I have created a FHIR endpoint and send the FHIR resource to FHIR Interoperability production class which is HS.FHIRServer.Interop.Service through the the created endpoint(/r4). I can able to see/get the HS.SDA3.QuickStream(It use CacheTemp.HS.Stream temporary global) on the fly(In between the process). I'm unable to get the FHIR resource from the QuickStream once the process completed. Is this HS.SDA3.QuickStream is wiped out from the system once process completed?

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I have been successfully able to transform hand-written medical test results documents to HL7 ORU_R01 v2.x, then to SDA, which will be trasformed to FHIR or C-CDA.

However, I have a category of documents which contains reference range in multiple date formats, which are measured for each gestation period.
For example, below is one of the documents.

Analyte: HCG, Value: 1968, Unit: mlU/mL

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· Jul 6, 2023
REST Documentation Confusion

I had attempted to create a REST Operation before but did not have success. As I am going through the Tutorials and Documentation everything references REST services, but I have a case where I want to create a REST Operation that makes Epic API calls against Interconnect. I have done SOAP operations before and we currently have one in our Production Namespace, but from what I understand SOAP has the wsdl which defines al the structures and etc, where REST does not.

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Hi Community,

I would like to know how I can query a list of patients that were revoked on HealthShare for the month of April and May.

Messages are sent using FHIR and a revoke is handled with active:false as seen below. A non-revocation will have active: true on the patient resource.

I wanted to check SQL tables but I am not sure which one to check if so. Please advise on how to go about getting this report.


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Hi all,

I am looking for a way to serialize fhir content received via interoperability adapter into it´s corresponding ISC model class (e.g. HS.FHIR.DTL.vR4.Model.Resource.DiagnosticReport) for later use. In my opinion the outline to accomplish this would be something like

1) Receive the FHIR data
2) Get quick stream containing the JSON data
3) Examine if bundle or single ressource
4) For resource serialize to coressponding model class (HS.FHIR.DTL.vR4.Model.Resource.*)
5) further use of newly created object of type HS.FHIR.DTL.vR4.Model.Resource.*

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We are going to have basic patient demographic data coming in to Cache via a webservice. I thought that I should define the input as XML something like the FHIR format (with UK extensions).

In the past we've input XML streams and used the %XML.Reader to convert them to matching classes successfully, so I thought it would be easy. However, I've found that the FHIR format stores everything in attributes like:

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In article


Traceback (most recent call last):
File "c:\Users\rochesterd\PythonScripts\fhir_stuff\fhir-client-python-main\fhir-client-python-main\src\client.py", line 57, in <module>
patient0 = Patient.parse_obj(patients_resources.search(
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'serialize'

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Newbie here...

I am looking to use fhir to gather patients in our end point that have a certain diagnosis and or certain insurance.

Is this what fhir can be used for?

In the past I have done the normal SQL query/extract to CSV file. Looking to use fhir for this for future.

Thanks in advance for your time


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Hello community,

is there anything special to consider when running a foundation production regarding purge jobs (Ens.Util.Tasks.Purge)? I am thinking specifically of the QuickStreams, which according to my information are stored in a temporary database until the system is restarted. Since a system reboot is much less frequent then the purges, I wonder what happens to the QuickStreams whose messages and headers have already been purged. Is there a way to view Quickstreams (not content, but rather metadata) e.g. via the Management Portal?

Thanks for your comments and hints,

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Cures Act USCDI/ C-CDAv21 certification. I am looking for SDA3 examples for Newman-Bates-Kid/registry settings/advices on how to learn / whatever is helpful. InterSystems xsl files are clean but I am not working very often with xsl. I am mainly looking at Provenance and Clinical Notes, the 2 last errors we have. InterSystems documentation, so far I know, is very poor: only classes and some pages. Support has a small knowledge about SDA3 -> C-CDAv21 even if they try very hard to help.

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Hello Community,

when trying to send HS.FHIRServer.Interop.Request objects to an external FHIR server, I get errors: ERROR #6156: No match between server name '...' and SSL certificate values '...'. The reason is pretty clear, the problem is that we don't get correct certificates in time, but have some pressure to go live with the interface.

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Hi All,
I am a product owner for a 3rd party healthcare product.
We have built FHIR integrations with Cerner and EPIC using their FHIR sandboxes and would like to do the same for Trakcare.

Essentially we can lookup a patient record on the FHIR sandbox and import their demographics into our product. Switch out the sandbox credentials for production and we can integrate directly into the customers data.

Does a similar service exist for Trakcare?

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I am trying to configure OAuth2 server to connect to Cerner Auth server to get FHIR API access token but I am getting the error "Discovery response not valid".

I can get the access token back okay from Cerner endpoint used in the OAuth configuration below via Postman and Manually sending the request via HTTP Operation from HealthShare, so the URLs I am using looks correct but the OAuth configuration is not working.

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Following "Adding Custom HL7 FHIR packages to the HL7 FHIR server" at https://learning.intersystems.com/course/view.php?id=1721 I'm able to create an FHIR extension of type string as well as a search parameter.

However, I need to create an extension as well as a search parameter of type Reference. And this is not working.

Did anyone successfully add an extension and search parameter of type Reference?

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