· Jul 2, 2024

InterSystems Open Exchange Applications Digest, June 2024

Hello and welcome to the June 2024 Open Exchange Newsletter.
General Stats:
4 new apps in June
424 downloads in June
962 applications all time
35,278 downloads all time
2,728 developers joined
New Applications
By Peter Steiwer
By Guillaume Rongier
By Guillaume Rongier
By Guillaume Rongier
New Releases
SQL DATA LENS by Andreas Schneider

3.17 released on 2024-05-30

  • ENH : New Driver 3.8.4 from InterSystems IRIS 2024.1 added
  • ENH : TableViewer : Some driver ignore the setMaxRows Paramter like DuckDB. So for some databases the row limitation is done by TOP x or LIMIT x
  • ENH : TableViewer : Column size in grid optimized
  • ENH : TableViewer : Count rows function recognizes keywords in object names that need to be quoted. So now less errors when counting on system tables.
  • ENH : Flat Look and Feel updated to 3.4.1 ( – more Windows 11 features
  • ENH : Many internal libs upgraded
  • FIXED: Notepad content was multiplied after close and reopen the notepad tab
  • ENH : DuckDB driver upgraded to 0.10.3
  • FIXED: SQL History : Threading issue fixed

3.16 released on 2023-10-08

  • ENH : TableViewer : “open in new tab” improved
  • ENH : Cached Queries : Delete selected cached query and delete all cached queries for selected tabel is now working for IRIS
  • ENH : SQL Editor : Copy table on server side works now for IRIS and use the CREATE TABLE
table> AS SELECT… syntax * ENH : SQL Editor : IRIS improvment: Within SQL Editor the plain execution plan can be shown * ENH : SQL Editor : New connect button on toolbar to switch fast to another server \ database * * ENH : Management\Databases : More details for IRIS and Caché are now displayed for database files * * ENH : Management\Log files : Log File viewer now with mono font * * ENH : Management\Log files : journal.log entries are now displayed for IRIS * ENH : Management\SQL Gateway : SQL Gateway entries can now be deleted * * ENH : Management\SQL Gateway : Create a server-side IRIS SQL Gateway connection based on local connections configured in SQL DATA LENS * ENH : Removed Caché database drivers older than 2018.1. This is now the only database driver for Caché that is included. * ENH : Removed IRIS database drivers for IRIS 2019.1, IRIS 2020.1, 2021.1, 2022.1 * The new default driver for InterSystems is IRIS 2023.1 * ENH : Support and Driver for DuckDB added * FIXED: Cached Queries node shows the correct item count * FIXED: Globals node shows the correct item count * FIXED: SQL Editor : better query plan support for IRIS * FIXED: Profiling : added PStats support for IRIS
  • ENH : SQL Editor : More keywords for Intersystems IRIS integrated
  • ENH : TableViewer : Show storage details for IRIS, like table (global) sizes
  • ENH : The licensing system has been updated to fix issues with error code 28 based on a disabled network adapter. The activation process needs to read all of a computer’s components to get an accurate “fingerprint” of the computer, and this includes all real (aka non-virtualised) network adapters attached to the computer.
  • ENH : ServerNavigator : Database metadata viewer improved with more detail and better sorting
  • ENH : DuckDB (driver) upgraded to 1.0
  • ENH : New shortcut to create a in memory DuckDB connection
  • ENH : Simply drag and drop the csv\parquet\json file onto the DuckDB connection and the necessary SQL statements will be generated to read the file with ease.
  • FIXED: Connection dialogue box is now centred on the main frame
  • FIXED: DuckDB connections are created with the right duckDB icon. You need to recreate the entries to fix this problem for existing connections.
BridgeWorks VDM by Tony Coffman
Important Note
: We highly recommend clients do not update directly to production environments without first testing in a demo environment.


