· Mar 18, 2016 1m read
Too easy to lose a post I wrote

Here's the scenario. I write a post, click the Publish button to post it, but overlook the fact that because I didn't add a tag I'm still on the same page. The pink area highlighting what I forgot to fill in is out of sight at the bottom of the page. I carelessly navigate away (e.g. back button, or DC app tabs). There's no warning, and I've lost what I wrote.

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[DCE-96] - Show views counter for the post
[DCE-97] - Clean up My Collaborations and My Content
[DCE-108] - Remove Find Menu
[DCE-109] - Search page - fix Categories dropdown, remove internal naming
[DCE-110] - Add warning to comments, answers and posts when page is dirty and you move off-page
[DCE-111] - Developer Synchronization: Copy global-summit-2016 view

[DCE-93] - Post author and date messaging is wrong on Post Detail Page
[DCE-112] - Improve Tag Selection - Handle Special Characters

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We will soon be implementing a filter that will remove Developer Community feedback from the home page. Please keep the suggestions and comments coming.

You can still access the feedback from the "Browse by Group" section on the home page by clicking on the Developer Community Feedback link.

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I have just received an email digest for a post I submitted as someone has added an answer but it was not clear from the digest why I had received the digest or what had changed.

1) When reading the digest in Outlook it has poor layout and style

Main text is light green on white background - poor contrast

2) Not clear what has changed, ie what should I do as a result of getting this email

Would prefer something like

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In this release we added new functionality that marks postings with either a "new" icon or an "unread" icon depending on when you came to the site last and the age of the postings.

Here are the rules as currently implemented:

- If a user hasn't viewed content which was posted less than 2 weeks ago, then the label "new" is displayed.

- If the user hasn't viewed content which was posted more than 2 weeks ago then the label "unread" is display.

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· Mar 17, 2016 1m read

This latest update was a huge stride in making the community usable. I think you fixed almost all of the major usage gripes I had and it's looking great!

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· Apr 14, 2016 1m read
[request] a more compact index

I would really like to see (an option for) a more compact index of posts. The current index layout makes me feel like a) there's not much content on the site and b) I have to look harder to get an idea of what's going on. I feel like I'm forced to read each post instead of just glancing over a "list" of posts.

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Today DC supports the notifications for the posts' updates. It means if someone changes the post text, title, group or tag you can be notified about that.

But this notifications just inform that there were updates, but do not show what exactly was changed in the post.

So through this, you can get the notifications for the posts from previous years without any reason what's happened.

I would suggest to turn off this types of notifications until we'll implement the details in notifications, what exactly was changed in the post and why did you get it.

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I received an email notification and the only link was directly to the comment:

From that page you can see that there is no way to get to the full question itself (unless I'm missing it).

Looking through my subscriptions it looks like I'm literally subscribed to the answer and not the main topic.

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From time to time someone adds the "Developer Community" tag to a post that's actually about something else. I wonder if by renaming the tag to "Developer Community Feedback" this wouldn't happen so much. After all, the group is called "Developer Community Feedback". If folk feel the proposed new name for the tag is too long, how about "DC Feedback"?

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Hi, Community!

If you prepare your longread for DC in Microsoft Word or Google Docs there is one very easy way how to add your formatted text and images in DC post at once.

To make it do the following:

1.Click Create Post on Developer Community.

2. Copy all the text in Word o GDocs to the buffer.

3. Click the button Paste from word (see the shot):

4. Paste the text to the opened window an press OK.

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· Mar 23, 2016 1m read
Triple posting

It looks like andreas posting is in triplicate - I am sure the bureaucrats are very happy - on the homepage

Not sure why...? Is there really 3 unique posts IDs that are the same or is there a bug in the hoempage display logic that is repeating the items listed?

triple post

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"Related conversations" section shows only comments number.

In fact, these topics might also have answers.

For example, on next screenshot there are three topics in Related conversations section (on the right).

All three of them have answers, but they are shown as having 0 comments, thus seem as unanswered.

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