InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 20,568 amazing developers
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I am trying to calculate a dimension percentage for WFRole on a child cube named MbMRouteHistoryInitiatorObj joined to a parent cube named MbmQaSObj by using a calculated member dimension within MbmQaSObj.

If I use the calculated member dimension value expression of [WFRole].[H1].[WFRole].CurrentMember/ [WFRole].[All WFRole].%ALL in the child cube MbMRouteHistoryInitiatorObj, the percentages work correctly.

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Hi -

I'm trying to rewind a cursor back to the first row after looping part of the way through the implied result set, but I'm not finding a way to make this happen, is there some such iterator variable or directive that I can leverage to accomplish this?

I could code around it by pulling identifiers and/or values into a local array, and then hand code up an iterator over my local results copy, but this feels like a "redesigning of a wheel" approach, and I thought I would check before I start down this path.


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If I wanted to build a web-based dashboard that monitored various HIE transactions where would I start?

Examples of measures would be Provide & Registers by Facility, Patient Views by facility or even PHR related data.

I have a successful POC that uses nodejs, html and SQL but I think it makes more sense to use Intersystems technology all the way around, I just don't know where to begin.

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Customer is using an ancient MSM based client Workstation for their application and they made a small change to their server code. They introduced property of %Double() and discovered an issue. The MSM workstation is not able to retrieve any property of an object instance that holds value of $double(0). see images illustrating the issue.

I'm posting this to DC intentionally before I eventually send it to WRC so others can comment.


Image 1 - data

image 2 - UI

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· Jun 15, 2016
Cluster deployment recipes?

Let assume you have a infinitely scaling algorithm implemented in your application, using replication, ECP, or any other means of horizontal scaling, and let assume you know how to run your system under any volume of requests, the trick is to deploy required number of computing nodes in the cluster. If we are talking about cluster of 2-4 nodes your administrator (or as they call it today "devops engineer") will install anything manually. Probably he will easily handle 5 nodes configuration in the cluster.

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Hello WRC.

Is possible to obtain a node-cache modul for the nodeJS ver.4.4.4. and actual Caché 2015... ?

And what is the expected outlook of this.

A note about this new portal: If I put into "search box" some text with dot like .js or .css ( for example: test.js ) , I obtaint error page. Try it.

Of course, this "Developer Community" is nice, the right way.

Nice day for all, Jan Krestyn

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I have a question about how to set the value of a radioSet. Yes, I know -- the documentation says that setValue can be used "client side", but gives no example. Plus, I'm trying to set the value of a radioSet in %onAfterCreatePage, which is a Zen method? Server side method? I'm not sure.

In my Zen page I create a radioSet like this:

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Setting the TZ Environment Variable on Linux

The Update Checklist for v2015.1 recommends setting the TZ environment variable on Linux platforms and points to the manpage for tzset. This is recommended to improve the performance of Cache’s time-related functions. You can find out more about this here:é

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0 136.6K


I am still a beginner with COS and am struggling with these concepts. While digging through the official documentation will eventually tell you everything you need to know, getting started is nevertheless not an easy feat...

Is it possible to create a "lists/array/multidimensional 101" page for beginners? And, for instance, its interaction with $data, what it means to use "as list of something" or "as array of something", how to walk lists, how to add/remove elements, how to extract sublists etc?

2 12
0 581


I am trying to use data transformation (DTL) to map a JSON to SDA. My elements in the source JSON is not one to one with SDA object. That means I have to add code to loop through these objects in order to complete the mapping. Can someone send me a sample that can look to create that? I am not very comfortable with scripting language used in Health Share. Appreciate your help.



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I am hoping some of you network guys have ideas. InterSystems seems to be at a standstill. When I startup Studio and try to start Terminal I get License Limit Exceeded. Starting with Terminal and going to Studio, same thing. It started when I put down a 2016 version of Cache on top of a 2015. InterSystems told me to uninstall everything and start fresh. I did that but have the same problems. What can I look at? How do I start to debug this? Although I am the only one on my PC it is really impacting my performance.

-thank you

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· Jun 15, 2016 1m read
MQTT Client in COS

Hi All,

I've created a sample implementation of the MQTT protocol, which is now available on GitHub.

The project demonstrates MQTT client capabilities and it's written in Caché Object Script.

Any comments, bug reports are welcome! Some more enhancements (like SSL / TLS support) are planned for the near future.

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The field test of Caché 2016.2 has been available for quite some time and I would like to focus on one of the substantial features that is new in this version: the document data model. This model is a natural addition to the multiple ways we support for handling data including Objects, Tables and Multidimensional arrays. It makes the platform more flexible and suitable for even more use cases.

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0 2.7K

I need to pass multiple values to a FILTER to a DeepSee DASHBOARD via the URL. The documentation seems to indicate this can be done, i.e.: "Where each filterspec is filter_name.filter_values" but there are no examples I can find that indicates what is used to separate multiple values. Say I want to pass the three values 5, 6, and 1395 to a filter. To pass just the 5 I know this works:


but how do I include 6 and 1395. None of the following seem to work:


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