What's New?
Major development on core engine components that improve VDM's overall performance, scalability, stability and usability. (Task 1596) Replaced the Real data type for MDS / Datawarehouse with Dec (18,4). (Task 1578)

Bug Fixes

(Bug 1622) - VDM: Scheduler - Can't Access Execution (Bug 1617) - VDM: Scheduler - Calendar File Reading (Bug 1620) - VDM: Unable to Modify View Order in Job (Bug 1607) - VDM: Insights - Visualize Not Working (Bug 1609) - VDM: My SQL Errors reflect Katabat (Bug 1610) - VDM: MDS - Separate Session / MDS with Service (Bug 1600) - VDM: Tables and Fields - WebReports Form Cut Off (Bug 1601) - VDM: InterProse Connections - NBSP Special Character (Bug 1600) - VDM: Data Warehouse - Combo Box Duplicates Connection Profiles (Bug 1581) - VDM: Parameters - Number of Parameter Pages
What's New?
  • Major development on core engine components (23.2.6) that improve VDM's overall performance, scalability, stability and usability. (Task 1615)
  • VDM's Datawarehouse feature now stores Grid Level expressions for both the Detail and Summary Grids. (Feature 1627)
Bug Fixes
  • (Bug 1621) - VDM: Scheduler Appointment Options Differ Using Database vs Calendar File
    • When the Calendar file is used, we don't have all the options available. (Minutely / Hourly / Time Zone, etc.)
  • (Bug 1623) - VDM: Scheduler - Job Management Errors
    • After changing view / execution order and saving the job, the next job you would open will have the wrong order of your jobs.
    • Adding views to an existing job would cause job to inherit the execution of the selected view when clicking add.
  • (Bug 1624) - VDM: VDM: Finished Reports - Designer Button Opening Multiple Tabs
    • When clicking on the FInished Report Designer Button with the designer already open, VDM would open another tab for the Finished Report.
BridgeWorks WebReports by Tony Coffman


What's New?
  • This is the latest release available to match the current VDM release (2024.2.6.0) as of 2/6/2024.
    • We always recommend that the latest (matching) version of VDM and WebReports are installed.
  • We have added WebReports compatibility for the following VDM features: (Feature 1591)
    • Cleaning MDX queries for characters
    • The ability to run multi dimensional MDX queries
    • The ability to run MDX MQ views
    • The ability to differentiate between PivotExecute and MDXExecute
    • Added to Intersystems IRIS BI
  • Add the functionality needed to execute single level MDX Queries to IRIS Analytics BI/DeepSee to WebReports (Feature 1593)
Breaking Changes:
The connection string requires the following added to work with .Net 8.
  • ;Encrypt=Yes;TrustServerCertificate=Yes;
Version 2024.x.x requires .Net 8 (Download)
  • Replaced the Real data type for MDS / Datawarehouse with Dec(18,4). (Task 1579)
  • We have updated the Default Connection String in the appsettings.json for WebReports. This will address the Breaking Change in this build for any new users of WebReports (any users with existing appsettings file will have to update it manually.) (Task 1594)
  • Major development on core engine components that improve VDM's overall performance, scalability, stability and usability. (Task 1596)


Bug Fixes
  • (Bug 1580) - WebReports: Parameters - Visualize Parameters Not Being Passed
  • (Bug 1605) - WebReports: MFA - 400 Error
  • (Bug 1619) - WebReports: Error Updating Roles (More than 1024 Items)
What's New?
  • Major development on core engine components (23.2.6) that improve WebReports's overall performance, scalability, stability and usability. (Task 1616)
iris-angular-template by Elijah Tamarchenko
  • Added isc.codetidy to repository
DeepSeeWeb by Anton Gnibeda
  • fixed issue with slow data refresh on chart widgets
  • fixed default filter value with "Not" issue
Metrics example by David Underhill
Including R Cemper's Docker updates
samples-bi-demo by Evgeny Shvarov
Fixed the issue with the Map Widget
Intersystems-Monitoring by Teunis Stolker
  • Simplified IRISELK.BusinessOperation.LogstashOutbound
  • Allowed for monitoring subnode in configuration.json
Installer improvements
Fixed message mapping in LogstashOutbound
Added update for Intersystems-Monitoring in Config.LoadFile()
Most downloaded
By Nikita Savchenko
By Eduard Lebedyuk
By Anton Gnibeda
By Sergey Mikhailenko
By Evgeny Shvarov
Test Coverage Tool
By Timothy Leavitt
By Evgeny Shvarov
By Teunis Stolker
By Evgeny Shvarov
June, 2024Month at a GlanceInterSystems Open Exchange
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