurred: iris.cls: error finding class",
I changed with these two lines:
result = subprocess.run(["iop", "-m", "/external/src/CoreModel/Python/settings.py"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, check=True)
subprocess.run(["iop", "-m", "/external/src/CoreModel/Python/settings.py"], stdout=subprocess.DEVNULL, stderr=subprocess.DEVNULL, check=True)

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Depuis ce matin j'arrive pas à compiler ou lancer mes programmes qui tourne en local sur docker avec l'image : intersystemsdc/irishealth-community:2024.1-zpm

J'ai toujours cette erreur sur le terminal ou le portal de management : request to http://localhost:52773/api/atelier/ failed, reason: socket hang up

Dans mes logs docker aussi j'ai des erreurs en conitnu , voici un extrait ...

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0 53

After performing Concurrent External Backup and restarting the instance, if I want to perform an incremental backup of Concurrent External Backup again.

Should I redo the following steps?

  2.  Set x=$$BACKUP^DBACK("","E","Dirty external backup - incrementals must be applied.","","","")
  3. Set x=$$BACKUP^DBACK("","I","Nightly","test.bck","N","bck.log","QUIET","N","Y")
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Hi Everyone,

We are looking for a Senior Database Manager for a contract position with a state agency. It's a two and a half year contract, fully remote.

Please review the opportunity by clicking the link below and if you qualify, please let me know if you are interested in speaking about the opportunity.

More info here: https://teckpert.applytojob.com/apply/NT9Sn55Blf/Senior-Database-Manager...




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Hey Developers,

Watch this video to discover an analytical approach to InterSystems IRIS encryption and how it interacts with storage compression and deduplication compared with storage-level encryption:

Encryption Landscape for Data at Rest @ Global Summit 2023

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