I was trying to find an article today that I knew had been posted about Wireshark installations causing problems with Studio and other Caché components. If I search the community for 'Wireshark install', the article I'm looking for does not even show up. I found it eventually in the text of one of the Digest post, but this is the article:


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It would be nice if there were a permalink displayed for each comment. That way I could bookmark or send a link to a specific comment. I can see links to my own comments in the My Account page, but I don't see any way to get permalinks for other people's comments.

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Using Chrome on my Android mobile I can't seem to get to a specific submenu option. For example in the screenshot below I use the menu button to bring up the first-level menu. Then I tap on "COMMUNITY". The second-level menu appears briefly, but doesn't give me time to tap the entry I want ("FEEDBACK") before it decides to take me to the page headed "Connect with Members".

Am I missing a trick, or is this a bug?

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· Apr 19, 2017
Images dropping from posts

I've been creating some posts with embedded images, and some of the images seem to stop resolving after a period of time. I've resaved them, and that has helped temporarily, but I just checked and one of the images is now not resolving again. Is there a limit to the number of images on a post, or should I be using a specific filename pattern?



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I just clicked on the link "Contribute feedback about this site" and was brought to the feedback group


However all the issues that have been logged are now gone. Were they all fixed?

All that is there is some year old posts about winning a pass to global summit 2016. They should not be in this feedback group.

Also the button to "create a new post" is gone from this page.

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From time to time someone adds the "Developer Community" tag to a post that's actually about something else. I wonder if by renaming the tag to "Developer Community Feedback" this wouldn't happen so much. After all, the group is called "Developer Community Feedback". If folk feel the proposed new name for the tag is too long, how about "DC Feedback"?

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The top of my Answers tab looks like this:

To get to the question, first I have to click on the "Answer:" text (which only gets the appearance of a hyperlink when I mouse over it).

That click takes me here:

I now need to click on "Back to question page" in order to get where I want to be.

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Suppose I find a post that seems really useful, and that I expect to want to return to in the future. I click on the star to favorite it (giving the author some kudos). But later there's a lot of commenting on it that I don't care about. Can I keep it as a favorite but unsubscribe from updates? Or should I resort to browser bookmarking?

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As well as participating in DC I continue to monitor the Google Group at https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/intersystems-public-cache

Since yesterday the Google Group has started receiving postings from a user called intersystems.dc. These postings look like they're trying to replicate DC postings, though images don't appear. Nor are there any links leading across to DC, which is where the follow-up comments and answers are likely to appear.

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Early on in my use of DC I think I marked a couple of things as favorites. On the right-hand side of the DC listings I have this:

The first entry links to a post by Bill McCormick. The second links to the Field Tests group.

Is there a way for me to remove these entries? Or are they a remnant of some DC feature that has been superseded?

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I have posted my first question in "Cache" forum this morning and since then, I started receiving emails whenever a new topic is posted. I don't want to receive such emails and looked for a way to tweak for "email preferences". However, I couldn't find any such option. Can someone please tell me how I can stop emails for all the posts?



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