· Oct 12, 2016 1m read

Manual editing of applicationHost.config in IIS to enable access to CSP Gateway Configuration page

Interesting anecdote I want to share. Not 100% Caché related, but I hope it would be useful.

When CSP Gateway is configured on IIS, opening CSP Gateway Configuration page is prohibited by default -- as IIS blocks URLs with '/bin' in it.

In our documentation we advise to add <remove segment="bin" /> to applicationHost.config file.
That is correct.

Recently I had problem when manual editing file Windows\System32\inetsrv\config\applicationHost.config has absolutely no effect on IIS.

Turned out ( IIS was 64-bit and notepad++ that I used for editing was 32-bit.

So, notepad++ instead of saving original applicationHost.config file saved its copy to Windows\SysWOW64\inetsrv\Config and IIS did not see these changes.

It is said to be fixed in Windows 10, but it confuse users on Windows 7, Windows Server 2008,2012.

Solution is to use 64-bit editor. E.g. notepad

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