The objective of the article is to provide the reader with the following informations:

  • Configure and use the FHIR server
  • Create an OAuth2 Authorization Server
  • Bind the FHIR server to the OAuth2 Authorization Server for support of SMART on FHIR
  • Use the interoperability capabilities of IRIS for Health to filter FHIR resources
  • Create a custom operation on the FHIR server

Schema of the article:


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· Feb 23, 2024 5m read
Using an Azure bot to access IRIS

I have challenged to create a bot application using Azure Bot that can retrieve and post data to IRIS for Health.

A patient's data has already been registered in the FHIR repository of IRIS for Health.

The patient's MRN is 1001. His name is Taro Yamada. (in Japanese :山田 太郎)

This bot can post new pulse oximeter readings as an observation resource linked to the patient.

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We conclude this series of SMART On FHIR articles with Auth0 and InterSystems IRIS FHIR Repository by reviewing our application developed in Angular 16.

Let's remember what the architecture defined for our solution is like:

Our front-end application corresponds to the second column and as you can see it will be in charge of two things:

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Based on a great sample and workshop built by @Luis Angel Pérez Ramos (see related articles and related Open Exchange app), which included a local InterSystems IRIS for Health container (and desired setup), this sample presented here, adapted the workshop for using the InterSystems Cloud FHIR Server, and it's related setup.

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When building a bundle from legacy data, I (and others) wanted to be able to control whether or not the resources were generated with a FHIR Request Method of PUT instead of the hard coded POST. I have extended the two classes responsible for transforming SDA to FHIR in an Interoperability Production to accomodate a setting that lets the user control the Request Method.

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· Nov 15, 2024 2m read
HL7 -> SDA -> FHIR -> Personal Growth

I have a large tree outside my window. Here in Phoenix, Arizona, USA it's still warm and sunny so our plants are still covered in lush foliage despite so many other places in the full throws of Autumn. My desk is oriented such that I can look out at the tree throughout the day.

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I have started working on utilizing Epic on FHIR about a month ago.

Creating a Public Private Key Pair

mkdir /home/ec2-user/path_to_key
openssl genrsa -out ./path_to_key/privatekey.pem 2048

For backend apps, you can export the public key to a base64 encoded X.509 certificate named publickey509.pem using this command...

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My main goal of this article was to prove the use of InterSystems IRIS for Health for REST FHIR interoperability between multiple applications. In this use case, some initiating application makes a REST call to IRIS for Health (which is merely a passthrough for REST calls) to retrieve FHIR data from an Oracle Health R4 FHIR repository. Ideally, it simplifies the syntax for calling the Oracle Health APIs.

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Over the past couple of months, I have been working on the SMART on FHIR EHR Launch to test the capabilities of IRIS for Health using two open-source apps from CSIRO: SMART-EHR-Launcher and SMART Forms App. This journey has been incredibly interesting, and I’m truly grateful for the opportunity to work on this task and explore more of IRIS for Health’s potential.

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· Feb 13 4m read
Bulk FHIR Step by Step

FHIR repositories, applications and servers typically serve clinical data in small quantities, whether to return data about a patient, their medications, vaccines, allergies, among other information. However, it is common for a large amount of data in FHIR/JSON format to be requested to be used to load into Data Lakes, identifying study cohorts, population health, or transferring data from one EHR to another. To meet these business scenarios that require large extractions and loads of data, it is recommended to use the FHIR Bulk Data Access feature provided by HL7 institution.

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An extension “extends” or enhances a FHIR resource or a data element in a custom way. The extension can be added to the root of a resource, such as “Patient.ethnicity” in US Core profile, and they can be added to individual elements such as HumanName, Address or Identifier.

Did you know that you can also add an extension to a primitive data type?

Primitives usually store a single item and are the most basic element in FHIR. For example: "Keren", false, 1234, 12/08/2024 etc.

For example, the patient resources might look like this:

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