Hi ,

Still a newbie for ensemble, I am trying to convert XML message to HL7 Message. I am using Custom schema for XML structure which includes MSH and PID segments from HL7 Message.

These are the service, process, Operation classes i am using

Business service-EnsLib.EDI.XML.Service.FileService

Business Process-EnsLib.MsgRouter.RoutingEngine

Business operation -EnsLib.HL7.Operation.FileOperation

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I know there is the ability to enable Rule Sets within a Business Rule by dates, but what about Sub-Rules or just Rules in general? We have an upcoming go-live that is at Midnight and I was wondering if there was a way I could script out enabling rules/sub-rules within a Business Rule to save my team some time and headaches. Or is the best practice is just to create another rule for the go-live, then move it over once we are live...

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Hi Guys,

From where can I set a user/pass for an application pls?

I've the below application as an API to be used by a client to send requests and would like to set a user/pass for it, I can see the Password tickbox but where can I type in the required password, and can I set a use as well?


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Each business component in Ensemble picks up its allocated jobs from a pool, and the Pool Size setting for each component determines how many jobs each component can work on each time. In this article we will be specifically discussing different Pool Size settings for Business Processes.

Pool Size = 1

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0 1.2K

Hello ALL!

I am having trouble fining a way to derive (a list, an array, a file doesnt matter yet how it returns) ALL of the targets of a routing rule.

For example lets say I have:

  • a router of class: EnsLib.MsgRouter.RoutingEngine
  • Business Rule: HappyRRN
  • 1 rule set having 5 rules that each send to 1 DTL and 1 Operation (5 targets total)

My intent is to use some utlities we have created to disable all of the target operations of this router if the router errors out.

To do that I need the list of target operations.

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0 176
· Oct 13, 2022
JDBC Gateway Server Crash

I am trying to troubleshoot an issue I am having with the JDBC Gateway Server crashing at the %SYS level. I have numerous Linked Tables that are using JDBC to connect to a MS SQL database/tables to query values. I have written queries in other class files and within the class definition of the linked table to do the queries.

1. Should I be running the query in the class definition of the linked table as a class method? or is it best practice to run the query as a class method outside of the class definition of the linked table?

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0 190

Context: Ensemble development with ObjectScript in a healthcare context - lots of HL7, and some web service stuff. We've used Studio up till now, alongside a lot of leaning on an external developer, but are expanding our team and doing more in-house. We are wondering about Visual Studio Code - not least because it looks easier to hook up to source management solutions. And we've noticed that the test environments that you get connected to when doing many of the online training courses on learning.intersystems.com give you a Visual Studio Code environment.

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We have a handful of cases where we get reflex orders in an interface that contain multiple OBR segments. These are rare but when we get them, they are causing errors in down stream systems because we are unintentionally excluding OBR segments.


At the DTL level - is it possible to iterate over this segment WITHOUT altering the underlying schema? If so what would that look like?

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Hi developers,

We're excited to let you know about the latest release of Serenji, your on-the-spot debugger from George James Software. Version 3.2.0 focuses on the debug experience and introduces zero configuration for users. No matter where you are or what you're doing, Serenji is always ready to go in just one click, so you won't lose focus by spending time setting up a launch configuration.

This enhanced debugger also takes advantage of the latest features of VS Code itself. With this powerful combination you'll be able to smoothly identify and quickly fix errors in your code, contributing to the production of quality, maintainable code... and isn't that what everyone wants?!

In this latest release you will experience:

  • Debugging in just one click with zero configuration.
  • Navigation directly to the source of an error using our gj :: locate technology.
  • Intuitive prompting for entrypoint and arguments.
  • Configurable break on error.
  • Program output in debug console.
  • Run and Debug CodeLenses.
  • Run multiple concurrent debug sessions and consoles.
  • Shaded background for read-only documents.

If you're a new user, it's now easier for you to get started. The introduction of a welcome page Walkthrough and guidance on the Explorer and Run and Debug views means you can effortlessly create your initial workspace and start debugging.

