
I begin to work with VSCode and all is ok but i have just one problem with ObjectscriptQuality plugin. I have no feedback in the problem tab using the objectScriptQuality plugin.

I only have feedback from InterSystems Language Server plugin. Where could the problem come from?

My goal is to use objectscriptQyality with the basic rules at first

I work with iris 22.3

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In VSCode using the InterSystems extensions, I now have an almost working environment where routines can be created or modified on disk and these are pushed to the developer's IRIS instance.

One issue I'm finding whilst testing is that if I rename or delete a routine from disk, the change isn't pushed to IRIS and I can't work out how to make this happen.

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Is it possible to authenticate an xDBC (ODBC/JDBC) connection to InterSystems IRIS via (a 3rd party) OAuth server?

For REST APIs this is possible, but could this be achieved with OAuth?

Out-of-the-box the ODBC/JDBC Drivers don't seem to have this option, but maybe some custom code could enable this? perhaps via Delegated Authentication and some OAuth classes customization, or some other way?

Has anyone done this already and can share how it was implemented, or someone with some guideline suggestions?

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Has anyone noticed that when IRIS is forced down that the EnsLib.JavaGateway.Services do not properly shut down and release the ports? While we can write a shell script to kill the processes at the OS level, I was wondering if anyone experienced this issue.

We are working on our Mirroring setup/failover and had the team testing forcing the Primary down to make the Backup to become the Primary Server. When this happened and we failed back, IRIS could not restart the JavaGateway.Services because the ports were still in use.

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· Jul 30
Generate JWT token

Hi there,

My purpose is to encrypt a communication using JWT tokens. I am developing on IRIS and my purpose is to generate a JWT token that will run on an older version of Cache (so I have to use functions that are compatible with the older version, Cache).

I wrote this code in IRIS:

s username = "user-test123"
set st = ##class(%OAuth2.Utils).TimeInSeconds($ztimestamp,0)
set et = ##class(%OAuth2.Utils).TimeInSeconds($ztimestamp, 60*15)

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Our 3M Computer Assisted Coding system goes down on a regular basis for updates, the Applications folks like us to Disable the Business Operations when this happens and start them back up when they page the on-call person. The Business Operations have to be started in a sequence to guarantee that all the ADT being sent it processed before we start sending everything else.

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How to send the HL7 Batch messages over a SOAP webservice which takes 3 credentials(Username, Password& Org.ID) using IRIS Management Portal V 2019.1?

WSDL xsd : element - 1.Username , 2.Password ,3.Org.ID ,4.HL7 Message.

Info I had -

Source is CSV File will be translated to HL7 using data Transformations. All the transformed messages need to be sent to destination System through SOAP request as a single Batch File.

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A customer whose Ensemble code contains lots of hardwired API URL calls is running into issues because of the IRIS instance name insertion in the URL path since IRIS v 2024.1.

What are the best solutions to revert to the previous URL path or automatically and dynamically rewrite this path (Apache mod_rewrite ? Proxies ?). Any examples ?

Thanks for your help,
Bertrand Cayzac

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Hello all,

I'm trying to build a cube based on a linked table but seems that IRIS is not able to do it :O

Long story short, I have a linked table in IRIS that sources a Microsoft SQL table (using standard linked feature from the portal). It works fine, I can access it using SQL as many other times. On top of that, I've created in DeepSee (ok, Analytics) a cube that uses this class as source. It compiles correctly, no errors given. When I build it with 100 records, all goes well and using Analyzer I can see results.

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Hi there,

I'm discovering IRIS and I need to POC the solution, with a constraint: containerization.
I'm used to deploy my apps in a Swarm cluster, and all my bind volumes are written on a GlusterFS volume.

The problem here, when I start my stack, the first log is:

[WARN] ISC_DATA_DIRECTORY is located on a mount of type 'fuse.glusterfs' which is not supported, consider a named volume for '/iris_conf'

And of course the deployment fails.

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· Oct 22, 2023
JWT enabled Web Application

Hello Community,

I've enabled the JWT Authentication in my web application. I invoked the /login page to get the JWT and it creates an entry in %SYS.TokenAuth table. Is there any time span for the entries will rid out from the table automatically or It's a manual process? Where can I find the JWT signature private/public key

settings screenshot

web application

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We are moving away from Delegated Authentication in which I stored a username and password for our LDAP in a GLOBAL to be called by ZAUTHENTICATE.

Is there a way to pull in that GLOBAL into the LDAP Configuration within the Managment Portal instead of having to manually enter it? There seems to be an issue with Copy/Paste that the password isn't being set correctly when I use Copy/Paste.

Else I just export/import the LDAP Configuration from 1 server to another and manually update the Certificate to point to the correct file.



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Hello Community,

I'm executing the same query with same column name but in different case. An unique cached query generated while query executed first time. The query preparser only normalize the keywords and send to the SQL engine generates the Hash. Eventually use the cached query next use.

Now my question, The hash values are same for both of the queries. Then why it creates two cached queries.

Query1: select * from MyLearn.Test where Name['Kev1'

Query2: select * from MyLearn.Test where NamE['Kev1'

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I have an angular UI communicating with a iris rest api. Now I need to authenticate (to federated) before accessing the UI, and for a better solution as the users are using the healthshare clinical viewer 2023, find a way to use the clinical viewer authentication / user to go to the UI.

The angular way would be to do an angular guard and have a function 'am I authenticate to federated', but I never found a function like this and how to get my username.

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I am trying to create my first call to our Epic FHIR Repository from Health Connect using Samples-FHIRStarter now that I have OAuth2.0 connection tested/working with our Epic Interconnect URL.

When I take a patient example from our Epic environment and test it through Data.BPL.PatientRecordCollector within the Namespace, I keep getting a 404 - File or directory not found

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I have a spring-boot Java application which has Quartz Scheduler (spring-boot-quartz-starter) dependency, and uses IRIS DB.
There is a problem with making Quartz Scheduler work with IRIS since there is a blob field expected in two tables, but IRIS is using longvarbinary type.
Can you provide me with clues on how to resolve this?

I am using org.quartz.impl.jdbcjobstore.StdJDBCDelegate driverDelegateClass.

This is the error:
MisfireHandler: Error handling misfires: Couldn't retrieve trigger: invalid stream header: 41434544

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Hello Community,

Is there any way to avoid generating the built in validation inside the classmethod from the .disp class definition. I've added the resource with path parameter as integer in swagger 2.0 open API. The class method(in my case getRandom is the class method) inside .disp handles the integer validation by default. Is there a way to avoid/remove by default.

default validations for Integer

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There's a distinct difference between the control sequences issued by Windows ssh.exe (OpenSSH_for_Windows_9.5p1, LibreSSL 3.8.2) vs. the RHEL 9 ssh (OpenSSH_8.7p1, OpenSSL 3.0.7 1 Nov 2022) when establishing a session to a Linux host.

Windows ssh issues the following for the Home/End keys:

^[OH - Home
^[OF - End

Linux ssh issues these:

^[[1~ - Home
^[[4~ - End

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