Hello everyone,

Recently, I've been working on a Business Process that processes a large JSON FHIR message containing up to 50k requests in an array within the JSON.

Currently, the code imports the JSON as a dynamic object from the original message stream, obtains an iterator from it, and processes each request one at a time in a loop.

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I have a scenario where I recognize that I have a duplicate patient in FHIR , both have a different set of data attached to them (Specimens / Observations / Conditions) and I want to transfer all the data from patient X to patient Y, and maybe mark patient X as not relevant or delete it IDK yet.

since Patch currently supports only single patch,

"The Conditional Patch query identified more than one resource."

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I am trying to work with the FHIR Object Model where I convert an incoming HL7v2 to SDA then FHIR. From here I would like to be able to process the FHIR Object by deserializing it to a Bundle object using the following code my problem is I keep on getting an error which is not explaining much about what is wrong with what I am doing any help will be appreciated thanks.

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I am having an issue when I am publishing data to FHIR which is hosting in AWS. I am sending the data to the Cloud FHIR url but getting the below error.

Any idea how to resolve this issue? Any example to cretae FHIR repository using Object script?

:<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN"> <html><head> <title>404 Not Found</title> </head><body> <h1>Not Found</h1> <p>The requested URL was not found on this server.</p> </body></html>

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I'm trying to configure a new interface that reads HL7, transform them into FHIR messages and then send POST or PUT or DELETE depending on HL7 doc type.

1-I added an HL7 TCP service that reads ADTs messages

2a-Send ADTs to a process to transform them into SDA (using the following command: do ##class(HS.Gateway.HL7.HL7ToSDA3).GetSDA(request,.con))

2b-Extract the patient MRN and add it to the AdditionalInfo property (using the following request message class: HS.Message.XMLMessage)

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Hi everyone,

I'm looking for a strategy for dividing a large FHIR message, in a post request, into smaller parts.

I have found the paging modifier for the GET request, but not a similiar one for the POST request. Maybe the 'batch' type of a Bundle could help me to indicate this aim but there aren't any attribute to say the total or the i-th element.

Do you know of any method for implementing 'paging' in a post request?

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Using the FHIR DEMO, I have pieced together how to make a FHIR Request using OAuth against an External FHIR Repository. When I execute the Patient search (HS.FHIRServer.Interop.Request), I get a HS.FHIRServer.Interop.Response that has a Quick Stream ID, which I then use to convert the Quick Stream to a JSON Dynamic Object. if I do a trace on the Raw JSON Object, I am able to pull out single elements, however I want to pull the raw JSON into a defined Class Structure.

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Question for folks who have connected to an External FHIR repository outside of IRIS. Within the HS.FHIRServer.Interop.HTTPOperation there is not an option to include TLS or an OAuth authentication when connecting to an external Repository. So then how is that piece done if you need to Authenticate against an OAuth Server before you are able to access the data or call the Web Services/REST calls?

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I am attempting to make a FHIR call against the Epic Repository through Intersystems. I have setup a Service client per Create FHIR REST Client | InterSystems Developer Community | Business

but I have set it up using OAuth and HTTPS.

I have verified that the OAuth works by executing it manually via a Terminal to verify I get a response. Of course, when I do it is writing to the ISCLOG

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I found an issue while fetching records from FHIR DB, I am getting below error thou FHIR repository have the records with the corresponding id


"resourceType": "OperationOutcome",

"issue": [


"severity": "error",

"code": "not-found",

"diagnostics": "<HSFHIRErr>ResourceNotFound",

"details": {

"text": "No resource with type 'Appointment' and id '21'"





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IRIS for UNIX (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 for x86-64) 2024.1 (Build 267_2U) Tue Apr 30 2024 16:06:39 EDT [HealthConnect:7.2.0-1.r1]

I have a use case where Epic is sending an A60 Allergy transaction is set at the Patient level, but we have a system called VIBE which needs the ADT at an Encounter level instead. Currently we store ADT information in a MS SQL database for years, and we are querying it to get the latest Account Number to insert into the ADT^A60 for VIBE.

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· May 16, 2024
Implementing a counter for OBX

Hi Team,

I am trying to use the inbuilt class: EnsLib.HL7.Service.FileService to pass through an HL7 ADT message as a part of an HL7 to FHIR transformation. We have a client requirement, where we are receiving an NTE segment as a part of the ADT message. I am trying to map the NTE segment to an OBX Segment. I need to implement a counter for OBX segment whenever a NTE segment is found and map the NTE fields to the new OBX segment

How do I implement the counter for OBX?



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Up until recently, I have been toying around with REST/FHIR capabilities but only internally. Now I have a request to make REST API calls outside of our Network.

I am using an RSA 4096 key, because Microsoft Active Directory Services which generates the signed certificate could not handle the Elliptical Key (ECC) when I put the request in.

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· May 9, 2024
Samples-FHIRStarter Questions

I am trying to create my first call to our Epic FHIR Repository from Health Connect using Samples-FHIRStarter now that I have OAuth2.0 connection tested/working with our Epic Interconnect URL.

When I take a patient example from our Epic environment and test it through Data.BPL.PatientRecordCollector within the Namespace, I keep getting a 404 - File or directory not found

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Hello Community,

I'm a beginner and currently working on a project to convert CCDA files to FHIR using InterSystems IRIS. I have developed a web form to upload CCDA files, and I'm attempting to convert the uploaded CCDA files to FHIR. However, I am encountering an issue where the conversion process results in an empty entry.
Here's the Output it displays on HTML page:

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I was looking for an easier way to build the FHIR Query String, given the Record Map request that is passed into the DTL.

I built this Function, but when I run a message through it, my Query String that is passed back into the DTL is a Reference Pointer and not the String I am looking for.

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I'm trying to complete Inferno Service Base URL test for FHIR endpoint and I thought it wanted host.com/fhir/r4/.well-known/smart-configuration but I get header error below. Am I using the wrong Service Base URL List or am I missing something? I'm running 2021.2 HealthShare

ERROR <HSFHIRErr>InvalidAcceptSpec: No valid Accept data found (Accept header or _format parameter)
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Working on a project where I'm needing to make FHIR calls from my HealthConnect Interop production to Epic.

My issue is I'm not able to construct a valid JWT for the OAuth token retrieval that Epic will accept. I have the below code where I'm able to create a valid header and payload that I'm base64URL encoding and then trying to sign with my .pem private key file. However, Epic is not liking the signature portion of my JWT.

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