Hi, Community!

Please find the Developer Community Video of the week on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

System Sizing for Insanely Large Deployments

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Hi, Community!

If you want to become an Atelier power user for back end development, this video is exactly for you:

Atelier for Server-Side Development

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InterSystems continuously monitors our systems for any evidence of attempts to exploit vulnerabilities such as the newly announced Meltdown and Spectre attack vectors.
At this time we have seen no indications of attempts to target InterSystems systems or technology using these vulnerabilities.
· InterSystems is aware of recently reported cybersecurity vulnerabilities known as Meltdown and Spectre that affect a wide range of computer processors (See US-CERT Alert TA 18-004A, Meltdown and Spectre Side-Channel Vulnerability Guidance,
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Hi Community!

Please welcome a new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

Alexa: Connect Me with the World of IoT

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· May 7, 2019
Bug in DC Email System

Hi Community!

Today and yesterday a lot of you received a strange email with the subject:

InterSystems Developers Publications, Week 29 of April - 05 of May, Digest

and body:


This happened because of a bug in our email subsystem. I bring my apologies and we are fixing the bug at the moment.

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Hi Community,

I'm looking for a new contract with immediate availability.

I have 20 years experience with InterSystems technologies in areas such as Healthcare integration and single page web development.

I can work almost anywhere in the UK as well as remote work from my office in Exeter.

If you know of any opportunities or could pass on my LinkedIn details to anyone that might be looking then it would be very much appreciated.

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Hi Everyone!

New video, recorded by @Benjamin De Boe, is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Scaling Fluidly with InterSystems IRIS

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Hi Community!

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube, recorded by @Thomas Carroll, Cloud Market Technical Specialist at InterSystems.

How Are Containers Different From Virtual Machines?

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Hi Developers,

New video, recorded by @Stefan Wittmann, is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

🗣 Multi-Inheritance in a Multi-Model Environment

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Hi Community,

The new video from Global Summit 2019 is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Durable Data Storage with Containers

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Hi Community!

Please welcome the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube, recorded by @Patrick Jamieson:

InterSystems API Management and FHIR

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Hi Community!

The new video from Global Summit 2019 is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Real World NLP Use Cases

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InterSystems has corrected a defect that can lead to missing resource data in FHIR search results.

This problem exists for:

  • HealthShare Unified Care Record 2020.1.0 b7015

This defect occurs due to an incorrect resource being deleted from the search index. Subsequent FHIR Resource requests against the FHIR Repository may return incomplete results due to that missing index. Any type of FHIR resource data can be lost, and depending on when the defect occurs, the same FHIR request could return different result sets.

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Hi Community!

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube and learn more about IntegratedML feature:

IntegratedML: Predicting Readmissions

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Hi Community,

We recently launched Technology Quizzes on Global Masters! Every 1-2 weeks a new small quiz will be published. Join the game to learn, earn points, and have some fun. Filter challenges by type "Quizzes" to view the quiz question of the week:

Also! You can suggest your quiz question for other developers and get 200 points for the idea, and 100 points more after we publish it! Submit ideas in this challenge.

Note: if you are new to Global Masters, Quiz Questions will be unlocked after you gather at least 200 points. That's easy - just complete a couple of available challenges!

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