
In my Iris Installation I cannot use python. When I try to install external libraries I get no OPENSSL_Applink:

$ pwd
$ ./irispip install --target ../Mgr/python/ pandas
OPENSSL_Uplink(00007FFBEC2F7068,08): no OPENSSL_Applink

I get the same error when I try to install a wheel file:

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0 118

Hello everyone,

Recently, I've been working on a Business Process that processes a large JSON FHIR message containing up to 50k requests in an array within the JSON.

Currently, the code imports the JSON as a dynamic object from the original message stream, obtains an iterator from it, and processes each request one at a time in a loop.

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After performing Concurrent External Backup and restarting the instance, if I want to perform an incremental backup of Concurrent External Backup again.

Should I redo the following steps?

  2.  Set x=$$BACKUP^DBACK("","E","Dirty external backup - incrementals must be applied.","","","")
  3. Set x=$$BACKUP^DBACK("","I","Nightly","test.bck","N","bck.log","QUIET","N","Y")
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0 66

import os

# Get environment variables
db_host = os.getenv('DB_HOST')
db_port = os.getenv('DB_PORT')
db_namespace = os.getenv('DB_NAMESPACE')
db_username = os.getenv('DB_USERNAME')
db_password = os.getenv('DB_PASSWORD')

# Create a database connection
conn = irisnative.createConnection(db_host, db_port, db_namespace, db_username, db_password)

# Create an IRIS instance from this connection
iris_native = irisnative.createIris(conn)

status = iris_native.classMethodValue('%SYSTEM.OBJ', 'Load', 'Production.cls', 'ck')

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0 160

We have a service account that is running queries to pull some data. It has read only access to the tables, but, unfortunately, the tool is starting a transaction before it reads the database. The query takes more than 20 minutes (21 - 23 minutes), so we're getting the console message that the transaction is open longer than 20 mins. Is there a way to prevent a user/service account from being able to start a transaction since it only has read access to all of the tables in the database?

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0 455

I'm trying to install the Inter System IRIS data platform in windows and I'm not able to download the installer file. Some one can help me with this.

Please look at the below image for the reference for the error I'm facing

And also I'm looking for the docker version of the IRIS, but here also I'm not able to identify the IMAGE for the same. Please look into the below image.

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0 207
· Jan 4


Im using an ORU_R01 2.3.1 message for converting to pdf. For the stylesheet, i need all the OBX segments under each OBR segment with custom table headers. Can anyone help me with the xslt?

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0 143
· Jan 25
Task Manager

Hi Team,

I want to create a task in the task manager to manage the member details. so what i have done let me first brief you :-

1) Created a persistent class to store the custom csv details into a sql table.

2) created a business service to take the custom csv file from a inbound folder and use this class (EnsLib.RecordMap.Service.FileService) to use RecordMap.

First i have created CSV Wizard then RecordMap then DTL and map the fields with csv values.

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0 126

Hi Allen,

A partner have decided to change the algorithms that were used to connect on it's SFTP, but our version of libssh2 don't match with the list of it's HOSTKEYS algorithms.

If i update the library with the last version without to be sure that it includes the old algorithms, i risk to break the connection for other cases.

all suggestions are welcome. Thx



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0 469

Hi all,

I have a situation where I am writing to global from different processes - let's call it an Event Queue.
There is then a different process that uses $order to read through the data - the PubSub processing BP.

Sometimes the writing of this global will form part of a transaction that also insert data into other tables, using tstart and tcommit.
If there is some issue, it will roll back, and the entry written to the global will also roll back.

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0 122

We have a custom business service that is triggered by a scheduled task. The service queries a table, iterates over the result set and sends a message on to a business process for each result. Happy path functionality is all fine.

However, when there is an error detected in the business service code, neither throwing an exception nor returning an error %Status behaves as we'd expect.

0 1
0 90

Hi all,
I am trying to compile my swagger class file with swagger JSON which is a valid JSON as I created it and verified from swagger.io 2.0 spec.
But getting below error. I am not very clear with the error message. Please help me resolve the same.

ObjectScript error: <CLASS DOES NOT EXIST>removeprj+7^%occClass *SwaggerClass

> ERROR #5091: An error has occurred while removing projection SwaggerClass:Reference.

> ERROR #5030: An error occurred while compiling class 'SwaggerClass'

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