Download Serenji directly from the VS Code marketplace and take a look at our release notes to find out more about these new features and how to use them.

We offer a free 30 day trial so if you're not yet a user of Serenji but you're interested in how it can help you, drop me a message through the Developer Community or email us at info@georgejames.com.

Happy debugging!

7 1
4 317

Hi Guys,

I'm exporting a Zen report to excel using the following : SET Status=rpt1.GenerateReport("c:\temp\Intruments.xls",10)

and it's working ok but I'm getting extra fields that they shouldn't be there.

here is the correct html format :

0 4
0 314

Hi Guys,

This link (https://github.com/CassiaNetworks/CassiaSDKGuide/blob/master/node_exampl...) uses Javascript request to open a a steam and collect data in an array (screenshot below) and I'm trying to replicate this with Cache script with HTTP request which is connecting Ok but don't know how can I collect data because the code is hanging at Set tSc=Httprequest.Get(HttpURL) and cannot execute S BLEConnect=Httprequest.HttpResponse.StatusLine or any line after it.

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· Oct 10, 2022
hs_err_pid log files

Hi Guys,

I'm getting a lot of hs_err_pid.mdmp & hs_err_pis.txt error files in the path where Cache.DAT in located and as I googled these seems to be Java error files and I'm wondering what this has to do with Ensemble, and is it alright to just delete them?


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0 132
· Oct 7, 2022
URL masking and redirection

Hi Guys,

I'm a new developer taking over an existing project that I'm not that familiar with and while running a few pages I came across some used urls that leads to same page!?

0 2
1 252

I'm new user learning to use Iris and Ensemble. I'm trying to set up a TCP interface to send delimited data from Ensemble to another interface engine. I created File.PassthroughService to pick up the file and send the data to TCP.Framed.PassthroughOperation. The framing is MLLP and SSL configuration used. It is able to process small files around 50kb. When I drop a larger file such as 5mb, the operation is not getting the ack within the 60 sec timeout.

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0 196

First of all thanks for your time and help reading this question:

We would need some help:

The use case is: to add a rule inside a EnsLib.HL7.MsgRouter.RoutingEngine, where we iterate in a EnsLib.HL7.Message to find a specified value inside all OBXs segments. It should return a Boolean

Is there any recommended way, or standard function inside Ensemble, that we could use, without having to develop a new function?

We have read:

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0 695
· Sep 28, 2022

Hi ,

I am Converting HL7 message into SDA3 format by using Ens.DataTransform Class but transformation is not happening while using this class and throwing the below error

ERROR <Ens>ErrException: <UNDEFINED>zTransform+1^Hosiptal.SDA3.DataTrans.1 *target -- logged as '-' number - @' Set target.Patient.Name=source.GetValueAt("PID:5")'

Let me know if any mistake please refer the below code

0 15
0 409

Good morning,

We would like to share with you a doubt, and we would appreciate if you could read and answer us.

Currently we have a file titled: "Imagen PatientID 9358340 PatientName Milagros ReasonForStudy 350290 InstitutionName 350290 StudyDate 20220927.xml" , in which we have the following InstitutionName:

<DicomAttribute keyword="InstitutionName" tag="00080080" vr="LO">
<Value number="1">350290</Value>

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0 201

Hi all.

I have setup a HL7 Operation using the HTTP adapter, and I'm getting what seems to me as an unusual response. When sending a sample message to the operation, I am getting a nested ACK. For example:

MSA|AA|RWSD7V5iuEC5F6zscDWz|HTTP ACK 'HTTP/1.1 200 OK' : MSH|^~\&|yyy|yyyy|xxx|xxx|20220923080633||ACK^A01|1663916793965||2.3||||||
MSA|CR|RWSD7V5iuEC5F6zscDWz|Error Message Goes Here.

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· Sep 28, 2022
Flush on CSP-page

CSP Page prosessing;

Is there a way to flush temporary cache data to csp page while server is still prosessing the end of page ?

So, the whole page is a LOOP which gathers the data. It seems to reveal the output only after when whole thing has finished. Is it possible to flush data to screen on every loop ?

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