· Jul 1, 2019 2m read
Transaction suspencion

It’s often useful to make changes inside the current transaction, that would not be rolled-back if transaction is rolled-back. For example to do some logging.

This can be achieved by using global that is mapped to temporary database -- IRISTEMP. All globals that start with ^IRIS.Temp* are mapped to IRISTEMP by default. Problem with such approach is that IRISTEMP is cleaned on InterSystems IRIS restart, so this log is lost.

What else you can do is -- suspend transaction temporarily, do the logging, and then resume the same transaction.

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Interesting anecdote I want to share. Not 100% Caché related, but I hope it would be useful.

When CSP Gateway is configured on IIS, opening CSP Gateway Configuration page is prohibited by default -- as IIS blocks URLs with '/bin' in it.

In our documentation we advise to add <remove segment="bin" /> to applicationHost.config file.
That is correct.

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"Related conversations" section shows only comments number.

In fact, these topics might also have answers.

For example, on next screenshot there are three topics in Related conversations section (on the right).

All three of them have answers, but they are shown as having 0 comments, thus seem as unanswered.

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· May 20, 2016 12m read
Collations in Caché

Order is a necessity for everyone, but not everyone understands it in the same way
(Fausto Cercignani)

Disclaimer: This article uses Russian language and Cyrillic alphabet as examples, but is relevant for anyone who uses Caché in a non-English locale.
Please note that this article refers mostly to NLS collations, which are different than SQL collations. SQL collations (such as SQLUPPER, SQLSTRING, EXACT which means no collation, TRUNCATE, etc.) are actual functions that are explicitly applied to some values, and whose results are sometimes explicitly stored in the global subscripts. When stored in subscripts, these values would naturally follow the NLS collation in effect (“SQL and NLS Collations”).

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The object and relational data models of the Caché database support three types of indexes, which are standard, bitmap, and bitslice. In addition to these three native types, developers can declare their own custom types of indexes and use them in any classes since version 2013.1. For example, iFind text indexes use that mechanism.

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