I am trying to figure out how to send a Page via a HTTP.OutboundAdapter to a URL from Ensemble.

We have a URL that I am able to pass PNo=xxxx%PMsg=xxxx as parameters to send the page to a pager.


When I send the above URL through a REST client I receive a Response of "SENT".

But when I try to send it through the HTTP.OutboundAdpater I do not get a response.

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0 225
· Feb 19, 2021
VS Code export MAC files

Currently in Visual Studio Code when we connect to a Cache server and export the CLS and MAC files, they get placed in the following:


Where the Packages folder corresponds to the different class packages we have. The MAC files are placed in the src folder and not contained in it's own folder.

Is there a way to configure the export for the MAC files so that it's contained in it's own folder like this:


Thanks in advance for your help.


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0 300

Hello community,

I would like to report about a security issue, that engages us for some time meanwhile.

We configured a restricted user to read data from a csp page to feed our nagios server with information about configuration items we would like to have an eye upon. The configuration of this user is the same in our production and in our development environment. The called method mainly reads data from lookup tables by sql queries and writes data to a temporary table, which is deleted in the begining.

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0 332

When using "IDENTITY" as my primary key, I can select the last inserted ID with


Actually this is how Hibernate + Iris' Driver acquires the inserted ID when mapping with

@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)

Now, considering that I am using the type "SERIAL" as my primary key instead, how can I get the last inserted ID?

Note that with "SERIAL" I can forcefully insert any value for this ID, from which Iris will continue generating values...

0 1
0 235

When I create a TASK on the Primary mirror member and Try to create the same TASK in the backup mirror member, It Gives me CSP Application error.

The TASK gets created in the Primary node without any errors and When creating in the Backup node it prompts the error.

It happens is IRIS and I didn't face this in CACHE.

Finally what I did is export the TASK in Primary and Imported in Backup.

Is this a feature of IRIS?

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0 236
· Jul 27, 2020
SHA256withRSA 加密

想问一下IRIS里有SHA256withRSA 加密算法的实现吗?因为最近用到该加密算法进行接口调用。

Translated by moderator

I want to know if IRIS has SHA256 with RSA encryption algorithm? we have interface needing this encryption algorithm recently.

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0 445
· Feb 17, 2021
Detect Hung IRIS Instance

Is there an API that can be used to remotely fetch the state of an IRIS instance similar to what is reported with "iris list"? Specifically, I'm looking to be able to remotely detect when an IRIS instance is in "hung" state.

I know there is the "iris_system_state" metric that I can consume in Grafana, but I found that when our system was in a "hung" state, there was just no data for that metric and I'd think if you alert on that, you cannot be sure if the IRIS system is down or hung or there's just an issue with prometheus fetching stats from IRIS.

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0 362

I have vendors asking for verification that messages for locations are coming through to them. I can get generic ADT_A01 type of numbers in Activity. I'd really like to get some good SQL queries that can give me a count of MSH.4s (for example) for a day for X Operation. I'm not sure which table to look at for that information.

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0 223

Hi, guys,

I'm working on zen report to display an examination report for a client.

They stored order information in several tables. Examination findings and diagnosis were recorded in a html page and codes of the page was stored in another table. We need to put them together in one single report.

So far we can only read the html codes from that table which is a whole page since it start from label <html> and have <header>. We know that if we are using javascript we can display the page by assigning the codes to innerHtml property of an iframe object.

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0 492


I have established an ODBC connection with our client based on credentials they provided. The test connection was successful and after using the Link Table wizard I can now see the client's tables and properties. However when we try to execute a query in IRIS we are getting error code -226. I'm trying to determine if this could be just a simple setting problem in IRIS or something with the client.

We have tried with PostgreSQL as well as with TSQL. Same result for each.

0 3
0 289

Hello everyone,

I have an issue with using "Open" function.

My goal is to execute a shell script with parameters like as:

/trak/FRXX/config/shells/transportIDE.sh "login|password|NOMUSUEL|PRENOM|NOMDENAISSANCE|1234567891320|199999999999999999999999|09%2099%2099%2099%2099|31%2F12%2F1999|242%20IMPASSE%20DES%20MACHINCHOOOOOOOOSE%20||99999|SAINT%20BIDULETRUC%20DE%20MACHINCHOSE|isc%24jhu|123456|123456798"" 2>&1"

But when some parameters are too long, I have a <NAMEADD> error.

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0 308
· Aug 27, 2018
Order by date

Hi community,

The question that I have , it's very simple. I developed a pivot that contains two rows, the first it's a date and the other another field. I need to orde by date in descending order and I can´t find where I can do this. I saw that it's a option Sort members, but it's based in a condition of the measures.

Can someone help me with this.

Thanks in advance.

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0 672


While installing IRISHealth-2020. on Mac computer I am getting the following error message.

Any suggestions please.

Thank You


Updating system TEMP and LOCALDATA databases

Installing National Language support

Setting IRISTEMP default collation to IRIS standard (5)

Loading system classes

Updating Security database

ERROR HAS OCCURRED: Error in security tables, Error: ERROR #903: Domain xxx.com. does not exist

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0 218

We are getting more and more request wondering if we could send/receive data via HTTPS to the outside world from within our Hospital Network. As you can imagine our Ensemble/Cache productions are not exposed to the DMZ or has access outside of the network. We only communicate with external vendors through a VPN, so communicating not using a VPN is rather new to us.

Currently there is a project to get rid of using Proxy, and instead of through a Load Balancer that can use rules to filter out traffic, which adds another layer of complexity.

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0 233

I plan to install an Apache Web server (2.4.x) on a Linux server. The IRIS DB server is running on a separate Linux Server . Do I need to install Intersystems IRIS software on the Web server to allow the web gateway and CSP server to communicate ? I read through a few IS documents, however, it's still not clear if I need to install IS on the Web servers .. Any help would be appreciated ..

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0 349


I am trying to install Intersystems IRIS Health Community On Windows 10 Pro version. I am getting 112 error while installing and in some point it Roll Back the Action.

But I am able to configure in Windows 10 Enterprise version.

Is any other settings are there to configure in Windows 10 Pro version or IRIS is not supported?

Please help me.

Thanks in advance.

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