Have you ever had to convert HL7v2 messages to FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) and found the process complicated and confusing? InterSystems is rolling out a new cloud based SaaS offering called InterSystems FHIR Transformation Service, which makes the process easy. We are excited to announce an Early Access Preview Program for our new offering, and we would love to have you kick the tires and let us know what you think! All you need is a free AWS account, with an S3 bucket to drop in your HL7v2 messages, and another S3 bucket to get your FHIR output.
In addition, we invite all EAP participants to the special Embedded Python kick-off webinar tomorrow, July 6 at 10:00 AM EDT – an easy start on how to use Embedded Python! Demonstration of the new features of the data platform, examples applications, and of course rewards.
After you become an EAP member, you will receive a special link to join the kick-off webinar:
InterSystems is putting more emphasis on promoting our Early Access Program (EAP), in which users volunteer to work with new software before it becomes generally available. In fact, we will once again be promoting the program at Global Summit.
The software could be a full InterSystems IRIS release, but is usually focused on a new capability about which we want to collect feedback. The terms and requirements for joining an Early Access Program vary with the the software being evaluated.
Health Data De-Identifier is available through InterSystems' Early Access Program as a way to give you a sneak peek of what we are working on. This document will walk you through how to sign up.
We invite you to take part in the Health Data De-Identifier Early Access Program. Sign up, tell us your feedback and grab some nice points: 2000 to all participants, 5000 extra for completing the survey.
3️⃣ Complete the survey (leave your email so we could award the points on Global Masters; please note: you must be EAP participant in order to proceed with survey completion)
Last week at the InterSystems Global Summit, we announced our new Foreign Tables capability, which was introduced as an experimental feature with the 2023.1 release earlier this year.
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We’re looking for Python developers to participate in our Embedded Python Early Access Program! If you (or someone you know) are a Python developer and are interested, please contact us via the email address below.