In which global cache class codes are storing in cache DB?

For example, Routine codes are storing in ^ROUTINE global.

situation: Need to read line by line and need to replace one string to another string in class files(.cls file) using programming.

Need to replace Property type in class files using programming i mean via programming to edit the class files

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Hi world, i work actually on a medical care project , i'm blocked since this monday , i read a lot off topic for ensemble production but i think that the solution is so far to find, please can you help me , my question is :

i want to create a data base inside it i associat for each patient his own rule , how can i do it? thank's

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· Jul 31, 2017
Posting to a REST service


I come from a programming background, but haven't touched ObjectScript before my current job, so please forgive my ignorance.

Within an Ensemble system, I need to post some information to a RESTful web service. I'm just trying to figure out how to create a method which takes a simple message and posts this off to a RESTful web service?

Thanks in advance for any help.

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0 1.8K

As IRIS was announced yesterday by Paul Grabscheid I would be highly interested to get in touch with it.

- How can we get qualified for a closer view ?
- Where can we get some (preliminary) description + documentation.
- Is there any FT available ?

I'm especially interested in the areas around included/embedded/attached JVM and SPARK .

11 3
0 669

HealthShare HealthConnect and Information Exchange version 15.03 support import transformations from C-CDA 2.1 to SDA. You can find these transforms in your installation's csp/xslt/SDA3 directory. For general information about import transforms, see "CDA Documents and XSL Transforms in HealthShare" in Overview of Health Connect.

Among the enhancements to import functionality added in connection with C-CDA 2.1 support is the ability to preprocess your C-CDA input files prior to the transformation done for import.

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0 1.2K

I'm looking at adding multilingual support to a couple of open source projects I'm working on. The solutions are already developed in CSP so I am not looking for alternative approaches.

I'm wondering what would be the best approach for CSP and separate JavaScript files.

Initially I was wondering if I should bake the default system language text at compile time, or provide the end user with a language selection option at run time.

I came across $$$TEXT reading the docs...

1 20
0 531

When I add a parameter to dataCombo for loading it on runtime and the property editable set to 0, dynamically loading content for dropdown through parameter works fine.

But, when I set editable to 1, to implement user search in dataCombo, loading through parameter is not working, it is loaded all rows, but I need loading on some parameter. It don't see the parameter, when editable is 1.

Is it normal behavior of dataCombo? But how about user search in dataCombo on this case? When editable is 0, we can't enter any character in dataCombo.

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0 329

Hi, Community!

For those developers who are attending Global Summit 2017 this year: you have an opportunity to share your solutions, framework, and experience with the rest GS attendees and Developer Community.

On Monday 11th we would have Developer Community Sessions in Tech Exchange Open House (see the agenda).

6 11
0 637

Hello everebody,

I'm begenning with intersystems, and i woul like to customize the screen patient Search psorposed by HealthShare,

i have to change the form and delete some fields....

the name of the standard page is 57772/csp/healthshare/hsaccess/HS.UI.PatientSearch.cls

if someone can help me that's greet

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0 430

For a HL7 production, How will I be able to use two different segment level transformation (sub transform) in the main transform.

For Ex:
Few mappings from source PID --> target ZAX segment (subtransform 1)
Few mappings from source PV1 --> target ZAX segment (subtransfrom 2),

In the main mappings, I have used subtransform 1 followed by subtransform 2. It doesn't seem working fine.

Any suggestions please. Thanks:)

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0 551

Hi world, i work actually on an intersystems project , my question is :

i've my Rest class that receive an HTTP request from a client side , i want to know how extract data from this http request , for example : date , id_client and measures taken by the client ( i need to extract a weight value catched from a connected scale to my smart phone via bluetooth ) .

Thank you

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0 411


I am experimenting with Cache-Python binding. In the following piece of Python code

import intersys.pythonbind3

conn = intersys.pythonbind3.connection( )
conn.connect_now('localhost[1972]:SAMPLES', '_SYSTEM', '123', None)
samplesDB = intersys.pythonbind3.database(conn)
p10 = samplesDB.openid("Sample.Person",'10',-1,-1)


0 14
0 819

a.k.a.. "The World of Widgets Returns!" or "Paternity leave damages Instructional Series momentum"

In our last lesson, we combined 2 separate classes to appear as the same property. We now have the ability to Update our Widget catalog, but what if we want to Create a Widget? Thankfully, we've already done 90% of what we need, just by implementing Edits

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0 926

My scenario is:

I have a Cache method that

call a REST -> JSON -response > INSERT/UPDATE the source table of a DeepSee Cube -> Update the Cube only for this change -

I want to view in .NET Application the changes. For that I want that this method should be executed at a defined interval.

Or maybe the solution is a Refresh button in .NET page. is there any way to access a Cache method from .NET?

Any idea how to do it?

0 1
0 399

I have a <tablePane> element with OnCreateResultSet and OnExecuteResultSet methods; autoExecute is "false" but the OnCreateResultSet and OnExecuteResultSet methods are nevertheless called on page load.

I want the user to be able to press a button to submit the parameters, then have this button call tablePane.executeQuery() to execute the query.

autoExecute is simply igonored. We're on 2014.1.3 with plans to upgrade to 2016 soon.

Are there more settings I need to set? Or is this attribute simply ignored?

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0 368
· Sep 6, 2017 4m read
Polling an External REST API with Ensemble


Before we begin, I'd like to mention that I am by no means an Ensemble expert, so take this with a grain of salt and please feel free to offer any suggestions for improvement. That being said, I have enjoyed working with Ensemble and wanted to share the approach I took to poll an external REST API for patient data in the hopes that it might help others with a similar goal.

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