· Nov 19, 2024
How to create a signed JWT

I need to create a JWT to connect to EPIC FHIRserver sandbox.

You will generate a one-time use JSON Web Token (JWT) to authenticate your app to the authorization server and obtain an access token that can be used to authenticate your app's web service calls. There are several libraries for creating JWTs. See for some examples.

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Working on a project where I'm needing to make FHIR calls from my HealthConnect Interop production to Epic.

My issue is I'm not able to construct a valid JWT for the OAuth token retrieval that Epic will accept. I have the below code where I'm able to create a valid header and payload that I'm base64URL encoding and then trying to sign with my .pem private key file. However, Epic is not liking the signature portion of my JWT.

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Hi guys,

I need to check my HTTPS POST REQUEST, in order to do this I try to catch it by using wireshark.

I can't see anything because of the encryption.

I try unsuccefully to use the SSLKEYLOGFILE key (windows 11), but the generated file did not increase when I trigger my code OR postman, it grows only by the action of the web browser.

My question is so simple :

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0 294
· May 16, 2024
RSA Encryption Decryption

Hi guys,

I try to make a test of encryption, decryption of a simple text.

I can crypt my text, but I can't decrypt it, do you see somewhere a dummy error of my part ?

Thanks for help

ClassMethod UnitTest()


set inputPlainText = "David"

// get private key

set privKeyFileName = "C:\temp\toto.pem"

set privobjCharFile = ##class(%Stream.FileCharacter).%New()

set privobjCharFile.Filename = privKeyFileName

set privKey = privobjCharFile.Read()

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1 173
· Sep 20, 2023
Size limit for Base64Decode

Hi Community,

Can I please check what the size limit for the parameter in $SYSTEM.Encryption.Base64Decode() method ?

I have a 12 page base64 encoded PDF document, which is failing when decoded. I am getting the error below:

ERROR <Ens>ErrException: <ILLEGAL VALUE>zXSDToLogical+1^%Library.Binary.1 -- logged as '-' number - @''

OBX:5 size=4233781

I tried the below from terminal, but it is not able copy the whole string for the parameter so couldn't execute it.

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0 419

We've implemented SAML authentication for our application where we are the service provider and various other entities are the identity providers. We've done successful connections with several identity providers including Okta, Duo Mobile, Ping Identity, and Azure. Validating the SAML response with signed assertions has been working great. Now, I am trying implement support for the SAML assertions in the response being encrypted for a new identity provider and struggling to understand procedurally how to go about this.

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0 361

So I have a base string that I want to sign using RSA-SHA256. I have a .p12 file and passphrase to get the RSA Private key using NodeJS (pem.readPkcs12 library), which I don't know how to do that in intersystems as well. (would appreciate if you can include a solution for that too)

The main problem here is I am trying to sign a string and print the result to terminal, using the code below in a routine (.mac file).

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0 626

Hi All,

Hopefully someone can help me with this case. I need to encrypt a text(querystring) with an AES265 encryption. An other vendor is decrypting this information. I have a working class in C#. I've tried to build the same in Objectscript for the encrypt part but there's a missing link somewhere. What's the difference between the C# and Objectscript implementation?

Objectscript code (until now):

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Credentials for a Productions are stored as plain text in ^Ens.SecondaryData.Password and exposed as plain text via SQL table Ens_Config.Credentials which is not ideal as only admins should know the credentials.

I can create my own adapter etc... to store and use encrypted passwords but does anyone know if there is a standard way to do this in a Production?

Alternatively, am I missing how to secure this so the production can run and someone can monitor and operate a production without access to the SQL table or global?

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· Dec 2, 2021
SNN Encryption

I need to store an equivalent of the SNN (Social Security number). I need it to be encrypted and I'll have to be able to search for it once stored.

For what I've seen my options are:

- SHAHash from the %system.encryption library. Simple and easy to implement. My question is, might collisions be a problem? We are talking about a 10 millions entry.

- AES encryption. In this case I'd like to know if there is a standard way for key management in the InterSystems environment.

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0 329

I would like to know if an encrypted caché database can run significantly slower than a normal "unencrypted" database, in a way that is noticeable to the end user (e.g. slower response time for most pages, especially the ones that rely on read/writing to globals).

I searched in Intersystems knowledge base and couldn't find anything related. I'm looking for possible before/after benchmarks.

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0 312

Can the built-in $System.Encryption.TOTP() function be used in conjunction with Authenticator Apps (e.g. Google, Microsoft, and so on)?

Providing the same secret/key to a variety of authentication apps, they all return the same synchronized value. However, passing the same secret/key to $System.Encryption.TOTP() is generating a different value (with all instances executing at the same time for comparison).

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0 264

I am using the Java Binding to connect a Java Middleware Application to Cache. Originally I was using a CacheListOfDataTypes (JAVATYPE = "java.lang.List") object to bring data back. I was tasked with encrypting the data using AES and I was using the AESCBCEncrypt function on the List elements (up to 20k characters for each element) to bring it back before concatenating it on the middleware. This almost worked. Like 95% of the characters were being decrypted correctly but some text was coming back garbled. I couldn't understand how this was happening.

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1 489

Now I want to return a large amount of data to the front end. The string length has reached 40000 +, and the returned data needs to be encrypted by AES + Base64. I can convert the string into a stream. AES can use the AESCBCEncryptStream method to encrypt, but Base64 has no stream method。Anyone who get the solution would you kindly share the solution please。

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

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0 14.6K

Thanks for all replies in advance. We have a security vulnerability that we have to get rid of. We use Putty software to connect to cache as a terminal allowing several users to do maintenance work in cache. this uses telnet Plain text. I know that we can configure telnet to be encrypted using the super server service and I'm looking for software that can work like Putty as a terminal using encryption compatible with cache telnet encryption. If I have cache installed on my PC and setup a connection to the server using Kerberos with encryption and use the terminal option to connect to

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Sorry for my epic english :(

I have a strange issue.

I have generated an encryption key with the tool (UI.Portal.EncryptionCreate.zen).

Then I activate my key for data encryption (UI.Portal.EncryptionManaged) and encryption work fine.

But when I reboot my server the key is removed from the data encryption key list (UI.Portal.EncryptionManaged) and I have to re-activate the key.

Perhaps somebody have an idee ?

Cache version : Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2016.2.2 (Build 853U)

Windows: Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard

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0 371

Hello; We are managing several Ensemble instances on several servers. One server has 4 instances, and two other servers have one instance each (those are production servers). We encrypt all instances using the Caché encryption in the management portal.

Currently we are using two different encryption keys: 1 key on the server with 4 instances, which is used for all 4 instances, and a second key on single-instance server. ( I'm installing the newest production server now.)

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0 650
· Aug 4, 2017
AES Encryption

Trying to use AES encryption for a url. I have a plain text string, a 16-byte key and a initialization vector. I am trying to match a C# implementation that uses RijndaelManaged class with a BlockSize = 128, Mode = CipherMode.CBC, Padding = PaddingMode.PKCS7. The output of the $SYSTEM.Encryption.AESCBCEncrypt(text,key,IV), doesn't match what is coming out of C#. All inputs into the $SYSTEM.Encryption.AESCBCEncrypt(text,key,IV) are converted to UTF8 as in the documentation.

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